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Hebrews 4:1 to 2: Robert Breaker


The Role of Moses and Jesus in Different Ages

📖 The comparison between Moses and Jesus continues in the book of Hebrews, highlighting their roles in different ages such as the church age, the tribulation, and the Millennium.

📜 Paul draws a parallel between the people of Israel’s unbelief and rejection of Jesus as their Messiah, resulting in them not entering the Promised Land, which represents the Millennial Kingdom.

🌍 After the church age, God will shift his focus back to Israel during the Tribulation Period, leading to the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom.

😮 The early belief was that Jesus would come back soon and establish the Millennial Kingdom, highlighting the anticipation and expectation of his return among the early followers.

🏛️ The Romans destroyed the temple and expelled the Jews from Jerusalem in 70 AD because they rejected their Messiah, resulting in a judgment from God.

😮 The coincidence of the events happening exactly 40 years apart, with Jesus’ death in 33 AD and the fall of Masada in 73 AD, is seen as a remarkable and awe-inspiring connection.

🤔 The author raises the intriguing question of whether the Jews, including those at Masada, believed that after 40 years they would be able to return to the land and destroy their enemies.

🤔 Jesus’s ministry to the Jews was centered around the belief that he was the Messiah and would lead them into his promised land for a thousand years.

Belief and Faith in Jesus for Salvation

🙏 Finding rest for your soul in Christ is essential for true elevation and peace in life.

💭 The Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of not coming short of entering Jesus’s rest, urging the Jews to be cautious.

🌍 Belief in Jesus allows Jews to experience resurrection and rule with Jesus in the kingdom, emphasizing the significance of faith in the afterlife.

🌍 Jesus emphasized the urgency of the kingdom of God, stating that it was at hand and calling for repentance and belief in the good news.

🙏 God’s ultimate desire is for us to have faith in Him, as it is impossible to please Him without it.

💡 Salvation is attained through belief and faith in Jesus, as he references the story of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness as a parallel to his own crucifixion.

💭 Salvation is not based on our works or repentance, but on our belief in Jesus and what he did for us.

The Concept of Rest in Hebrews

😴 There are four distinct rests mentioned in Hebrews 3 and 4, including the Canaan rest, creation rest, millennial rest, and believers rest.

😴 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of understanding the rest in the Old Testament and the New Testament in order to comprehend the concept of the Kingdom.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that believers should fear falling short of entering into rest in Christ and that accepting Jesus is crucial for salvation and entering the promised land.

  1. 📚 The speaker addresses a potential mistake in a previous video and clarifies the timing of the book of Hebrews, discussing the comparison between Moses and Jesus and the concept of rest in chapters 3 and 4.

1.1 The speaker addresses a correction he needs to make before starting the study on Hebrews chapter 4, mentioning that he may have made a mistake in a previous teaching.

1.2 The speaker acknowledges a potential mistake in a previous video regarding the timing of the book of Hebrews and clarifies that it was written after Acts chapter seven.

1.3 Hebrews was most likely written between chapters 9 and 13 of the book of Acts, during a time when there were very few Gentiles saved, and the last chapter was written later by Paul, who is an apostle to the Gentiles.

1.4 The video discusses the comparison between Moses and Jesus, focusing on the concept of rest in chapters 3 and 4 of the book of Hebrews.

1.5 There are four distinct rests mentioned in Hebrews 3 and 4: the Canaan rest, the creation rest, the millennial rest, and the believers rest.

1.6 Rest in your body while working, find rest for your soul in Christ, and ensure that the audio listeners can hear the message.

  1. 📜 Israel’s rejection of Jesus as their Messiah resulted in them being unable to enter the Millennial Kingdom, but after 40 Jubilees (2,000 years), God will raise them up and fulfill his promise to give them their land back.

2.1 The video discusses the importance of understanding the rest in Christ and the rest in the Old Testament, specifically focusing on the rest of Canaan for the people of Israel.

2.2 The people of Israel had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years before entering the Promised Land, and similarly, because the people of Israel rejected Jesus as their Messiah, they were not able to enter the Millennial Kingdom.

2.3 Israel disbelieved God in the past and were unable to enter the promised land, just as they disbelieved Jesus as their Messiah, resulting in God’s judgment, but after 40 Jubilees (2,000 years), God will raise them up.

2.4 The church age, which is approximately two thousand years, will come to an end and be followed by the Tribulation Period and the Millennial Kingdom.

2.5 Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt to a promised land where they could rest with God, and there are three types of rest mentioned in the Old Testament: the creation rest, the millennial rest, and the promised land rest.

2.6 God is not done with the Jews and will fulfill his promise to give them their land back.

  1. 📚 Believers should fear falling short of entering into rest in Christ, as the Apostle Paul urged the Jews to fear God’s wrath in the tribulation and not come short of entering Jesus’s rest, with the concept of the rapture and inclusion of Gentiles in salvation not yet understood at that time.

3.1 Believers find rest in Christ, and in Hebrews 4:1, it is emphasized that we should fear falling short of the promise of entering into this rest.

3.2 Always ask yourself about the antecedent of a pronoun, as my dad, who was an English teacher, used to say, and he would always emphasize the importance of knowing who or what the pronoun is referring to.

3.3 The speaker explains that in Hebrews 4:1-2, the Apostle Paul is urging the Jews to fear God’s wrath in the tribulation and not come short of entering Jesus’s rest.

3.4 God’s wrath has been poured out for the past 2,000 years, and during the time of Jacob’s trouble, Paul believed that the Millennial Kingdom would follow the tribulation, not yet understanding the concept of the rapture or the inclusion of Gentiles in salvation.

