Promises and Hope in the Bible
💔 Those who turn away from Jesus and take the mark of the beast in the tribulation will be burned and thrown into hell.
💪 The assurance of hope is emphasized in the Bible, highlighting the importance of having faith in Jesus’ imminent return.
🇮🇱 Israel was declared a nation again in 1948 after almost two thousand years, fulfilling God’s promise.
🌱 God’s ability to perform miracles is demonstrated through the birth of a baby to a 90-year-old woman and a virgin, showcasing the extraordinary power of God.
🌍 The promise of land to the Jews in the Millennial Kingdom is a central hope and anchor for their souls.
🩸 The blood of Jesus Christ is the hope and anchor of our soul, symbolized by the blood that was put on the mercy seat behind the veil in the tabernacle.
💉 Jesus’s blood is seen as a sacrifice and offering forever for sins, according to Hebrews 6:7 to 20.
Interpretation and Context of Biblical Teachings
📖 The interpretation of passages in Hebrews that suggest the possibility of losing salvation should be understood in the context of Jews in the tribulation, rather than applying to believers today.
📖 It is important to interpret and understand the context, audience, and purpose of biblical teachings before applying them to our lives.
🌿 Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in Him as the True Vine in order to bear fruit and achieve true productivity in life.
🤔 “Look for the antecedent of that pronoun and always find out what is the pronoun.” – Interesting insight on the importance of identifying the referent of pronouns in understanding the context.
Assurance of Salvation and Eternal Security
🕊️ When we are saved, our soul becomes God’s purchased possession, sealed with the Holy Spirit, highlighting the permanence and security of salvation.
📖 Salvation is not based on works, but on the work of God in us, and our works are a response to what He has already done for us.
📖 Understanding the Bible correctly is crucial in having the assurance of eternal security, as different periods (such as the church age and the future tribulation) may have different implications.
TLDR: The key idea of the video is that salvation is eternal and cannot be lost, and that the tribulation period is separate from the church age.
- 📖 The interpretation of Hebrews 6:7-20 suggests that while some argue salvation can be lost, it actually only applies to the tribulation period and not the church age, with salvation being eternal and cannot be lost.
1.1 The speaker discusses the interpretation of Hebrews 6:7-20, explaining that while some argue that a person can lose their salvation, the context suggests that this only applies to the tribulation period and not the church age.
1.2 The book of Hebrews has a double application, being written for the early Hebrews and also applicable after the rapture, with passages that may seem to suggest the possibility of losing salvation actually referring to Jews in the tribulation, while Paul clearly states that salvation cannot be lost today.
1.3 God promised eternal life to certain people before the world began, and if you have eternal life, it means you have life for all eternity and cannot lose it.
1.4 Salvation is eternal life through Jesus, obtained by his own blood, and includes redemption, the eternal spirit, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit.
1.5 Christians can lose rewards for sinning after salvation, but they cannot lose salvation itself, as explained in Hebrews 6:7-20.
1.6 The speaker discusses verses in Hebrews and Timothy that some interpret as indicating the possibility of losing salvation, but argues that the context suggests otherwise, emphasizing the idea of reigning with Jesus.
- 🔑 Once saved, we cannot lose our salvation as we become part of the body of Christ, confirmed blameless by God, and receive eternal life through faith in Jesus.
2.1 If we deny Jesus, he will deny us rewards in heaven and reigning with him, but once we are saved, we cannot be denied because we become part of the body of Christ and salvation is the work of God in us, not by our own works.
2.2 Once we are saved and in the body of Christ, we cannot lose our salvation because God would have to cut off parts of his own body to remove us, and God will confirm and present us blameless until the end.
2.3 When we are saved, we become sons of God and cannot lose that status, as stated in John 1:12, and we have eternal life in Christ.
2.4 If you can lose your salvation, you can never get it back again, so it is best to get saved when you hear the gospel.
2.5 When we believe and trust in the gospel, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and receive an eternal inheritance, not by works but by grace.
2.6 Losing salvation is possible if someone chooses the Antichrist over Jesus, as discussed in the book of Hebrews, which emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus and his sacrifice.
- 💧 Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all sins, except in the tribulation; the speaker discusses the significance of rain, patience, and the context of Hebrews 6:4-6 in relation to the coming of Jesus and the Tribulation Period.
3.1 Jesus Christ is our blood atonement and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins, except in the tribulation, but since the rapture comes before the mark of the beast, there is no need to worry about losing salvation in the church age.
3.2 The speaker discusses the significance of rain in relation to the time of Jesus’ coming and the Tribulation Period, referencing Hosea chapter 6 and 2nd Peter 3:8 to suggest that after two thousand years, the church will be revived.
3.3 The speaker discusses the significance of the former and latter rain in relation to the Tribulation Period, specifically referencing James chapter 5 as a book written to Jews.
3.4 The book of James discusses the importance of patience in waiting for the coming of the Lord, relating it to the concept of the earlier and latter rain and referencing the figure of Elijah.
3.5 Elijah prayed for three and a half years for no rain, and later for rain, which is similar to the two witnesses in Revelation who prophesy for the same amount of time.
3.6 The speaker discusses the context of Hebrews 6:4-6 and explains that it refers to the time before the tribulation when someone could lose their salvation by taking the mark of the beast, and ties it to the concept of thorns and briars being burned in the Tribulation Period mentioned in John 15.
- 📖 Jesus preached to Jews about the upcoming tribulation and his future reign, emphasizing that his teachings were not necessarily applicable to the church today, and those who turn away during the tribulation will be condemned.
