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Happily, Ever After (Romans 6:1-11): Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • 🙏 “Reckon yourselves to be dead…but alive to God” – The idea of being spiritually dead to sin but alive to God challenges traditional notions of identity and calls for a radical shift in perspective.
  • 📖 “Knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead dies No More Death no longer has dominion over him.” – The resurrection of Christ signifies victory over death and sin.
  • 💪 Romans 6, 7, and 8 provide powerful arguments for the victory, liberty, and security that believers have in Christ, reminding us to fully embrace and rejoice in our Christian reality.
  • 🙌 As Christians, we find strength, comfort, and victory in knowing that our strength and victory come from Jesus.
  • 🙌 By the power of God, we can break free from the things that entangle us and experience true security in our faith.
  • 🌊 “Shall we continue in sin that Grace May abound? Certainly not!” – The concept that as believers, we should not use God’s grace as an excuse to continue living in sin.
  • 💡 In light of a personal encounter with God, the speaker emphasizes the importance of full surrender and the impact it has on one’s life.

Salvation and Assurance

  • 😮 John Wesley, a minister of the Gospel, realized that despite his knowledge, he lacked a personal experience with Jesus and assurance of salvation.
  • 📖 Wesley’s born-again experience emphasizes that salvation is solely based on faith in Jesus Christ, not on good works.
  • 🙏 It is important for believers to have the assurance of salvation and not live in insecurity, but to know that they are going to heaven.
  • 💔 Insecurity can rob and kill a person, and God desires believers to have security in their relationship with Him.


  • 📖 We are called to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus, as we have been united with Him in His death and resurrection, emphasizing the importance of faith in Jesus for salvation and the transformative power of baptism.
  • 📚 Paul teaches the importance of being in Christ rather than just identifying as a Christian, emphasizing victory, liberty, and security in Romans 6, 7, and 8, and choosing to live for Christ.
  • 🔑 By relying on God’s power, believers can overcome temptations and experience security and freedom; assurance of salvation is important, attending church is not necessary but commitment to serving God is, believers should not continue in sin but live in Christ.
  • 💀 As believers in Jesus, we must understand that we have died with Him, making His gospel the only message that truly matters, and we should not let our emotions dictate our theology.
  • 📚 If you’ve encountered God and surrendered to Him, your life has changed, and you should live out this truth daily; understanding the Old Testament is crucial to understanding the New Testament and all scripture is inspired by God and applicable to believers.
  • 🔑 Believers should not compromise their commitment to Jesus, as crossing the line will result in condemnation; our old lives are dead and we are transformed by God’s grace, so we cannot continue living in sin.
  • 🙏 Believing in Jesus and repenting leads to a transformative spiritual journey where baptism symbolizes dying to our old life and being raised to a new life with Christ, resulting in righteousness and inclusion in the family of Christ regardless of nationality or social status.
  • 📚 Christian Living depends on Christian Learning, as duty is always found on Doctrine, and if Satan can keep a Christian ignorant, he can keep them impotent; we must not use God’s mercy as an excuse for sinning, as it is an abuse of love and goes against the transformation that occurs when we have faith in Him, so put your faith in Jesus, listen to his calling, and experience a relationship with him for eternal happiness.

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