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Hebrews 12 Introduction to Chapter 12: Robert Breaker


Significance of Blood Atonement in Salvation

🀯 The speaker suggests that although there may have been nobody in the body of Christ until Pentecost, the body actually started at the cross, emphasizing the significance of Christ’s sacrifice.

πŸ“œ The message that Paul began to tell people was the importance of believing in what Jesus did, specifically the blood atonement for the salvation of the world.

πŸ’‰ The book of Hebrews lays the foundation of salvation through the blood atonement of Christ, emphasizing the importance of Jesus shedding his blood to forgive sins.

πŸ’‰ The significance of blood atonement in Christianity is highlighted, emphasizing the belief that salvation can be attained through the shedding of Christ’s blood.

πŸ’‰ Jesus shed his blood as a propitiation for the sins of the whole world, not just for the Jews.

πŸ’” Jesus Christ was the sinless substitutionary blood atonement, dying in our place for our sins.

πŸ“– The scriptures emphasize that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins, pointing to Jesus as the Lamb whose blood brings forgiveness.

πŸ’‰ The gospel is all about the blood of Jesus Christ, as there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.

🩸 Salvation is not based on believing in who Jesus is, but on trusting in his blood sacrifice for the sins of the world.

πŸ’‰ The blood of Christ is essential for salvation, and denying its importance goes against the foundation of Christianity.

Importance of Faith and Belief in Jesus

πŸ“œ The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith for Jewish people, as it addresses the Jewish community and highlights their connection to God and Jesus.

πŸ’¦ Water baptism is not what saves us, but rather it is faith and belief in the gospel that grants us the Holy Spirit.

πŸ’‘ The Apostle Paul preached the message of justification by faith, emphasizing that forgiveness of sins is not achieved through works.

Emphasis on the Audience and Message of Peter’s Acts Chapter 2 Speech

πŸ•ŠοΈ The words spoken in Acts chapter 2 were specifically directed towards the Jews, highlighting the audience of Peter’s message.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus’ blood atonement for salvation and warns against false teachings that deviate from this truth.

  1. πŸ“š The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith to Jewish people and highlights the transition from the Jews to the Gentiles in the early church, with a focus on Jesus’ sacrifice and blood atonement for salvation.

1.1 The speaker continues their verse-by-verse Bible study through the book of Hebrews, specifically focusing on chapter 12 and discussing the importance of the book.

1.2 The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to emphasize the importance of faith to Jewish people, as seen in Hebrews chapter 11, and addresses the Hebrews in verses 22-24.

1.3 The church, referred to as the body of Christ, began with Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross, not on Pentecost as commonly believed.

1.4 The church started with Christ and the Jewish apostles, not just with Paul, as evidenced by the Apostle Paul writing to the Hebrews and referring to them as part of the church of the firstborn.

1.5 The book of Hebrews was written during a transitional period in which God initially dealt with the Jews under the law, but after Jesus’ death, the focus shifted to preaching to the Gentiles.

1.6 The book of Acts serves as a transitional book from Israel to the church, with the early apostles shifting their focus from Jews to Gentiles, and the importance of believing in Jesus’ actions, particularly his blood atonement for salvation, is emphasized in the book of Hebrews.

  1. πŸ“š Paul wrote Hebrews to explain the changing practices of baptism and salvation through Jesus, emphasizing faith over works, as shown in the transition in the book of Acts.

2.1 The speaker discusses the concept of perfection and the various practices of baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and judgment, highlighting that while these practices were performed by the Apostles, they are no longer commonly practiced today.

2.2 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to explain to the Jews that things were changing, salvation was through Jesus’ actions, and that both Jews and Gentiles were now part of the church, as shown in the transition in the book of Acts.

2.3 Jesus foretells a transition from water baptism to Holy Spirit baptism in Acts chapter 1, and in Acts chapter 2, Peter speaks to the Jews in Jerusalem about this transition.

2.4 Peter tells the Hebrews to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, but later in Acts, he preaches to Gentiles and the Holy Spirit falls on them without water baptism.

2.5 The Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles through belief, not water baptism, as stated in Acts chapter 11, and the book of Acts is a transitional book that emphasizes the importance of faith in receiving the Holy Spirit, rather than water baptism.

2.6 In Acts chapter 13, the Apostle Paul preaches that through Jesus, forgiveness of sins is preached and all who believe are justified, emphasizing that justification is not achieved through works.

  1. πŸ’§ Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, not works or water baptism, as emphasized in Acts; Hebrews emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus as Messiah and his blood atonement for forgiveness of sins for Jews to be saved.

3.1 We are not saved by works, specifically water baptism, but rather by believing in what Jesus did, which gives us the Holy Spirit.

3.2 Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, not through works or water baptism, as emphasized in Acts chapters 15 and 16.

3.3 The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is through faith in this that we are saved.

3.4 Salvation is no longer about water baptism, but about trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ.

3.5 The book of Hebrews, believed to be written by Paul, emphasizes the importance of salvation through the blood atonement of Christ for Jews, highlighting that they must trust in Jesus as their Messiah and recognize that he shed his blood to forgive their sins in order to be saved.

  1. πŸ“š The importance of trusting in the blood of Jesus for salvation is emphasized, as the book of Hebrews was written to encourage belief in Jesus as the Messiah, and false prophets on YouTube are leading people astray from true teaching.

