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God’s Precious Promises: Charles Stanley


Promises of God’s Provision and Guidance

🌟 “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him.”

🙏 The reason why the promises of God are so cherishable, magnificent, and precious is because they come from Almighty God Himself.

📝 To claim a promise, we must first believe in it and then understand how to claim it.

💎 The promise of forgiveness and cleansing from God allows us to stay spiritually clean in a corrupt world.

💡 The work of the Holy Spirit is essential in delivering a powerful message, as our own eloquence and education are insufficient without His influence.

🙏 “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things.”

🙏 “This is the confidence which we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”

🙏 “Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.”

🙏 “Whatever burden you’re dealing with, He’s the burden bearer. You bring it before Him, you lay it before Him.”

💡 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all people generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” – God promises to grant wisdom to those who seek it, providing guidance in times of uncertainty.

Recognizing and Claiming God’s Abundance

🙏 It’s important to recognize and claim the abundance that God has provided for us, rather than living as if we are paupers and constantly complaining about not having enough.

🙏 Many believers focus on what they don’t have and unanswered prayers, but fail to recognize the wealth and value they possess through their relationship with God.

💰 How wealthy you are as a child of God by the gift of His magnificent and precious promises, they are yours, but you must cash in on them.

🙏 “Deposited within these bodies of ours and these minds of ours is every single solitary thing we need, given to us as a promise from Almighty God.” – God has already given us everything we need, and He is there to provide for us in every situation.

The Value and Power of Jesus’ Presence

🙏 Having Jesus Christ living inside us is the most valuable thing we can possess, as His presence brings hope, glory, and the power to overcome.

🙏 The promise of God’s continued presence in our lives is a unique and comforting assurance that no one else can offer.

🙏 “I possess Jesus as my intimate Friend, who lives on the inside of me and who promised that no matter what goes on in my life, He will never leave me.”


TLDR: Believers have access to valuable and perfect promises from God that enable them to live abundantly and escape the corruption of the world.

  1. 💎 Every believer possesses valuable and perfect promises from God that allow them to partake in His divine nature and escape the corruption of the world.

1.1 Many believers are wealthy but don’t act like it or claim it because they don’t believe it or have never been taught the truth about God’s provision.

1.2 God’s understanding of our needs is not the problem; rather, the issue lies in our lack of understanding of what we already possess.

1.3 God’s divine power has granted us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Jesus, including His precious promises that allow us to partake in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world.

1.4 God has granted every believer precious and magnificent promises, allowing them to partake in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world.

1.5 Every believer possesses the precious and magnificent promises of God, which are cherishable because they come from Almighty God.

1.6 God’s promises are valuable and perfect, and once received, they bring a sense of wealth that many people fail to recognize in their lives.

  1. 💰 Trusting God as your Savior makes you a valuable person with access to His precious promises, so take action and claim them for yourself to live in abundance.

2.1 Don’t live your life regretting the “if only,” but instead live in gratitude for what God has done and allowed you to do.

2.2 When you trust God as your Savior, you become a valuable person with wealth in the form of His promises, which cannot be taken away and make you a very wealthy individual.

2.3 You are wealthy as a child of God with His precious promises, but you must take action and cash in on them, just like having a checkbook with money in the bank under your name that you never use.

2.4 Discover the wealth of God’s promises and learn how to claim them for yourself, as Dr. Charles Stanley reveals the abundance that awaits those who believe and choose to live in God’s best.

2.5 God’s wealth is evident in the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners, justifying us and reconciling us to God.

2.6 When you trust Jesus as your Savior, you become a child of God and a member of His family, and until that happens, nothing else applies to you.

  1. 🙏 God’s precious promises include forgiveness, constant companionship, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, empowerment for any calling, and strength in times of weakness, providing for all our needs.

3.1 God’s promise in 1 John 1:9 allows believers to confess their sins and be forgiven and cleansed, giving them the privilege of staying clean in a sinful world.

3.2 God promises to never leave or forsake us, providing us with a constant companion in Jesus Christ who will always be with us, regardless of our circumstances.

3.3 God promises to never desert believers under any condition, providing them with the intimate friendship of Jesus who will always be with them.

