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Hebrews 1:3 to 14: Robert Breaker


Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice and Atonement

πŸ”₯ Jesus Christ purged our sins and is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high, showcasing his power and authority.

πŸ’‰ Jesus purged our sins with his own blood, which is the only thing in the entire universe that can cleanse and purge sin.

πŸ’‰ “It’s the blood of Jesus that purchase us from our sins.”

πŸ’‰ Jesus Christ’s sacrificial blood atonement on the cross purged our sins, allowing salvation to be finished and complete.

✝️ Jesus Christ completed everything necessary for salvation through his sacrifice on the cross, and now sits at the right hand of God.

πŸ’ͺ Jesus purged our sins on the cross and by faith in him, we can be saved.

Divine Nature and Role of Jesus Christ

πŸ“œ The Old Testament prophecies were given by holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, emphasizing the divine inspiration behind the Bible.

πŸ‘‘ Jesus Christ, as the descendant of David, is believed to be the future king of Israel, fulfilling the biblical prophecy of a perpetual monarchy.

🌟 “He is exalted above the earth above all the gods.”

πŸ‘‘ Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and the king of Israel, fulfilling the role of the heir of all things and purging sins.

🌌 Jesus is portrayed as the eternal God who created the heavens and the earth, emphasizing his divine nature and role in salvation.

βš–οΈ Hebrews serves as a reminder to the Jews of their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, highlighting his divine nature as the Almighty God and the atonement for the sins of the world.

Dispensations and God’s Plan

πŸ“š The concept of dispensations in the Bible, different time periods in which God dealt with people in various ways, is an important and interesting topic for study.

πŸ“– The rejection and killing of Jesus Christ by the Jews was foreseen and known by God, and it was all according to His plan.

πŸ™Œ God’s plan to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ demonstrates his ultimate power, wisdom, and love for his creation.

πŸ“š Paul, the author of Hebrews, had a deep knowledge of the Old Testament, demonstrating the significance of studying and immersing oneself in religious texts.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus, as the Son of God, is superior to angels and fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament, offering salvation through his sacrificial blood atonement.

  1. πŸ“œ Jesus, the son of God, spoke to us in the last days and is superior to the angels, emphasizing the importance of studying the Bible through a dispensational lens and the reliability of the Bible as a source of prophecy.

1.1 God spoke to different people in different ways throughout various time periods, demonstrating the existence of dispensations and the importance of studying the Bible through a dispensational lens.

1.2 Jesus, the son of God, spoke to us in the last days and is superior to the angels, and the Bible is a more reliable source of prophecy than a voice from heaven.

1.3 The Bible is a more sure word of prophecy, with the Old Testament prophets speaking God’s words through the Holy Spirit, and in the last days, God spoke to us through his son.

1.4 Hebrews was written during the last days, which aligns with the idea that one day equals 1,000 years in the Bible, resulting in a total of 7,000 years of human history, with Jesus speaking in the last days during his time on earth.

1.5 Paul believed that he was living in the last days and that the rapture and Millennial Kingdom would happen soon, but he was mistaken; however, he was not entirely wrong because there are only three days left in history according to the concept of one day being equivalent to a thousand years.

1.6 Jesus Christ was initially sent only to the Hebrews, as stated in Matthew 15:24, and his ministry was focused on them.

  1. πŸ“š Many churches fail to understand the importance of the cross and the division between the Old and New Testaments, resulting in repetitive preaching of the Gospels without recognizing the significance of Jesus’ death for Gentiles, but the book of Hebrews speaks to the Jews about Jesus being the blood sacrifice and the heir of all things.

2.1 Many churches fail to understand the importance of the cross and the division between the Old and New Testaments, resulting in repetitive preaching of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John without delving into the teachings of Romans through Philemon or recognizing the significance of Jesus’ death for Gentiles.

2.2 Jesus came to save the Jews first, but they rejected him, so now there is a long period called the church age where God is saving Gentiles to provoke the Jews to jealousy.

2.3 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are considered Old Testament in their time period, and the New Testament does not begin until Jesus died, although there are still teachings from Jesus that can be applied today.

2.4 Many Christian denominations misunderstand the book of Hebrews, preaching Old Testament doctrine for Jews and trying to force it onto Gentiles, but the book actually speaks to the Jews about Jesus being the blood sacrifice and the heir of all things.

2.5 The speaker discusses the importance of identifying pronouns in the Bible and how his dad, who was an English teacher, taught him to circle and connect pronouns to their antecedents to understand who they refer to, using Hebrews 1:3 as an example.

2.6 Jesus Christ is the brightness of God’s glory, the express image of His person, upholding all things by His power, and he purged our sins and is now seated at the right hand of God.

  1. πŸ“œ Jesus, sent by God, was rejected and killed by the Jews, but through his sacrifice, he purged our sins and offers eternal life through faith.

3.1 Jesus told parables to the Jewish people, and although we can still find value in them, our doctrine comes from Paul and emphasizes eternal life through faith.

3.2 Jesus tells a parable to the lost religious leaders of Israel about a man who planted a vineyard and sent servants to collect fruit, but they were mistreated and killed, representing the prophets who were rejected by the people.

3.3 God sent his beloved son, Jesus, to the Jews, but they rejected him and killed him, resulting in the destruction of the temple and the dispersal of the Jewish people until their return in 1947-48.

3.4 Jesus Christ, the rejected stone, was sent by God to die on the cross according to His plan, as He wanted to be the Lamb of God who takes away sin.

3.5 Jesus knew before creating Adam and Eve that they would sin, so he decided to die for their sins, becoming the heir of all things and receiving power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing.

