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Have Faith in God’s Perfect Plan: T. D. Jakes


πŸ™ Having faith means trusting in God’s plan, even when we don’t understand why we have to go through certain challenges and struggles.

😒 It’s okay to feel abandoned by God during difficult times, as even Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?”

πŸ’ͺ The way to your destiny is filled with battles and scars, but enduring through them will make you stronger.

πŸ’ͺ The anointing, symbolizing God’s calling and empowerment, is formed through a combination of crushing, bitterness, sweetness, and challenges, highlighting the importance of embracing both joy and suffering in our journey.

πŸ—οΈ “I’m broken just right to unlock my next dimension of Grace.”

🌊 Faith operates in the gap between understanding and experiencing, holding on in the storms of life and believing in God’s plan.

πŸ’ͺ The greater the intensity of the struggle, the closer you are to your breakthrough and the amazing things God has in store for you.

πŸ’” God knows exactly how to bring you to the point of experiencing pain with a purpose, in order to reveal the glory and anointing within you.


TLDR: God’s will may be disruptive and challenging, but it prepares us for something greater and teaches us to have faith and trust in His plan.

  1. πŸ™ God’s will may feel disruptive and difficult, but it prepares us for something greater; challenges are not punishments, but opportunities for growth and developing faith.

1.1 God’s will can be disruptive and may feel destructive, but it is preparing you for something bigger, and even though you may not understand it at the time, faith operates in the meantime.

1.2 Difficulties and challenges in life are not punishments from God, but opportunities for personal growth and development.

1.3 In times of trouble and questioning, the speaker learned that searching for God and developing faith is necessary, as tribulation and suffering are part of the process of becoming who God wants us to be.

  1. πŸ’ͺ Endure battles and hardships, for they shape and prepare you for your destiny, and give glory to God for what he has done.

2.1 You earn stripes as a soldier through enduring battles and hardships, questioning if you have the strength to overcome and wondering if you have been pretending to be strong.

2.2 God is with us in our pain and suffering, even when we feel lost and abandoned, and He rewards us with the next test after we pass the previous one.

2.3 Endure the battles and scars in life, for they shape you and prepare you for your destiny, and even in the midst of pain and distractions, give glory to God for what he has done.

  1. πŸ™ Authentic experiences require a personal connection with God, as suffering and joy are necessary for His plan.

3.1 We often overlook the blessings in our lives and focus on negativity, but even as a pastor, I have learned that authentic experiences require a deeper, personal connection with God.

3.2 Wheat and weeds coexist and have equal purpose, as suffering and joy are necessary for the anointing and God’s plan.

  1. πŸ’ͺ God turns the harm and betrayal we experience into strength and growth, teaching us that our glory is not in material possessions but in our ability to overcome and unlock new dimensions of grace.
  2. πŸ‘‰ Pressure proves that I am called according to God’s purpose, not my comfort, and even though His will may be disruptive, it is preparing me for something bigger, and in the meantime, I must hold on to Faith in the midst of the storms of life.
  3. πŸ‘‰ Endure the stress that comes with success because it is a necessary part of achieving your goals.
  4. πŸ’‘ Crushing moments are a sign of impending greatness, as success and stress go hand in hand, and we must have faith in God’s plan even when we can’t see it.

7.1 Crushing moments are a sign that God is about to do something amazing in your life, as success and stress cannot exist without each other, just like babies cannot come without labor and clouds cannot come without rain.

7.2 The path to progress involves detours, breakdowns, and challenges, but we must have faith in God’s presence and purpose, even when we can’t see or feel it, because there is more to our suffering than meets the eye.

  1. πŸ™ Trust God’s hand in the process of crushing, as He knows exactly how much you can bear and will turn your hardships into blessings.

8.1 God knows exactly how to bring you to a point of glory and anointing through the crushing and pain that you go through, as he is the master Venter who controls the pressure to accomplish his will.

8.2 Trust God’s hand in the process of crushing, as He knows exactly how much you can bear and will turn your hardships into blessings.

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