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God Speaks Through Dreams And Visions: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights

  • It is important for Christians to understand what the Bible says about God speaking through dreams and visions.
  •  God’s response to Solomon’s request not only granted him wisdom, but also bestowed upon him riches and honor, highlighting the importance of seeking wisdom above material wealth.
  •  Your success, prosperity, and deliverance are dependent on hearing from God and receiving His specific instructions.
  •  God can communicate important messages and guidance through dreams and visions, providing specific instructions for upgrading and preparing for the future.
  •  “Rather than trying to hurry up and get an appointment to tell someone about your dream, go to the one who gave you the dream.” – Seek guidance and understanding from God when interpreting dreams, as He knows how to lead and guide us through them.
  •  Dial in to the right frequency by immersing yourself in the word of God daily and maintaining fellowship with Him, in order to receive His messages through dreams and visions.
  •  “God wants to speak to you, open yourself up to it.”

The Power of Dreams and Visions

  •  “One word from God will really change everything.”
  •  Dreams have been a means of divine interaction throughout history, with figures like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph also receiving guidance and instruction through their dreams.
  •  God communicates with individuals through dreams and visions, as seen in the examples of Daniel and the prophets in the Bible.
  •  Dreams can hold significant messages and instructions, as demonstrated by the angel appearing to Joseph in a dream to instruct him to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Mary.
  •  The dream of an empty church parking lot foreshadowed the pandemic and prepared the speaker for the current situation of preaching to empty chairs.
  •  God wants to use dreams to prosper his people in a supernatural way, even guiding them to make important decisions like buying property.


  •  God can speak to us through dreams, visions, and an audible voice, and it is important for Christians to understand what the Bible says about this topic as it signals an upcoming invasion of the supernatural.
  •  God can communicate and direct through dreams, as demonstrated when God appeared to Solomon and granted his request for an understanding heart, encouraging believers to position themselves to receive messages from God in dreams.
  •  God communicates with people through dreams and visions, as seen in the stories of Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah, guiding them in important decisions and protecting them from harm.
  •  Dreams can provide specific instructions and guidance from God, leading to success and prosperity, and should not be dismissed or forgotten as they can hold important messages and warnings.
  •  Not every dream is from God, so it’s important to seek guidance and interpretation from those with the gift, as dreams from God are often symbolic and require timing for fulfillment.
  •  God speaks through dreams and visions, guiding us to prepare and upgrade our technology for future use, so hold on to these dreams and seek God’s guidance for their fulfillment.
  •  God can use dreams and visions to guide and prosper individuals, so we should trust in Him, seek His guidance, and invite Jesus into our lives for salvation.
  •  Worshiping God through gift-giving is a way to honor and show gratitude for what He has done, and by giving without expecting anything in return, we can experience His presence and blessings in our lives.

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