4.1 Jesus, a Jew, preached to Jews about the upcoming tribulation and his future reign in the kingdom, emphasizing that his teachings were not necessarily applicable to the church today.
4.2 Jesus intentionally withheld certain teachings from the Jews and instead revealed them to Paul after the Jews rejected their Messiah.
4.3 God’s shift towards Gentiles is discussed in relation to the burning of thorns and briars in Hebrews 6:8, and the potential for Jews in the tribulation to lose their salvation is explored in John 15:1-6.
4.4 Jesus is the True Vine and those who do not bear fruit are taken away, while those who abide in Him bring forth much fruit.
4.5 Jesus is speaking to Jews about the tribulation and the misconception is that people apply his words to the church today, but most of it is written for Jews about the upcoming tribulation and the Millennium.
4.6 Christians cannot lose their salvation, but those who turn away from Jesus during the tribulation and take the mark of the beast will be burned and thrown into hell, so the speaker urges the readers, likely Jews, to endure and stay faithful to Jesus, emphasizing that the book is speaking about future tribulation and eternal security through the Holy Spirit.
- 📖 Paul expresses his love for the Jews and hopes they won’t turn away from Christ, emphasizing the importance of loving one another and having full assurance of faith, while clarifying the timeline of Jesus’ return and the concept of eternal security.
5.1 Always identify the antecedent of pronouns in the Bible, as pronouns without antecedents are referred to as “they” or “them” and it is important to clarify who these pronouns are referring to.
5.2 Paul, writing to the Jews, expresses his love for them and hopes they will not turn away from Christ, while also acknowledging that God remembers their work and love towards other Christians.
5.3 Every apostle emphasized the importance of loving one another, and it is still relevant today, especially in the last days, as Christians should show diligence and endure until the end.
5.4 Paul believed that Jesus would return in his lifetime at the Battle of Armageddon, but later God revealed to him that the Gentiles would have almost 2000 years to get saved before the rapture, which was not mentioned in the earlier books of Peter, James, and Hebrews.
5.5 The word “assurance” is mentioned seven times in the King James Bible, indicating that according to the Bible, we have eternal security and cannot lose it if we rightly divide it.
5.6 The speaker emphasizes the importance of having full assurance of faith and drawing near to Jesus, while addressing the misconception of losing salvation in the context of tribulation.
- 📜 Paul urges followers to not be lazy and to follow him and the other apostles, emphasizing the importance of faith and patience in inheriting God’s promises, particularly in the tribulation period.
6.1 Paul urges the followers to not be lazy and to follow the apostles, but later he changes his message and instructs them to follow him instead.
6.2 Paul is instructing the Jews to follow the other apostles, such as Peter, James, and John, in the book of Hebrews, and he emphasizes the importance of following him and the men he has trained in the truth.
6.3 Paul urges the audience to follow him because he received revelations from God, emphasizing the importance of following his example and not losing salvation, particularly in the tribulation period.
6.4 The speaker discusses Hebrews 6:7-20, specifically focusing on the promises made to Abraham and the importance of faith and patience in inheriting those promises.
6.5 God promises to bless and multiply the descendants of Abraham, and all nations will be blessed through him, as stated in Genesis and Hebrews, with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel being a recent example of this fulfillment.
6.6 God promised Abraham a land and a seed, and after patiently enduring, Abraham obtained the promise.
- 🌍 The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people as promised by God to Abraham and his descendants, and it will be reclaimed by the Jews when Jesus returns.
7.1 The land of Palestine belongs to the nation of Israel as promised by God to the seed of Abraham, and this is evident in Genesis 12:1-3 and Genesis 13:15-17.
7.2 God made two promises to Abraham: that he would have a seed and land, and despite being old, Abraham and his wife Sarah miraculously had a baby, and God brought them out of Cal DS to give them a land.
7.3 God promised the land of Israel to the Israelites forever, despite the United Nations’ denial of their right to it.
7.4 God promised the land to Abraham’s son Isaac and his descendants, excluding Ishmael and the Arabs, as stated in the Bible.
7.5 The land of Israel belongs to the Jews, as God specifically states in Genesis that the promises and land are for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and their descendants, excluding the Arabs.
7.6 The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people forever, and when Jesus returns at Armageddon, he will destroy the Muslim armies and the Jews will reclaim their land.
- 📜 God promised Abraham and his descendants the land, and although it took time, the Jews will eventually receive it, but there will always be strife in the Middle East until the Arabs acknowledge that it belongs to Israel.
8.1 God promised Abraham and his descendants the land, and although it took time, the Jews will eventually receive it, but there will always be strife in the Middle East until the Arabs acknowledge that it belongs to Israel.
8.2 God made an oath to Abraham that his children will eventually inherit the land, and in the Millennial Kingdom, Jesus will rule over the land and the children of Israel, providing hope and assurance to the Jews.
8.3 The blood of Jesus Christ entered the veil, symbolizing the hope and anchor of our soul, and when Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn, signifying a change from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
8.4 Jesus shed his blood and offered it on the mercy seat in heaven, making him the high priest forever and providing the one offering for sins.
8.5 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to Jewish Christians who had fled for refuge from Jerusalem, warning them to be careful because they could lose their salvation in the tribulation, but later realized that there would be a longer time before Armageddon.
8.6 Paul wrote Romans to Philemon to show that once you’re saved, you can’t lose it, and in chapter 7, he discusses Melchizedek as Jesus Christ.