3.5 Paul may have believed that Jesus would return after 40 years of judgment, but this did not happen, which is the subject being discussed in the video.

3.6 A documentary about Israel, featuring a tour by Benjamin Netanyahu, showed various places including Masada, a mountain that was once Herod’s temple and later used by the Jews as their last stand against the Romans.

  1. 🔥 Israel rejected Jesus, leading to their destruction by the Romans in 70 AD, and the book of Hebrews warns Jews of God’s judgment for rejecting their Messiah.

4.1 Jesus died at the age of 33 in 33 AD, and 40 years later, in 70 AD, Israel was destroyed.

4.2 Israel rejected their Messiah in 33 AD, leading to the Romans overthrowing the temple in 70 AD and expelling the Jews from Jerusalem, as shown in a documentary about Masada where a group of Jews defiantly resisted the Romans for three years.

4.3 In 73 AD, exactly forty years after Jesus was killed on Passover, the Roman Empire took over Masada and all the Jews died, marking God’s judgment on them.

4.4 The speaker discusses the significance of the 40 years in Egypt and the 40 years after Jesus’ death, suggesting that these repetitive numbers in Israel’s history cannot be coincidence.

4.5 The speaker explains that the book of Hebrews was written to Jews, not Christians, and warns them to fear because they have rejected their Messiah and will face God’s judgment.

  1. 📜 The Jews faced dispersion and tribulations, but if they accept Jesus, they can enter the Millennial Kingdom; Gentiles can also enter if they get saved, while those who die in unbelief will go to hell.

5.1 Jerusalem was taken by the Romans, the Jews were taken captive, and the temple was destroyed, leading to the dispersion of Israel for over 2,000 years until they returned and declared themselves a nation in 1948.

5.2 The Jews should fear because they have to go through something before they can enter the Millennial Kingdom, but if they accept Jesus Christ, they can be part of the believers’ rest and be in the Millennial Kingdom with Christ.

5.3 Gentiles can now enter the Millennial Kingdom, but only if they get saved, as those who die in unbelief will go to hell and never have the opportunity to enter.

5.4 Jews who believe in Jesus will go to heaven and rule with him in the kingdom, while those who followed Moses and did not believe died in the wilderness and their children inherited the Promised Land.

5.5 The speaker explains that the nation of Israel did not accept Jesus as their king due to their lack of faith, resulting in God’s anger and their subsequent tribulations.

5.6 The word “gospel” refers to good news, and while the gospel for today is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it could not have been preached in the Old Testament because Jesus had not yet died, so the gospel preached in the Old Testament was different, and in Hebrews 4:1-2, it refers to the good news of rest for those who believe in God.

  1. 📖 Jesus preached the good news of the coming kingdom of God, emphasizing his role as the Messiah and calling people to repent and believe in this gospel.

6.1 Jesus preached the good news of the coming kingdom of God, which was the gospel in his time, and he called people to repent and believe in this good news.

6.2 Jesus preached the good news that the kingdom of God had come, but since he had not yet died, the gospel he preached was different from the gospel of salvation in our dispensation, and instead focused on the fear of God and keeping his commandments.

6.3 Jesus preached the good news that he is the Messiah, and the term “gospel” refers to the good news of Jesus’ arrival and his role as the Messiah.

6.4 Jesus reads from the Book of Isaiah in the synagogue, proclaiming that he is the Messiah and fulfilling the scripture, which astonishes the people and leads them to try to kill him.

6.5 Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, which was the good news that he was there to heal and rule.

6.6 Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, emphasizing that he was the Messiah who came to rule for a thousand years.

  1. 🔑 God’s plan for Jesus to rule was rejected, leading to a period of opportunity for Gentiles to be saved through Paul, known as the church age; faith and trust in Jesus is crucial for entering the promised land and experiencing rest.

7.1 God’s plan was for Jesus to rule, but because he was rejected, a period of opportunity for Gentiles to be saved was introduced through Paul, provoking the Jews to jealousy, and this period is known as the church age, lasting 40 Jubilees.

7.2 The Jews are still in the wilderness and fear is a part of their lasting gospel, as they must trust Jesus to enter the Millennial Kingdom and rest in the promised land.

7.3 God wants faith, which is the same as trust, and the only thing that matters in this world is trust.

7.4 Marriage and salvation are based on trust, and God’s ultimate desire is for us to have faith in Him.

7.5 The children of Israel did not believe Moses and because of their unbelief, they were stuck in the wilderness for 40 years instead of entering the promised land, emphasizing the importance of faith in salvation.

7.6 Believing in God leads to rest, while not believing results in restlessness and judgment.

  1. 📜 The Old Testament foreshadows the gospel, emphasizing the importance of belief in Jesus for salvation, while providing examples to learn from and avoid sin, with believers finding rest and salvation through faith in the gospel.

8.1 The Old Testament contains a type of the gospel that is now evident to us because we have the New Testament, but the people living in the Old Testament did not see Jesus’ death and resurrection.

8.2 In the Old Testament, the people complained and were bitten by serpents, but those who looked at a brass serpent on a pole were healed, illustrating the importance of belief and obedience.

8.3 Jesus became sin on the cross and just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness for healing, Jesus must be lifted up on the cross for salvation, and whoever believes in him will have everlasting life.

8.4 Salvation is achieved through belief in Jesus, not through works or repentance, as emphasized throughout the Bible.

8.5 Jesus is referred to as the rock in the Old Testament, and the stories and examples from the Old Testament are written for us to learn from and avoid falling into sin.

8.6 Believers, whether Jews or Gentiles, who have faith in the gospel have entered into rest and are saved, while those who do not believe will face judgment.

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