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God Will Sustain and Restore You: T.D. Jakes


Personal Growth and Transformation

πŸ’‘ “We need to go from safe to success, from surviving to thriving, using this disruption as an opportunity to rethink our lives and maximize who we are.”

🌟 Being unique requires courage, as we are more accepted as cheap copies of great originals.

🌟 “You don’t become what you want to be. You become what you are.” – T.D. Jakes highlights the significance of self-awareness and embracing one’s true identity in personal growth and transformation.

πŸ¦‹ “God hides butterflies in a cocoon of a worm whenever God gets ready to produce anything, the pressure that’s precious.”

🌟 “It feels like you can expand inside of a Bad season.” – T.D. Jakes emphasizes the potential for personal growth and expansion even during difficult times.

πŸ™ “Prayer puts you in a place of provision…it anchors your soul and releases your creativity.”

Seizing Opportunities and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

πŸ’ͺ “Something about the challenge ignites the best out of me when things are bad. That’s what I’m really called to action.”

πŸ™ T.D. Jakes feels a sense of responsibility to live his life to the fullest on behalf of his deceased family members, motivating him to pursue his purpose without hesitation.

πŸšͺ T.D. Jakes shares a personal anecdote about a destiny moment in his life, highlighting the significance of seizing opportunities and stepping out of our comfort zones.

πŸ“ˆ Building a successful business is twice as likely if it is centered around solving a problem, as adversity and crises often present opportunities for growth and innovation.

πŸ’• Perfect love casts out fear, and understanding how much God loves us can help us overcome fear in difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

πŸ™Œ God chose you and offered up his only begotten son for you, so believe in him and have everlasting life.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to trust in God’s guidance, embrace disruptions as opportunities, and have faith in oneself in order to thrive in difficult times and live life to the fullest.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God’s guidance to thrive in difficult times, obey safety rules but use disruptions as opportunities, have faith in yourself and live life to the fullest, and take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to slow down and recalibrate.

1.1 Restoration requires accepting rest, and even in difficult times, we can trust in God’s guidance to not only survive but thrive, as he can make us spring forth even in dry conditions.

1.2 Obey the necessary rules for safety, but use this disruption as an opportunity to maximize our potential and transition from surviving to thriving.

1.3 The speaker discusses the impact of his conferences on cities and how he thrives under pressure, emphasizing the importance of faith in the conversation and narrative of society.

1.4 You don’t need to imitate others or wish to be someone else, because what God has placed inside of you is enough to accomplish everything you were created to do.

1.5 The speaker shares a personal story of overcoming death and loss, emphasizing the importance of living life to the fullest and fulfilling one’s purpose without fear or favor.

1.6 God has given us the opportunity to slow down, think, and recalibrate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. 🌍 America needs to shift from being consumers to producers in order to combat the current crisis and retool ourselves as a nation, while businesses, organizations, and churches must adapt and rethink their strategies to stay relevant in a changing world, and we must think globally and become our Brother’s Keeper.

2.1 Your adaptability quotient (AQ) determines whether you survive or thrive in moments of disruption, allowing you to explore new opportunities and fulfill your potential.

2.2 America needs to shift from being consumers to producers in order to combat the current crisis and retool ourselves as a nation, starting with individuals.

2.3 To be fruitful, one must have seed, and in moments of adversity, God calls out what is locked down inside of us, so we become what we are, not what we want to be.

2.4 Businesses and organizations are being forced to adapt and rethink their strategies in order to stay relevant in a changing world, and this also applies to churches and their use of technology and staff.

2.5 Think globally and understand that we are interconnected by currency, disease, attack, and weather, so we must become our Brother’s Keeper and think beyond our own problems.

  1. πŸ™ God prepares us in times of obscurity before revealing His plans, as shown through the speaker’s experience and the example of Moses, and seeking guidance from mentors can help navigate unexpected success and alleviate stress.

3.1 God hides and prepares us in times of obscurity before revealing the weight of His plans for our lives, as seen in the speaker’s experience and the example of Moses.

3.2 When faced with unexpected success, the speaker reflects on the lack of preparation for winning and seeks guidance from John Hagee.

3.3 Not knowing what’s normal in certain situations can cause stress, but having mentors and models can help provide guidance and reassurance.

  1. πŸ’‘ Rest is essential for restoration, and despite not owning a camera, the speaker’s life changed when they spoke on TBN, emphasizing the importance of embracing rest and focusing on where you finish rather than where you start.

4.1 The speaker discusses a seven-minute clip of one of his sermons that was condensed from a 30-minute show.

4.2 The speaker shares a personal story about how his message on showing wounds led to an invitation to TBN and a memorable experience arriving at the studio.

4.3 The speaker’s life changed when they spoke on TBN and despite not owning a camera, they used footage from preaching at a friend’s church and it didn’t matter where they started, but where they finished.

4.4 Rest is essential for restoration, and although work may come naturally to some, it is important to let go and embrace rest in order to find true restoration.

  1. πŸ™ God will guide and sustain us through difficult times, revealing our path and providing support, while success comes from embracing adversity and solving problems.

5.1 God will make us lie down and rest in order to reveal to us what we should do, who we should marry, where we should live, and how we should proceed in life.

5.2 TBN is making aggressive moves during the pandemic, including acquiring a company, and despite being built during a difficult time in broadcast history, they believe they can still grow.

5.3 In order for us to be productive during difficult times, we must be willing to go through disruptive and uncomfortable processes, just like the Fig Tree in the parable that needed to be dug around and dunged in order to bear fruit.

5.4 Surround yourself with the right people, have the right mentality, and be courageous in pursuing your dreams, as God will bring people into your life to support and fund your aspirations.

5.5 Success is born out of seeing adversity as an opportunity, and businesses built around solving problems are more likely to be successful.

  1. πŸ™ Prayer stabilizes and releases creativity, allowing provision and guidance; God can use what you already have to bless you; be careful about coveting or inheriting something you can’t handle; killing smaller obstacles increases capacity for bigger challenges.

6.1 Prayer may not be relevant to everyone, but it can stabilize, anchor, and release creativity in the person praying, allowing them to find provision and guidance in their own resources.

6.2 God can use what you already have in your life to bless you, just like how the prophet used the widow’s empty jars as her greatest asset and the pot of oil continued to flow until she ran out of empty vessels, showing that God’s supply is endless.

6.3 Not everyone is meant to lead something great because not everyone has the capacity to handle the stress that comes with it, so it’s important to be careful about coveting or inheriting something that you can’t handle.

6.4 Killing smaller obstacles increases your capacity to tackle bigger challenges, and you must maximize what you have before expecting greater opportunities.

  1. πŸ“š Miracles start with valuing what you have and understanding God’s love, eliminating fear and insecurities.

7.1 My mother used to make pickles and preserves from cucumbers, apple peelings, and peaches on our small back porch.

7.2 Miracles begin with what you have and valuing what you have, rather than complaining about what you don’t have or coveting what others have.

7.3 Perfect love casts out fear, and in order to overcome fear, we must understand and agree with God’s love for us, eliminating discord and insecurities.

  1. πŸ™ Agree with God’s love and forgiveness, even in times of uncertainty, and find stability and purpose in building faith on Him.

8.1 I chose to write in a colorful and descriptive manner, despite being told by a teacher to write like a journalist with only the facts.

8.2 Agree with what God says about you, even if you feel unlovable or have made mistakes, because he thought enough of you to send his son to die for you and offer you everlasting life.

8.3 Amidst the disruption of covid-19, the speaker encourages viewers to build their faith on God, who remains unshaken, and offers a prayer for stability and a renewed sense of purpose.

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