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Have Faith in God’s Promise!: Levi Lusko


Transformation and Triumph

🙌 The more broken and hopeless a person’s situation may seem, the more opportunity there is for God’s grace to work and bring about transformation.

🌟 The story of God raising his son to life has the power to change everything and bring triumph in the face of adversity.

🌪️ The desire to live an extraordinary life and avoid a common, average existence drives us to seek adventure and excitement.

😮 The emphasis of the Christian life is never what we do for God, but what God has done for us.

💪 Our resurrection bodies will be free from ailments like asthma and cancer, allowing us to live forever in a state of perfect health and happiness.

🌟 “Live a quiet life and love Jesus in a way that is infectious, so that people around you would want what you have and be open to hearing the gospel.”

💔 The epicureans’ focus on pleasure led them to abandon their sick family members during the plagues, while the Christians stayed and showed love and compassion to anyone they encountered, which made a profound impact on their neighbors and loved ones.

💪 When we follow the Good Shepherd, our dreams become more powerful and vibrant than if we tried to achieve them on our own.

Perspective and Perception

🙏 “We must have the relaxed confidence of those who know God is in charge and that forever is ours.”

❄️ Just like the trees covered in snow, the original glory and power of creation may be dimly seen now, but when Jesus Reigns on this earth again, everything will come back to life and be awesome.

🌌 The future world described, where we can dance, fly, and explore outer space without fear, sounds incredibly exciting and something to look forward to.

💫 “Delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

⚖️ Our perception of difficulty and hardship is often limited by our small-scale perspective, but God’s scale is big enough to handle and measure the weight of our trials.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to focus on God’s promises, have faith, and prioritize Him in order to find true fulfillment and happiness in life.

  1. 🙏 Create a runway in your life for God’s revelations and intentions by letting go of comparison, taking notes during sermons, and embracing a new perspective, just like Paul did despite his own difficulties.

1.1 Comparing our lives to others on social media can make us feel miserable, as we seek validation through likes and dopamine hits, but this goes against God’s assignment for us.

1.2 Taking notes during a sermon helps with remembering and learning, just like how Moses wrote down what God said on Mount Sinai.

1.3 Create Runway for what God wants to do in your life and take advantage of the opportunity to start fresh in the new year.

1.4 Air traffic controllers have the important task of keeping track of runways and airport capabilities to ensure safe landings and emergency situations for planes.

1.5 Create a runway in your life for God to pour out His revelations and fulfill His intentions for you by kicking the bucket list and embracing a new perspective.

1.6 Paul, who initially hated Jesus, had a transformative encounter with Him and went on to preach about how no one is too far gone for God’s love and grace, despite the difficulties he faced in his own life.

  1. 📚 Despite challenges, Paul finds hope in God’s promise of resurrection, encouraging us to focus on the eternal rather than the temporary, while the speaker reflects on the generational shift caused by technology advancements.

2.1 Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships, Paul finds hope in the belief that God, who raised Jesus from the dead, will also raise him and others up, ultimately changing the tone of his message.

2.2 Do not lose heart, as our inward selves are being renewed day by day, and our temporary afflictions are working towards an eternal weight of glory, so focus on the unseen rather than the temporary.

2.3 The more you anticipate the next world, the less you will rely on this one.

2.4 The speaker reflects on the generational shift caused by the turn of the millennium and how technology has changed the way we live, mentioning his son who will never know life without digital assistants like Alexa and Siri.

2.5 Blockbuster declined the chance to purchase Netflix, resulting in their downfall, and the speaker reminisces about the struggles of renting movies from Blockbuster and having to rewind VHS tapes.

2.6 Rich people now have the luxury of easily accessing and listening to music, unlike in the past when making mixtapes required calling up a radio station and waiting to record songs on a boombox.

  1. 📝 Don’t let social media and the fear of missing out distract you from finding true happiness and contentment in your everyday life.

3.1 The movie “Dead Poet Society” teaches the importance of seizing the day and living life to the fullest, as we only have one shot at it.

3.2 Writing a bucket list is a way for us to express our desires and goals for what we want to accomplish before we die.

3.3 The speaker discusses the desire to live a life of adventure and excitement, avoiding a common and average existence.

3.4 Millennials and younger generations have perpetual career add, with a tendency to switch jobs frequently and engage in multitasking while consuming media.

