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Hebrews 10:1 to 4: Robert Breaker


Salvation through Faith in Jesus’ Sacrifice

πŸ˜‡ According to the scriptures, the law can never make you perfect or grant you access to heaven; only through Jesus and trusting in what He has done for you can you become perfect in the eyes of God.

🌟 Jesus Christ became the image of God in flesh without sin, and through him, we can be restored to the sinless state of Adam and Eve. #salvation

🧐 The idea that Jesus Christ is the image we should look to for salvation, rather than the law.

🩸 Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is sufficient and all that is needed for the forgiveness of sins, contrasting with the continuous sacrifices in the Old Testament.

πŸ™ Salvation according to the Bible is by faith, not by works or keeping the law.

πŸ’‰ Salvation today is not achieved through our own works, but through trusting in the shed blood of Jesus as the atonement for our sins.

Rejection of Salvation through Works and the Law

πŸ“– According to Hebrews, we are no longer under the law but under grace, challenging the belief that one must keep the law to be saved.

πŸ‘ The New Testament emphasizes that salvation comes through the one sacrifice of Jesus, contrasting it with the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament.

πŸ€” The belief that salvation can be achieved through the law is seen as blasphemous and a rejection of Jesus’ sacrifice.

πŸ“– Following the false belief of being under the law instead of under grace can lead people straight to hell, according to the speaker.

😱 “Did you trust my son’s blood or not… because you rejected the blood atonement of Christ for salvation you thought it was your own works and you rejected the works of Christ.”

The Fulfillment of the Law through Jesus

πŸŒ‘ The law in the Old Testament was a shadow that pointed to Jesus, who fulfilled the law without sinning, highlighting the need for salvation through Christ.

πŸ“– The Bible is clear that we are no longer under the Old Testament law and that Jesus’ sacrifice is meaningful, rendering our own attempts at salvation through works futile.

🩸 Under the Old Testament law, only blood could atone for sin, but now the blood of Jesus is what saves us.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and his blood atonement, not through following the Old Testament law or relying on our own works.

  1. πŸ“– The speaker emphasizes the importance of the King James Bible, corrects false denominations, discusses losing salvation, and highlights the power of Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness and perfection.

1.1 The speaker discusses the importance of using the King James Bible and emphasizes that it is the only pure Word of God.

1.2 Chapter 10 of Hebrews corrects false denominations that do not follow the Bible and teaches that we are no longer under the law but under grace for salvation.

1.3 Catholics and charismatic Pentecostals have doctrines that contradict the Bible, and reading the Bible may lead Catholics to leave their church.

1.4 The speaker discusses the concept of losing salvation and emphasizes that according to the book of Hebrews, once a person is in Christ, they cannot lose their salvation, contrary to false teachings such as the belief of the Jehovah Witnesses.

1.5 The speaker identifies as a King James Bible-believing independent Baptist minister and emphasizes the importance of following the Bible over denominational teachings, expressing concern about the increasing number of independent Baptists deviating from the truth.

1.6 The law, as described in Hebrews 10:1-4, is unable to make people perfect or save them, but through Jesus and his sacrifice, individuals can be made perfect and forgiven in the eyes of God.

  1. πŸ“– Salvation is achieved through Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law, died for our sins, and desires for us to be restored to the sinless image of God, not by our works but by trusting in God’s work.

2.1 The law in the Old Testament was a shadow that pointed to Jesus, who fulfilled the law without sinning, and we are now saved by Christ, not by keeping the law.

2.2 Jesus Christ is described as the image of God in the Bible, specifically in 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Colossians 1:15.

2.3 Jesus Christ is the Express image of God the Father, clarifying the Trinity as one God in three persons.

2.4 Jesus is the image of God and man is also made in God’s image, but unlike Jesus, man is fallen and sinful.

2.5 Salvation is the process of getting rid of our sins and becoming sinless through Jesus Christ, who became the image of God without sin, died on the cross for our sins, and desires for us to be back in the image of God like Adam was in a sinless state, achieved not by our works but by trusting in the work of God.

2.6 At the rapture, believers will receive a glorified body in the image of Jesus, which is the image of God, replacing their current sinful flesh.

  1. πŸ”₯ When we are saved, our soul is instantly saved, but our body is not yet saved; at the rapture, we receive a glorified body and become part of the image of God, with Jesus as our salvation, not the law.

3.1 The speaker expresses a desire to improve personal hygiene and avoid skin issues, while also mentioning a recent gathering with neighbors and a large bonfire.

3.2 The speaker shares a personal experience of getting burned and expresses anticipation for a future glorified body where the scar will no longer be visible.

3.3 When we are saved, our soul is instantly saved, but our body is not yet saved, which is why we still struggle with sin and the limitations of our sinful flesh.

3.4 When the rapture occurs, we receive a glorified body and become part of the image of God, with our soul being redeemed and our body being redeemed at the rapture, and Jesus is the one we look to for salvation, not the law.

  1. πŸ’‘ Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross changed things, freeing us from the Old Testament law and providing complete forgiveness of sins through his blood.

4.1 Denominations that misunderstand the concept of rightly dividing the word of truth believe that they must follow the Old Testament law for salvation, but the Bible teaches that Jesus’ death on the cross changed things, and now we are no longer under the law but under the grace of Jesus.