4.1 There is an increasing number of false prophets on YouTube who were once believed to be Bible believers but have now fallen into apostasy and are preaching false doctrine, leading people to turn away from them and seek true deep teaching elsewhere.

4.2 The speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting in the blood of Jesus for salvation, citing Romans 3:25 and explaining that the book of Hebrews was written to Jews to encourage belief in Jesus as their Messiah.

4.3 Jesus came not just to be recognized for who he is, but for what he did, and the early message of the church was to believe in who Jesus is.

4.4 Paul was chosen by God to spread the message of salvation through the blood atonement of Christ to the Gentiles, which was foreshadowed before Paul’s time.

4.5 Jesus Christ is referred to as the Lamb of God in John chapter 1, and the emphasis on water baptism is comparable to the act of washing oneself before coming before a king.

4.6 John the Baptist urged Israel to be baptized in water to prepare for the coming King, Jesus, but today water baptism is not as important because Jesus is coming for his bride, who needs to be washed in the blood, as it is the soul that is saved.

  1. πŸ“š The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ sacrificial blood atonement for salvation, and it is disheartening to see Christians deviating from this truth.

5.1 Jesus Christ is referred to as the lamb in various passages of Scripture, foreshadowing his sacrificial death on the cross, and even though not many people knew it at the time, Jesus himself knew that he came to die on the cross.

5.2 Jesus had a twofold plan: to see if the Jews would accept him as their king and to die for their sins, and the early apostles preached that belief in Jesus as the Messiah was necessary for salvation, while Paul emphasized the message of what Jesus did in the book of Hebrews.

5.3 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of the blood of Christ as the sacrifice for sins and the need for the Jews to have faith in the blood for salvation.

5.4 Jesus shed his blood as a propitiation for the sins of both Jews and Gentiles, and the object of our faith must be the blood of Christ for salvation.

5.5 Believing in Jesus’ sacrificial blood atonement is essential for salvation, and it is disheartening to see Christians deviating from this truth.

5.6 The book of Hebrews is the first book written in the New Testament and emphasizes Jesus as the Messiah and the sacrifice for our sins.

  1. πŸ’‰ Salvation is by faith in the blood of Christ, as emphasized in Hebrews, and the gospel is centered around Jesus’ sacrifice for forgiveness, with Paul receiving additional information from God.

6.1 The book of Hebrews, believed to be written by Paul, emphasizes the importance of faith in the blood atonement of Christ for salvation.

6.2 Jesus died for the sins of the world, reconciling us to God and making us righteous through his sinless sacrifice.

6.3 Salvation is by faith in the blood of Christ, as emphasized in Hebrews, and the gospel is all about what Jesus Christ did through his blood for the forgiveness of sins.

6.4 Believing in the gospel of Jesus, specifically that he died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, results in salvation and being sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

6.5 The gospel is centered around the shedding of Jesus’ blood for forgiveness, and the book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in the blood atonement for salvation.

6.6 Paul received the gospel directly from Jesus Christ, which includes the belief that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, but there must be more to the gospel because Peter also preached this, indicating that God revealed additional information to Paul.

  1. πŸ“œ The early apostles preached about Jesus being the Messiah, his resurrection, and the power of faith in his name, emphasizing that salvation is found only in Jesus and his sacrifice for our sins.

7.1 Peter preaches to the men of Israel, stating that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, and he accuses them of killing Jesus Christ, who was buried and rose again.

7.2 Jesus did not preach for our sins or according to scriptures, but the early apostles preached about Jesus being the Messiah and the people were amazed by their power and holiness.

7.3 The speaker discusses how the early followers of Jesus preached about his resurrection and the power of faith in his name, as seen in the book of Acts.

7.4 The early church preached the name of Jesus, emphasizing that there is no salvation in any other name, and they witnessed to both Jews and Gentiles about Jesus’ anointing, good deeds, and healing.

7.5 Paul’s message is not just about believing in who Jesus is, but also about trusting in what Jesus did for our sins through his death, burial, and resurrection as the blood sacrifice for the world.

  1. πŸ“œ The book of Hebrews, written by Paul, explains the message of salvation through faith in Jesus’ blood atonement, emphasizing its importance for both Jews and Gentiles.

8.1 Hebrews was written by Paul to Jews, explaining the early message of Jesus and the transition from Judaism to Christianity, with the message of salvation through trusting in Jesus’ blood atonement being given to the Jews first before the Gentiles.

8.2 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to explain to both Jews who believed in Jesus and those who didn’t that salvation comes not just from believing in Jesus, but also from trusting in the blood atonement he made for their sins, which all Jews were familiar with.

8.3 Salvation is through the blood atonement of Christ, and the message is that you are saved by faith in the blood and must trust in it, as explained in the book of Hebrews and Romans 5:9-11.

8.4 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in the blood atonement of Christ for both Jews and Gentiles, with chapter 13 added by Paul to remind Gentiles of the significance of the blood atonement.

8.5 We are justified by God’s grace through faith in the blood of Christ, and the book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in the blood for salvation.

8.6 Chapter 12 of Hebrews is the closing of the book and serves as a sermon to Jews and Gentiles, emphasizing the importance of trusting in the blood of Jesus for salvation.

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