3.4 God promises us the Holy Spirit as our Helper, enabling us with wisdom, guidance, and empowerment to serve Him and deliver His message to others.

3.5 You have the Holy Spirit inside you, guaranteeing that He will never leave you and empowering you to fulfill any calling from God, whether it’s being a mother or a corporate president, and these promises make you wealthy.

3.6 God promises to strengthen and help us in times of weakness, and He will provide for all of our needs.

  1. 🙏 God promises to meet our needs, answer our prayers, be our protector, and provide grace and glory, never withholding any good thing from those who live a godly life.

4.1 “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or what you will wear, for your heavenly Father knows that you need these things.”

4.2 God promises to meet our daily needs and answer our prayers according to His will, which no one else can guarantee.

4.3 If you have needs, you can pray and claim the promises of God, who will never leave or forsake you, and will supply all your needs.

4.4 God promises His children that He will be their sun, shield, and provider of grace and glory.

4.5 God promises that He will not withhold any good thing from those who live a godly life and that He daily bears our burdens.

  1. 🙏 God promises to bear our burdens, bring us joy and comfort in afflictions, be our great Comforter, and provide a way of escape from trials, teaching and guiding us.

5.1 God promises to bear every burden we have, and we can give it to Him by bringing it before Him.

5.2 God promises His people joy and comfort in all their afflictions, so they can in turn comfort others.

5.3 God, who is omniscient and omnipotent, promises to be our great Comforter in every affliction, knowing and understanding our troubles, and providing comfort no matter what.

5.4 God promises that no matter what trials we face, He will not allow us to be tempted or tried beyond what we can handle and will provide a way of escape.

5.5 God promises that He will not allow believers to be tempted or tried beyond what they can bear, and He uses trials to teach and guide them.

  1. 🙏 God promises wisdom, rest, provision, peace, and strength in old age, defying societal expectations.

6.1 You have the promise of God’s absolute and unlimited wisdom to help you in difficult situations and it will be given to you if you ask for it.

6.2 You have the promise of God’s wisdom in every circumstance of life, but sin can confuse the issue and prevent you from seeking or believing in His wisdom, leading to unwise decisions.

6.3 God promises rest and provision for our needs, and encourages us to rejoice and have a gentle spirit.

6.4 No matter what’s going on in your life, God will give you peace that surpasses comprehension and guards your heart and mind.

6.5 We have the promise of peace from God, and another promise is that we can be strong and fruitful in old age, contrary to societal expectations of retirement and slowing down.

6.6 The promise about getting old is that age is not as limiting as it used to be, as many people do their best work after the age of sixty-five.

  1. 🌴 No matter your age, you can live a fruitful and strong life by claiming God’s promises and making Him the most important thing in your life.

7.1 Even in old age, a righteous person can flourish and be fruitful like a palm tree and a cedar, standing strong and rooted in the Lord.

7.2 No matter your age, you can live a fruitful and strong life, full of energy and making a difference, by claiming God’s promise and giving it your best.

7.3 Delighting in the Lord and making Him the most important thing in our lives will result in Him fulfilling the desires of our hearts.

7.4 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, and the source of our strength.

7.5 God promises to be a present help, provide strength, and give direction in our lives, always being with us and guiding us.

7.6 God promises to provide direction and guidance for our lives, knowing our location, destination, and potential dangers.

  1. 🙏 God’s promises of healing, eternal security, and being with Jesus after death are unchanging and should be claimed and lived out by believers.

8.1 Believers have the promise of healing in times of sickness, and God’s attributes of being unchanging and healing all diseases still apply today, so we should remind Him of His promises and have faith in His healing power.

8.2 God is the great Healer and nothing can separate us from His love, which is an awesome gift.

8.3 You possess the love of God and the promise of eternal security, as nothing can separate you from His love and no one can snatch you out of His hand.

8.4 When discussing the belief in eternal security after death, the speaker explains that while some interpret being “asleep in Jesus” as going to the grave, it actually means how a Christian lives, and cites a verse from Paul to support the idea that living is for Christ and dying is gain.

8.5 The promise is that when believers die, they will be with Jesus, not sleeping in a grave for thousands of years.

8.6 God’s promises are unchangeable and eternal, and as followers of Jesus, we should claim and live out these promises in our lives.

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