4.2 In the Old Testament, people who died went to Abraham’s bosom, not the same place as in the New Testament, and there were yearly sacrifices for sin under the law.

4.3 In the Old Testament, sacrifices for sin had to be made annually, showing that they couldn’t make a person perfect and that salvation in the Old Testament was not eternal.

4.4 The sacrifices made in the Old Testament did not provide complete forgiveness of sins, unlike the sacrifice of Jesus, which only needed to be done once for all sins.

4.5 The yearly sacrifice under the Old Testament law was a reminder of sins, but now that we are saved through the blood of Christ, we no longer need to remember those sins because they are paid for; the blood of animals in the Old Testament could not take away sins, but Jesus’s sacrifice in the New Testament is sufficient for salvation.

4.6 The law cannot make you perfect, so we are not under the law and being saved by the law contradicts Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

  1. πŸ“œ Believing salvation comes from following the law disrespects Jesus’ sacrifice, as he showed that animal sacrifice was temporary and salvation comes through his blood atonement, not circumcision or adherence to the law.

5.1 Believing that salvation comes from following the law is disrespectful to Jesus’ sacrifice, as he showed that animal sacrifice was a temporary solution and that salvation comes through his blood atonement, not through circumcision or adherence to the law.

5.2 In the Old Testament, circumcision was a requirement for being part of God’s covenant and those who were not circumcised were cut off from the covenant.

5.3 If you believe you have to keep the law to get to heaven, you must be circumcised, but it is foolish and hypocritical to preach about keeping the law when you haven’t even done the first thing required.

5.4 The Bible instructs believers to follow all of the law, not just pick and choose certain parts, as selectively following the law is hypocritical.

5.5 Jesus did all the work of the law, so believers don’t have to follow it for salvation, but they can still read the law to know right from wrong.

5.6 The speaker argues that those who believe they must follow the law to be saved are mistaken, as they would have to adhere to every aspect of the law, including stoning people for breaking Sabbath.

  1. πŸ“œ Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ, not by following the works of the Old Testament law, as the law’s sacrifices cannot make anyone perfect.

6.1 The speaker argues that those who claim to keep the law for salvation are lying to themselves and others, as the law requires sacrifices that they do not fulfill, and emphasizes that the Bible is clear that we are not under the law for salvation.

6.2 Salvation is through Christ, not the law, as stated by Paul in Romans 6:14, and we are not under the law but under grace, as confirmed by Galatians 4:4-5.

6.3 Jesus came under the law to redeem us and buy us back, so now we are no longer under the law but under grace.

6.4 Jesus is the end of the law for righteousness, and salvation cannot be obtained through the works of the law, but only through faith in Jesus Christ.

6.5 Salvation in the New Testament is through faith in Jesus Christ, not by following the works of the Old Testament law, as the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

6.6 The law taught that blood sacrifice was necessary for perfection, but Hebrews 10 states that the law’s sacrifices cannot make anyone perfect.

  1. πŸ’‰ Salvation comes through faith in Jesus’ blood atonement, not our own works or adherence to the law, and rejecting it leads to damnation.

7.1 You cannot be justified by keeping the law, salvation comes through faith in Christ and rejecting it leads to damnation, as the blood of Jesus is what saves us today.

7.2 Salvation today comes through trusting in the shed blood of Jesus, not through our own works or adherence to the law, as forgiveness of sins is obtained by accepting Jesus’ blood atonement.

7.3 Jesus is the only Savior, not ourselves, and we cannot be saved by our own works or self-sacrifice, but rather through faith in Christ’s sacrifice to put away sin.

7.4 Those who trust in their own good works and reject the blood atonement of Christ for salvation will be condemned to hell.

7.5 Jesus Christ’s death on the cross saves us, not the Old Testament law, as the law was a shadow of things to come and the sacrifices it required could never truly take away sins.

  1. πŸ‘ Salvation is achieved through Jesus, not animal sacrifices or following the Old Testament law, and it is important to understand the blood atonement and the importance of faith in the finished work of Christ.

8.1 Jesus came as the Messiah to the Jews, but they rejected him, and while many Gentiles are now getting saved, the majority of Jewish people still cling to the Old Testament and will try to go back to animal sacrifice in the tribulation period, but the Bible states that it is through Jesus that they will be accepted, and there will be 144,000 witnesses and two witnesses (Moses and Elijah) who will preach to the Jews during that time.

8.2 The message is that salvation is not achieved through the sacrifice of animals or following the Old Testament law, but through the blood of Christ, and it is important to understand that we are now under grace and not under the law.

8.3 The gospel is that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again for our sins, emphasizing the importance of understanding how he died, which is the blood atonement.

8.4 Jesus Christ came as the lamb of God to be the sacrifice for our sins, replacing the need for animal sacrifices under the Old Testament law.

8.5 Salvation in the tribulation is only possible by refusing to take the mark of the beast and being willing to die for one’s faith, and the book of Hebrews exposes the doctrinal errors of various religious groups.

8.6 Salvation is not achieved through works, but through faith in the finished work of Christ, and the speaker will continue discussing this topic in the next video.

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