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Hebrews 11:1 to 3: Robert Breaker


Faith and Salvation

🙏 Chapter 11 of Hebrews is all about faith, highlighting its importance in the Bible study.

💪 Salvation is obtained through faith in the blood of Jesus, highlighting the significance of believing in His redemptive power.

🙏 Paul emphasizes the importance of faith in entering into the kingdom of heaven and receiving God’s promises.

🙏 Salvation is not achieved through works, but through faith in the finished work of Christ.

📖 The Bible emphasizes that salvation is obtained by faith, not by works or the law.

🙏 Without faith in what Jesus did, it is impossible to be justified or saved.

📖 “The just shall live by faith, and through faith we receive forgiveness of sins, not by keeping the law.”

🙏 Faith is believing in something that you have not seen but that you know beyond any shadow of a doubt is real.

💪 Our faith in the blood of Christ is what saves us.

Jesus as the Messiah and Savior

💫 Paul emphasizes the deity of Christ in the book of Hebrews, highlighting Jesus’ divine nature.

📖 The book of Hebrews provides a comprehensive explanation of who Jesus is and what he has done for believers.

💉 Jesus Christ is portrayed as the blood atonement, the sacrifice for our sins, in the book of Hebrews.

😮 The belief in Jesus as the Messiah is crucial for Jews, while Gentiles need to believe in what Jesus did for them.

🙏 The message of salvation through faith in Jesus’ substitutionary atonement is a key aspect of Paul’s preaching, emphasizing the need to trust in what Jesus did rather than just believing in his identity as the Messiah of Israel.

Importance of Faith in the Christian Life

🙌 The transcript highlights the abundance of evidence for Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, with 514 witnesses and numerous scriptures supporting these events.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that salvation comes through faith in Jesus and his finished work, not through works or adherence to the law, as emphasized by Paul and other biblical figures.

  1. 📚 The book of Hebrews explains who Jesus is and what he did for our salvation, emphasizing his deity, the significance of his blood atonement, and the importance of trusting in him for both Jews and Gentiles.

1.1 Chapter 11 of Hebrews is about faith, and the speaker plans to go into more detail about it in the next video, but for now, they will provide some background information and may reference other books like Acts.

1.2 The book of Hebrews, written by Paul, is intended for Jews to understand that Jesus is their Lord and Messiah, emphasizing his deity and explaining who Jesus is throughout the chapters.

1.3 The speaker discusses the significance of Jesus Christ as God, his role as Melchizedek, the covenant, the sanctuary, and the blood, emphasizing that the book of Hebrews explains who Jesus is and what he did for the audience.

1.4 Jesus shed his blood as the atonement for our sins, and the book of Hebrews is about who Jesus is and what he did to save us.

1.5 Trust in who Jesus is and what he did for salvation, whether you are a Jew or Gentile, by believing that Jesus is the Messiah and that he died, was buried, and rose again.

1.6 The book of Hebrews is about Jesus as the suffering substitutionary blood atonement for our sins, emphasizing that he died for the whole world, including the Jews who rejected him, and it lays the foundation of blood atonement, making it an important book for both Jews and Gentiles to read.

  1. 📖 Faith is crucial for salvation, both for Jews and Gentiles, emphasizing the importance of believing in Jesus and his finished work, as well as trusting in what Jesus did for you, and if you believe in him, you are no longer under the law.

2.1 Chapter 11 of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in salvation through the blood atonement of Christ.

2.2 Belief is crucial for both Jews and Gentiles to enter into rest and the Kingdom, as seen in Hebrews 3:18-19, and while the Jews missed out due to unbelief, Gentiles now have the opportunity to be saved through faith.

2.3 Faith is emphasized as the key to entering into rest and salvation, with the importance of believing in Jesus and his finished work, as well as holding fast to the profession of faith and living in full assurance of faith.

2.4 We are saved by faith, but if a Jew rejects Christ and goes back to the law, they are not truly saved.

2.5 Salvation is not just about believing in who Jesus is, but also about trusting in what Jesus did for you.

2.6 The emphasis in the early book of Acts is on believing in the name of Jesus, which means “Jehovah saves,” as he comes to save Israel as the promised Messiah, and if you believe in him, you are no longer under the law.

  1. 📜 Paul emphasizes the importance of trusting in the blood of Christ for salvation, discusses his own conversion, and explains his ministry to both Jews and Gentiles in the book of Hebrews.

3.1 Some Jews believed that Jesus was the Messiah but did not trust in what Jesus did for them, leading them to fall back into perdition, but it is not possible for us today in the church age to fall back into perdition because we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

3.2 The speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting in the blood of Christ for salvation, rather than just believing Jesus is the Messiah, and discusses how Paul preached about who Jesus was to the Jews before later understanding and preaching about Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sins.

3.3 Paul, previously known as Saul, was persecuting Christians until he had a divine encounter with Jesus who asked him why he was persecuting Him.

