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God’s Grace is Corrective: Joseph Prince


The Power of God’s Grace

🏔️ “We are righteous because Christ died for our sins and he took our sin so that we can receive his righteousness and he got what we deserve so we can. We don’t get what we deserve but what he deserves and he got what we deserve.”

🌑 When darkness covers the earth, it is our greatest opportunity to demonstrate the light of Christ in our lives.

🌟 “Literally when the world gets darker and darker, the church will get brighter and brighter.”

🙏 The foundational message of the gospel of grace is important, as it emphasizes the unmerited favor and forgiveness of God, rather than relying on our own efforts to earn salvation.

😌 “We need to come back to the work of Jesus. The focus is on him and not on us.” – Our salvation and deliverance are dependent on Jesus and his sacrifice, not on our own efforts or worries.

😮 The analogy of Mount Sinai and Hagar representing bondage, while Sarah represents grace, challenges the traditional understanding of the Ten Commandments and the law.

🙌 Joseph Prince’s teaching breaks down the work of Jesus at the cross to show why we can believe in Him and experience God’s grace without condemnation.

😇 Salvation is not just deliverance from hell, but it entitles us to so much more, and we need to realize the full extent of Christ’s finished work.

Assurance and Confidence in God’s Provision

🙏 Desperate prayers that lack faith can leave us feeling uncertain, but when we understand God’s grace, we can have assurance and confidence in His provision and protection.

💪 Our reliance on God’s grace brings assurance and protection, as it is not contingent on our own abilities or shortcomings.

🙏 God’s provision and grace are greater than any sin or problem we may face, offering protection and security for ourselves and our children.

The Transformative Work of Jesus

💺 The Christian life begins with sitting down and resting in the finished work of Christ, which affects our walk in holiness and the Spirit.

🧳 The transformative power of God’s grace: Joseph Prince shares how he experienced a beautiful correction that washed away anxiety and led to an amazing trip to Baghdad during active combat in Iraq.

🐑 Jesus as the good shepherd seeks out the lost sheep and celebrates when they are found, emphasizing the unconditional love and grace of God.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that believers can find protection, security, and success through God’s grace and should trust in His love and provision.

  1. 🙏 God’s grace is corrective and protective, bringing light and blessings in the midst of darkness, and believers can trust in His loving kindness for refuge and safety.

1.1 God’s grace is corrective, but it does not involve accidents, car wrecks, disease, or sickness; it humbles and uplifts, and it is based on the finished work of the cross and the person of Jesus.

1.2 God’s grace is the gift of righteousness through Christ’s sacrifice, and we can trust in His loving kindness and find refuge under His wings.

1.3 The speaker discusses the concept of grace as a form of protection and references a book on the subject, emphasizing the importance of realizing when this will occur.

1.4 Darkness covering the earth is an opportunity for believers to demonstrate the light of Christ and God will make a clear distinction between his people and the rest.

1.5 God’s glory shines in the midst of darkness, bringing supernatural light and blessings to believers, as seen in the story of the children of Israel, and this is a main theme in Joseph Prince’s ministry.

1.6 In a testimony, a church member in Singapore survived a car bomb explosion by being in the right place at the right time, highlighting the need to trust God for protection in times of danger.

  1. 🙏 God’s grace is the key to success and protection, available to all believers through Christ’s finished work, and is connected to the prayer of protection and understanding of God’s truth.

2.1 No matter how smart or intelligent you are, it is not your abilities that determine your success, but rather being at the right place at the right time, which is a divine appointment from God.

2.2 Joseph Prince discusses the connection between grace and truth, emphasizing the importance of grace-based living and protection.

2.3 God’s grace is shown through the protection and safety found in the secret place of the Most High, with the five names of God in Psalm 91 representing this grace.

2.4 The secret place is not exclusive to a select few, but is available to every child of God who dwells in the shadow of the Almighty through the work of Christ.

2.5 As believers, we are seated with Christ and our Christian life begins with resting in His finished work, which then affects our walk in holiness and standing against the powers of darkness.

2.6 The speaker discusses the prayer of protection and connects it to the understanding of God’s finished work, highlighting the beauty of the background scenery.

  1. 🙏 Grace-based understanding means recognizing that God has already provided everything we need, so we should pray from a position of victory and thank Him for His protection, rather than begging for it, and we should remind others that they are better than their actions and should not lie because they are followers of Jesus, as illustrated by a story of a father reassuring his daughter about her grades.

3.1 Grace-based understanding means recognizing that God has already provided everything we need, so we should pray from a position of victory and thank Him for His protection, rather than begging for it.

