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Hebrews 3:2 to 19: Robert Breaker


Jesus’ divinity and role as the creator

🙏 Jesus is portrayed as a merciful and faithful high priest, emphasizing his role in making reconciliation for the sins of the people.

🌟 Jesus is attributed with more glory than Moses, emphasizing his elevated status.

📖 The Apostle Paul emphasizes that Jesus is God and the creator of all things, as supported by the teachings in the Bible.

📖 The belief that Jesus Christ is God is supported by the clear statement in Exodus 3:13-14, where God identifies Himself as “I am that I am.”

🌟 Jesus is portrayed as the creator of all things, affirming his role as the ultimate Creator and emphasizing his deity.

🤔 Jesus Christ is not just a mere mortal man, but God manifest in the flesh, according to Isaiah 43:11 and 43:15.

🤔 Jesus Christ is identified as the Lord, Savior, and Creator in both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing his divinity and importance.

💡 According to the Apostle Paul in Hebrews, Jesus Christ is the creator of the entire world, making him God.

💡 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the deity of Christ and his role as the Messiah who died for our sins.

Salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ

💡 Paul’s message to the Jews was that the law no longer saves, but rather it is trust in the finished work of Christ that brings salvation.

🙏 Salvation is through the finished work of Jesus Christ, not through Moses and the law.

💡 The law is important, but the gospel of salvation shines even brighter, showing that we need Jesus, not just the law, for salvation.

🙌 “Jesus Christ is worthy to receive glory and honor why because he’s God who died in our place for our sins and to God be the glory.”

Jesus’ superiority over Moses and the law

🙏 The word “faithful” means being constant in the performance of duties or services, highlighting the unwavering commitment of Jesus and Moses to fulfill their responsibilities.

💫 The Apostle Paul emphasizes the superiority of Jesus over Moses, highlighting the greatness of grace over the law.

😮 The statement “Before Abraham was, I am” caused such anger that people wanted to stone Jesus, highlighting the controversial nature of his claims.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament law and the focus should be on salvation through faith in him rather than adherence to the law.

  1. 📜 Jesus fulfills the law and believers are no longer under its authority, emphasizing salvation through grace and faith in Jesus Christ rather than the Old Testament law.

1.1 Hebrews chapter 3 compares Jesus to Moses and the law to Grace.

1.2 The speaker explains that salvation is not obtained through the law but through grace and faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing that Jesus fulfills the law and that believers are no longer under its authority.

1.3 Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the Apostle Paul is urging people to consider Jesus as the one to follow, rather than Moses and the Old Testament law.

1.4 The speaker clarifies that when they said “we are under Paul’s ministry,” they meant that in the church today, we follow Paul’s teachings because Jesus revealed certain things to Paul for the church, and Paul always points to Jesus and emphasizes trusting in his blood for salvation.

1.5 The Old Testament law points to Jesus as the source of salvation, and the Apostle Paul compares Moses and Jesus to emphasize that salvation is through Jesus Christ, not through the law.

1.6 Jesus and Moses were both faithful in carrying out the duties assigned to them by God.

  1. 📜 Jesus is highlighted as more worthy of glory than Moses, and the Old Testament law is no longer relevant as we are now under grace and it is about being born again and walking in the spirit.

2.1 Moses takes an Ethiopian woman as his wife, and when Miriam and Aaron speak against him, God defends Moses and warns them not to speak against his servant.

2.2 Moses and Jesus were both faithful, as stated in the Bible, and Jesus’ faithfulness is highlighted in his role as a high priest who reconciles sins.

2.3 Jesus and Moses were both faithful, but Jesus was considered more worthy of glory than Moses.

2.4 The Apostle Paul emphasizes the superiority of Jesus over Moses and the law, highlighting the glory of Jesus and the grace he brings compared to the Old Testament law.

2.5 The Old Testament law is no longer relevant as we are now under grace and it is about being born again and walking in the spirit, not trying to please God through good works in the flesh.

2.6 In 2nd Corinthians, Paul compares Moses’ shining face after being with God to the light of knowledge of God’s glory in our hearts through Jesus.

  1. 🌟 The gospel of salvation through Jesus is more important and glorious than the law, and true ministers should focus on preaching about Jesus and his salvation, not themselves.

3.1 The speaker emphasizes that the gospel of salvation, shining like the face of Jesus, is more important and glorious than the law, as it is through Jesus that we are saved, not by following the law.

3.2 Jesus is worthy of glory and honor because he died for our sins, and true ministers of the gospel should focus on preaching about Jesus and his salvation, not on themselves.

3.3 Salvation is through Christ, not our works, and Paul warns against those who boast about themselves, emphasizing that Jesus is worthy of more glory than Moses, comparing it to the honor given to the builder of a house rather than the house itself.

3.4 Older houses like ours tend to fall apart, with our house on stilts experiencing shifting and rotting wood causing uneven floors and a humble living situation.

  1. 📖 Jesus, as God, built the house of Israel before Moses and Abraham, proving his preexistence and superiority, and his claim to be the great I am angers others and leads them to want to stone him.

4.1 Jesus, who is God, built the house of Israel before Moses and Abraham, proving his preexistence and superiority.

4.2 Jesus Christ claimed to be God, which was why the Jews rejected him, and this is evident in Exodus 3:13-14 where God tells Moses that his name is “I am that I am.”

4.3 Jesus Christ refers to himself as the great I am, stating that he existed before Abraham and is the creator, which angers others and leads them to want to stone him.