3.4 Jesus tells a man named Ananias to go to the city of Damascus and wait for further instructions, and Ananias obediently follows the Lord’s command.

3.5 Paul’s ministry was to reach both Jews and Gentiles, which is why he wrote the book of Hebrews to Hebrews and also wrote about what Jesus did for us Gentiles.

  1. 📜 Paul preached that Jesus is the Son of God and emphasized the importance of faith in the blood of Christ for salvation, while the Pharisees and rulers in Jerusalem did not recognize Jesus and desired his death.

4.1 Paul immediately began preaching that Jesus is the Son of God and the Christ as soon as he joined the early church in Damascus.

4.2 Believing in the name and identity of Jesus as the Messiah was the early message in the book of Acts, but later in the book of Acts, things changed and believing in what God said became the message of salvation.

4.3 Paul preached the message of who Jesus is, specifically that Jesus is the Son of God, to the Jews, and after his conversion, he was sent out as a missionary by the early church.

4.4 Paul preached a message about who Jesus is and what Jesus did, emphasizing that faith in the blood of Christ is necessary for salvation.

4.5 The god of Israel chose their fathers, brought them out of Egypt, divided their land, gave them judges, and eventually raised up David and Jesus.

4.6 Jesus is the one who was sent to bring salvation, but the Pharisees and rulers in Jerusalem did not recognize him and ultimately desired his death.

  1. 📜 Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus and his finished work, not by works or adherence to the law, as preached by Paul in various books of the Bible.

5.1 Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, and it is through trusting in what Jesus did that we are saved, as preached by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and this message is more important than who Jesus is.

5.2 Paul preached a message of forgiveness of sins through Christ, and this message is specifically for the Jews.

5.3 Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus and his finished work, not by works or adherence to the law.

5.4 Paul consistently preaches that forgiveness of sins and justification come through faith in Jesus, not by works or the law, as seen in Ephesians, Acts, and Romans.

5.5 Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, not by following the law, as preached by Paul in the book of Hebrews and Galatians.

5.6 Salvation and justification come through faith in Jesus, as emphasized by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11:6, making him the likely author of the book.

  1. 📜 Paul emphasizes the importance of believing in Jesus, preaches justification through faith alone, and disputes the requirement of circumcision and following the law for salvation.

6.1 The book of Hebrews was written by Paul, with the first twelve chapters being written first to emphasize the importance of believing in Jesus, and chapter 13 being added later, as explained in Galatians 1:11-18.

6.2 Paul explains that he received the gospel through a revelation from Jesus Christ, and despite his past persecution of the Church, God called him to preach the message of Jesus to the Gentiles.

6.3 After getting saved, Paul immediately went to Arabia and spent time alone before going to Jerusalem to preach that Jesus was the Son of God and the Messiah to the Jews.

6.4 By believing in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, you can be justified and have your sins forgiven, as revealed to Paul in Acts chapter 13.

6.5 Certain men from Judea came to the early church and said that in order to be saved, they must be circumcised and follow the law, causing a dispute among the Apostles, with Peter being the first to speak up.

6.6 Paul preached that justification comes through faith alone, without works or the law, leading to disagreement and dispute.

  1. 📜 Salvation comes from trusting in what Jesus did, not from keeping the law, as emphasized by Peter, Paul, and the book of Hebrews, which defines faith as believing in Jesus’ sacrifice based on overwhelming evidence.

7.1 The question of whether we are saved by the law or by grace through faith is discussed, with the speaker emphasizing that salvation comes from trusting in what Jesus did, not from keeping the law.

7.2 Peter and Paul both agree that salvation is obtained through faith alone, not by works or keeping the law, as stated in Acts chapter 13 and Hebrews 10:38-39.

7.3 If someone claims to be a follower of Jesus but rejects the message of salvation through faith in Jesus’ blood, God has no pleasure in them, as seen in Acts when some Jews went back to the law and did not accept what Jesus did for their salvation.

7.4 The book of Hebrews, written by Paul, emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus and the message of salvation, as seen in Acts 13 and Chapter 9, stating that without faith it is impossible to please God.

7.5 Faith is defined as believing in something real and tangible, such as Jesus shedding his blood for our sins, even though we haven’t seen it, because there is evidence to support it.

7.6 There is overwhelming evidence, including 514 witnesses and biblical scriptures, that Jesus Christ died, was buried, rose again, and shed his blood, providing a strong basis for faith in his actions.

  1. 📜 Faith is the substance of hope and evidence of the unseen, and in Hebrews 11, Paul highlights the importance of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, emphasizing the belief in Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah and Jesus as the Savior.

8.1 Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, and in Hebrews 11, Paul discusses how the Old Testament Saints obtained a good report from God through their faith, implying that salvation today is also through faith.

8.2 Believing in God’s word, specifically the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah and Jesus as the Savior, is crucial for salvation and the author of Hebrews, Paul, emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

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