3.2 God is already working in them, so remind them that they are better than their actions and should not lie because they are followers of Jesus.

3.3 Law-based parenting can lead to rebellion, as illustrated by a story where a father reassures his daughter that she already has an A+ in a difficult class, changing her perspective and relieving her stress.

  1. 🙏 Focus on Jesus in all aspects of life, understanding God’s grace and love as the foundational message of the gospel, and recognizing that the blood of Jesus saves us and offers protection and peace.

4.1 Focus on Jesus in all aspects of life, including parenting and marriage, as he is faultless and his grace completes us.

4.2 Joseph Prince and the speaker had a meaningful dinner together, and the speaker expresses gratitude for learning more about grace from Joseph Prince.

4.3 People in the past were taught to constantly repent and fear God’s condemnation, but the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s grace and love as the foundational message of the gospel.

4.4 Two Israeli families with blood on their doorposts, one fearful and one worshiping, both are saved when God passes over them.

4.5 Believing in the blood of Jesus saves us and it is not about our faith, but about recognizing that the blood has been shed and we are safe.

4.6 God’s grace is corrective and when the blood of Jesus is applied, God does not see our sin but only the blood, offering protection and peace to those who accept it.

  1. 🙏 God’s grace provides abundant protection and provision, and believers should embrace the truth of their safety and security in Him, despite persecution and the temptation to focus on the law instead of grace.

5.1 God’s provision and grace are abundant, and by being born again and believing in God’s protection through grace and faith, we can find safety and security in the secret place of the Most High.

5.2 God does not promise protection from persecution, but believers should not suffer the same things Jesus bore for us at the cross, such as sickness.

5.3 God’s provision is already available to us, we just need to have our eyes opened by the spirit to realize that we are in that place, and we can pray and claim the promises of protection and long life.

5.4 When surrounded by teachings that contradict the truth, it can feel abnormal to embrace what is actually normal, but in a world filled with darkness and immorality, people become spiritually hungry and dissatisfied, creating an opportunity for hope.

5.5 Mount Sinai represents bondage and the law, while Sarah represents grace, and just as Abraham had two sons with different mothers, today there are those who persecute believers because they are focused on the law instead of Jesus and grace.

  1. 🙏 Relying on oneself for security is not truly secure; instead, God’s grace corrects and uplifts us, removing the power of sin and making the law unnecessary for believers.

6.1 Relying on oneself for security is not truly secure, as demonstrated by the speaker’s experience in Iraq.

6.2 The speaker experiences fear and doubt before boarding a plane to Baghdad, questioning if they are good enough for God’s protection.

6.3 The speaker had a moment of panic but realized that it doesn’t matter what they have or haven’t done, but rather what God has done, leading to a corrected perspective and a memorable trip to Baghdad.

6.4 God’s grace corrects us, but not through accidents, car wrecks, or sickness; it is an uplifting correction that humbles and teaches us.

6.5 Grace corrects and removes the power of sin, as illustrated by the analogy of Hagar and Sarah in Galatians, and Paul advises to cut off the bond woman.

6.6 Remove the bond woman and her son from the house, as grace alone is enough and the law is no longer necessary for believers to inherit what has been accomplished for them at the cross.

  1. 📚 Believers can experience unbounded joy and trust in God without condemnation by understanding the work of Jesus at the cross and applying it to their lives, similar to realizing the benefits of a bus ticket.

7.1 You can experience unbounded joy when you realize that someone who loves you has deposited a million dollars into your bank account.

7.2 The teaching explains why believers can have unrestrained joy and trust in God without condemnation by revealing the work of Jesus at the cross.

7.3 The speaker discusses the importance of realizing the benefits that come with a bus ticket, such as food packages and special massages, in relation to understanding the events of the cross and applying it to protection.

  1. 🙏 Trust in God’s love and grace, enter His rest, and fight the good fight of faith, finding satisfaction and protection in Christ.

8.1 Salvation is not just deliverance from hell, but understanding and focusing on Christ’s finished work can help overcome depression caused by self-occupation.

8.2 Jesus is the good shepherd who seeks out and saves the lost sheep, and all he asks is for our consent to be loved and carried by him.

8.3 Our only labor is to enter the rest and fight the good fight of faith, knowing that the enemy is already defeated and Jesus has done the work.

8.4 God’s perfect love casts out fear, so we should trust in His love and not be afraid.

8.5 Pray to Jesus, thanking him for dying on the cross for your sins and believing that he has taken them away, making him your Lord and Savior, and ask for God’s protection on you and your family.

8.6 God’s grace is powerful and protective, bringing satisfaction and rest to those who abide in Christ.

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