4.4 The Tetragrammaton is a term used by Jews to refer to God saying “I am,” signifying God’s eternal nature.

4.5 Jesus deserves more honor than Moses because he is the one who built the house and is therefore God, as stated by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 3:2-4.

4.6 The speaker emphasizes the importance of using a King James Bible, as it is the only version that includes the words “by Jesus Christ” in Ephesians 3:9, which highlights Jesus’ role as the creator and defends his deity.

  1. 📖 Jesus Christ is the creator God, manifested in the flesh, contradicting the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Apostle Paul emphasizes the mistake of killing Jesus in the book of Hebrews.

5.1 New versions of the Bible that remove the phrase “by Jesus Christ” in Ephesians 3:9 and Colossians 1:16 affect the doctrine of Jesus Christ’s deity and his role as the creator.

5.2 Jesus Christ is the creator God and is manifested in the flesh, as stated in verses 12-20 of Hebrews 3 and 1 Timothy 3:16, despite new versions of the Bible removing the word “God”.

5.3 Jesus Christ is God, the Creator, and the Savior, as stated in Isaiah 43:11 and 43:15, contradicting the belief of Jehovah Witnesses that Jesus is not the true God.

5.4 Jesus Christ is the Lord, Savior, and creator mentioned in the Old Testament, and the same Lord and Savior in the New Testament, confirming that Jesus is God.

5.5 Jesus is both the Lord and Savior in the Old and New Testaments, contradicting the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

5.6 The Apostle Paul is emphasizing to the Jews in the book of Hebrews that they made a grave mistake in killing Jesus Christ, as revealed in Revelation 3:14.

  1. 📖 Jesus Christ is the creator and Son of God, the book of Hebrews emphasizes his deity and the Old Testament testifies of him, urging Jews to endure until the end to enter the Millennial Kingdom.

6.1 Jesus Christ is the creator of the entire world and is referred to as God by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews chapter 3.

6.2 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the deity of Christ, highlighting Jesus as the Messiah who died for our sins, comparing him to Moses as a faithful servant but emphasizing that Jesus is the Son of God with more glory.

6.3 The Old Testament is a testimony of Jesus, with numerous verses throughout the New Testament confirming that the law and the prophets all point to him.

6.4 Jesus is the head of the church, which is his own house, and he died to form one new man, the body of Christ.

6.5 The speaker explains that the verse in Hebrews is not about salvation, but rather about enduring to the end of the tribulation in order to be part of the house, emphasizing that this is written to Jews and not Gentiles.

6.6 The speaker explains that the Apostle Paul and early apostles believed in a short timeline where they thought the tribulation would occur, followed by the Millennial Kingdom, and urges Jews to endure until the end to enter the Kingdom.

  1. 📜 Only Joshua and Caleb believed in God and entered the Promised Land, Paul found comfort in Psalms 95, Jesus is the rock of salvation and Lord, Hebrews emphasizes the importance of Jews accepting Jesus to find rest and enter the promised land, if Jews had accepted Jesus, tribulation and Millennial Kingdom could have happened in Paul’s lifetime.

7.1 During the 40 years in the wilderness, only two people, Joshua and Caleb, believed in God and were able to enter the Promised Land, while the rest of the Israelites died off.

7.2 The Apostle Paul found comfort in the Book of Psalms, particularly in Psalms 95, which he quotes in Hebrews 3, emphasizing the importance of not hardening one’s heart and instead rejoicing in the Lord.

7.3 Jesus Christ is referred to as the rock of salvation and the king above all gods, emphasizing his importance and role in the song.

7.4 Jesus is the creator and Lord, and this psalm emphasizes worshiping and bowing down before him as our God.

7.5 The book of Hebrews was written before the church age, emphasizing the importance of the Jews accepting Jesus as Messiah in order to enter into the promised land and find rest.

7.6 Jesus came to save his people from their sins and be their king, but if the Jews had accepted him, the tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom could have happened in the lifetime of the Apostle Paul.

  1. 📜 The speaker emphasizes the importance of not having an evil heart of unbelief, discussing the comparison between the Israelites’ wilderness journey and the future rest for the Jews, highlighting the need to accept Jesus as the Messiah for salvation.

8.1 The speaker discusses the importance of not having an evil heart of unbelief and exhorts the audience to encourage one another daily to look for Jesus’ return, as stated in Hebrews 3:2-19.

8.2 The speaker discusses the comparison between the rest of the Millennial Kingdom and the 40 years of judgment in the wilderness that the Jews had to go through due to their unbelief, emphasizing that the Jews will eventually enter their promised rest in the future.

8.3 God promised the land to the Israelites, but because of their rebellion and unbelief, Moses and Aaron were not allowed to enter, leading to forty years of hardship in the wilderness.

8.4 The speaker discusses how the Jews, like the Israelites in the wilderness, failed to enter into rest due to their unbelief, and how God gave them multiple opportunities to accept Jesus as their Messiah before judgment was passed.

8.5 The speaker discusses the concept of rest in Hebrews, explaining that there are different types of rest for different groups, including a spiritual rest for Christians, a rest for the Jews in the Millennium, and a rest for those who reject Jesus in the form of trouble.

8.6 Believing in God’s promises and accepting Jesus as the Messiah is crucial, as seen in Hebrews 3, where the comparison is made between Moses and Jesus, and the postponement of the Promised Land and Kingdom due to disbelief, but salvation is still available to all through faith.

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