3.5 The fear of missing out and social media’s influence have led to a constant desire to keep options open and create an epic bucket list.

3.6 Don’t let social media and the desire for validation distract you from finding true happiness and contentment in your everyday life.

  1. 🙏 Focus on what God has done for us rather than what we do for Him, be faithful to His calling, and find true fulfillment in following His guidance and purpose, remembering that what’s next with God is always greater than what’s now.

4.1 The Epicurean mindset of seeking pleasure and consumption has infiltrated even our actions for God, but the emphasis of the Christian life should always be on what God has done for us rather than what we do for Him.

4.2 We should be faithful to God’s calling and not get caught up in creating an epic bucket list, as true fulfillment comes from following His guidance and purpose.

4.3 David, the anointed king, willingly lived in caves for a decade without power, choosing to be hidden and prepared, reminding us to focus on the next world rather than seeking fulfillment in this one.

4.4 Putting too much pressure on things like Disneyland can lead to disappointment and not living up to the hype.

4.5 Putting pressure on earthly things to bring happiness is like driving a heavy truck on a bridge not built to handle the weight, and Paul did not find solace in future plans or bucket list items.

4.6 Focus on what’s coming next because where God’s concerned, what’s next is always greater than what’s now, and we must have the relaxed confidence of knowing that God is in charge and forever is ours.

  1. 🌟 Believers in God can look forward to a future in Heaven where they will have resurrected bodies, enjoy various activities, interact with animals, and fulfill their desires, allowing them to make a difference and withstand pain in this world.

5.1 Wolfgang Puck makes breakfast on the beach and insists that people watch him eat, which some find creepy.

5.2 Our resurrection bodies will be like Jesus’s, free from pain and disease, allowing us to live forever in flesh and blood, enjoying activities such as eating, drinking, laughing, working, playing, and dancing, as described by Isaiah when he mentions the trees clapping their hands in anticipation of God’s glory.

5.3 The world is currently in a state of hibernation, but when God returns, creation will be restored to its original glory and power.

5.4 In the future, believers in God will have the opportunity to interact with animals, fulfill their bucket list desires, and experience life on Earth as it was meant to be, including dancing, flying, and exploring outer space without fear.

5.5 The less you need from this world, the more you can make a difference and withstand pain, fulfilling God’s plan to change the world.

5.6 Focus on the promise of Heaven and the glory that will be revealed, as it can compensate for any present problems or suffering faced in this world.

  1. 📖 Peter, James, and John witness the presence of Elijah and Moses on the mountain, showing that God fulfills promises unexpectedly; live a quiet life, find joy in simple things, and excel in your calling to attract others to the gospel.

6.1 Peter, James, and John were chosen by Jesus to accompany him up the mountain, where they witnessed the presence of Elijah and Moses, demonstrating that God can fulfill his promises in unexpected ways.

6.2 The less you expect from this world and realize its limitations, the more you can enjoy and find joy in the simplest of things, experiencing God’s blessings in the process.

6.3 Paul tells the Thessalonians to lead a quiet life, mind their own business, and work with their own hands until Jesus returns.

6.4 Be the best at what God has called you to do, whether it’s preaching, singing, leading, banking, acting, or any other profession, and live a quiet life that reflects your love for Jesus and attracts others to the gospel.

  1. 🙏 Follow Jesus, put Him first, and be faithful to God’s call on your life, even in difficult times, because He is able to fulfill the desires of your heart and bring your dreams back to life.

7.1 The early Christians’ willingness to care for and touch those affected by the plagues in Rome, even at the risk of their own lives, led to the rapid growth of Christianity because their actions spoke louder than their words and gave them an opportunity to share the message of Jesus with others.

7.2 Follow Jesus and delight yourself in Him, for He is able to give you the desires of your heart, rather than being led away by what we think we’ve been called to do.

7.3 Follow the Good Shepherd and be faithful to God’s call on your life, even if it means being hidden, hated, or forgotten, because when you put Him first, your dreams will come back to life and be more powerful than ever.

7.4 We often have dreams and desires in our hearts, but as we pursue them, we will encounter difficulties and hardships that can have devastating consequences.

  1. 💪 Our difficulties are insignificant compared to God’s promises, so have faith and remember that the cross leads to the crown.

8.1 Our difficulties may seem heavy, but they are actually insignificant compared to the scale of God’s promises.

8.2 Have faith in God’s promise and remember that the cross always leads to the crown.

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