3.6 Jesus purged our sins with his own blood, which is the only thing in the universe that can cleanse and purge sin, and those who go to hell do so because of unbelief and rejecting this payment.

  1. πŸ’‘ Salvation is obtained through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial blood atonement, not our own works, and he is superior to angels as the Son of God.

4.1 Salvation is obtained through the blood of Jesus Christ, not through our own works, and any religious denomination that preaches otherwise is wrong.

4.2 Jesus Christ is the brightness of God’s glory, the express image of His person, and through His sacrificial blood atonement on the cross, He purged our sins and sat down on the right hand of God because salvation is finished in Him, not by our works.

4.3 Salvation is not achieved through good works, but through faith in Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith, and has completed everything necessary for salvation through his sacrifice on the cross.

4.4 Jesus Christ, after rising from the grave, sat on the throne in heaven, but when the Jews rejected him as their Messiah, he stood up and the opportunity for the rapture and the Millennial Kingdom was lost.

4.5 Jesus rose from the dead, went up to heaven, sat down on the throne, and waited for the Jews to accept him, but when they didn’t, he decided to go to the Gentiles and tell them that they can be saved by faith in him and his sacrifice on the cross.

4.6 Jesus Christ is superior to the angels as he is the Creator and has obtained a more excellent name, being referred to as the Son of God by God the Father, while angels are merely created beings.

  1. πŸ“– Paul, the author of Hebrews, quotes the Old Testament to contrast with the Pharisees, emphasizing the importance of context and affirming Jesus as the Son of God.

5.1 Paul, the author of the book of Hebrews, extensively quotes the Old Testament, demonstrating his knowledge of the law and contrasting with the Pharisees who often misunderstood it.

5.2 Psalm 2 is a prophetic chapter with verses marked by stars, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of reading the context when quoting from the Old Testament.

5.3 The heathen rage and imagine a vain thing, but the Lord will have them in derision and give his anointed the heathen for inheritance and the earth for possession.

5.4 In the Old Testament, references to Jesus Christ’s birth and rule with a rod of iron are often combined, despite the significant time difference, as God sees it as a short period.

5.5 Jesus’ second coming is emphasized in the Old Testament prophecies more than his birth and death, and Hebrews 1:5 quotes Psalms 2:7 to affirm Jesus as the Son of God.

5.6 The speaker discusses the importance of studying the Bible and understanding its content, specifically referencing a quote from 2nd Samuel chapter 7.

  1. πŸ“œ Jesus fulfills the prophecy of an eternal throne for David, he will become the future king of Israel, and even fallen angels should worship him.

6.1 Jesus is not going to commit iniquity, as stated in 2nd Samuel chapter 7 verse 14, and the context of the passage confirms this.

6.2 Jesus prophesied in 2 Samuel that David’s throne would last forever, despite David’s potential for sin, and this prophecy of an eternal throne for David is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

6.3 Jesus, who comes from the lineage of David, will become the future king of Israel and establish his throne in Jerusalem during the Millennial Kingdom.

6.4 The author of Hebrews quotes an Old Testament passage in which God commands all the angels to worship the first begotten son.

6.5 Paul is the author of the book of Hebrews, as evidenced by his frequent quoting of Old Testament scripture and his writing style.

6.6 Paul may be quoting from Psalms 97:7 to suggest that even fallen angels should worship God, and the context of Psalms 97 is Armageddon and Jesus Christ’s return.

  1. πŸ‘‘ Jesus is the reigning king, the purger of sins, the promised Messiah, and the creator who was rejected by the Jews.

7.1 Jesus reigns in the Millennial Kingdom, destroying his enemies and delivering his saints from the wicked, as stated in Hebrews 1:3-14.

7.2 Angels are described as ministering spirits in the Bible, and while they should not be worshipped or prayed to, they play a role in protecting and ministering to believers.

7.3 The speaker discusses the connection between Psalms 45 and Hebrews 1, highlighting the anointing of the son with the oil of gladness and the significance of this in the book of Hebrews.

7.4 Jesus Christ is the heir of all things, the purger of sins, the promised Messiah, the king of Israel, and the Lord.

7.5 Jesus is the creator and Savior who died and purged sins, as stated in the book of Hebrews.

7.6 Jesus is the king of Israel and the creator, and the Jews tried to kill Paul because they rejected Jesus as the Savior, king, and Creator.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus is the eternal God, judge, and ruling King, with references to Psalms and Revelation supporting this idea, and Hebrews 1:3-14 is a prophecy of Jesus Christ as the savior, king, creator, judge, priest, ruling king, and Messiah, with a profound message to the Jews who rejected their Messiah.

8.1 Jesus is the eternal God who created the heavens and the earth, and at the end of the Millennial Kingdom, God will destroy the current heavens and earth and create a new heaven and a new earth.

8.2 Jesus is portrayed as the judge of the quick and the dead, with references to Psalms and Revelation supporting this idea.

8.3 Jesus Christ had a seamless garment, which is compared to the shape of the universe, possibly resembling a rounded pyramid, and the Illuminati symbol may be related to this shape, possibly representing Lucifer’s desire to be like Jesus.

8.4 Paul quotes Psalms 110 to show that Jesus is the ruling King of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom, urging the Jews to look at the scriptures in context and realize that they killed their ruling King.

8.5 Every verse in Hebrews 1:3-14 is a prophecy of Jesus Christ, and the heirs of salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, become joint heirs with Christ and will rule and reign in the Millennium.

8.6 Hebrews chapter one is about who Jesus is and what he did, with numerous quotes from the Old Testament that point to Jesus as the savior, king, creator, judge, priest, ruling king, and Messiah, and the book is a profound message to the Jews who rejected their Messiah.

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