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Hebrews 8:7 to 13: Robert Breaker


Salvation and Redemption through Jesus’ Sacrifice

🎁 Salvation is the free gift of eternal life that Jesus Christ offers to all who believe.

πŸ’‰ The high priest, Christ, brought about good things to come through the heavenly Tabernacle, not through the blood of animals, but through his own blood.

πŸ’‰ Jesus Christ’s literal blood was taken to heaven and offered up on the mercy seat in the tabernacle, serving as an atonement for the sins of the whole world.

🌟 Jesus’ death and resurrection brought salvation to those in Abraham’s bosom, providing a pathway to heaven that was not available in the Old Testament.

β›ͺ️ It is important to align our beliefs with the Bible and not with traditions or teachings that are not supported by scripture.

πŸ’« The Old Testament law was considered a curse, but Jesus redeemed us from that curse through his sacrifice on the cross.

🩸 Jesus Christ, as the high priest, redeemed us through his blood, emphasizing the importance of his sacrifice for the remission of sins.

βš”οΈ When Jesus returns and establishes his Millennial Kingdom, the nation of Israel will be forgiven as a whole for their sins, based on the blood atonement of Christ, and those who endure to the end of the tribulation will be saved alongside the rest of Israel.

Jesus as the High Priest and Mediator

πŸ™ The book of Hebrews focuses on Jesus as the high priest and explores his role in dying on the cross and continuing to intercede for believers.

πŸ’‰ Jesus Christ, as the minister of the true Tabernacle, has the blood that He shed on the cross in the heavenly tabernacle.

🌟 Jesus is the high priest of the heavenly tabernacle, serving as the mediator of the better Testament established upon better promises.

πŸ™ Jesus is the only mediator according to the Apostle Paul, as mentioned in Hebrews and other books.

The Superiority of the New Covenant

🎁 It’s all about Jesus and the gift he offers, emphasizing the importance of Christ rather than the Old Testament law.

πŸ“œ The New Testament is portrayed as superior to the Old Testament, offering better promises and a better covenant.

πŸ™Œ Salvation through Jesus brings a better covenant and promise, freeing believers from the obligations of the Old Testament law.

πŸ’« The new covenant mentioned in Hebrews 8:7-13 will involve God putting His laws into the minds and hearts of the people, eliminating the need for teaching and ensuring that all shall know Him.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus is the Messiah and high priest, and through his sacrifice, he established a new covenant that makes the Old Testament obsolete, offering salvation and eternal life to believers.

  1. πŸ“– The speaker discusses the book of Hebrews, emphasizing Jesus as the Messiah and high priest, the importance of living righteously, and the offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

1.1 The speaker discusses the book of Hebrews, including the alternative timeline of Jesus’ return, the Gentiles accepting the truth through the New Testament, the early church’s belief in being in the tribulation, the timing of when Hebrews was written, and the emphasis on the kingdom and the nation of Israel rejecting their Messiah.

1.2 Paul summarizes the first seven chapters of Hebrews, explaining that Jesus is the Messiah and the high priest who died on the cross and continues to intercede for us.

1.3 Jesus is our advocate who has paid for our sins, so as Christians, we don’t have to worry about punishment in hell, but rather focus on living righteously to gain rewards in heaven, and as ministers, we are supposed to help others spiritually by sharing the truth.

1.4 Jesus Christ is the minister of the true Tabernacle, which is in heaven and is a replica of the earthly tabernacle built by Moses.

1.5 Jesus is the high priest who offered gifts and sacrifices, proving that the Old Testament is over and we are now under the new covenant.

1.6 God offers eternal life as a free gift through Jesus Christ, and Jesus, as a heavenly priest, offers the gift of eternal life to all who believe.

  1. 🏰 Jesus serves as the high priest in the heavenly Tabernacle, offering his blood on the mercy seat to purge our conscience and fulfill the pattern of the earthly tabernacle, making salvation through the Old Testament obsolete.

2.1 The Old Testament Tabernacle was a pattern or replica of the heavenly Tabernacle, and Jesus, as the high priest, serves in the true Tabernacle in heaven.

2.2 There are two Tabernacles, one on earth and one in heaven, with the heavenly tabernacle being greater and more perfect, as stated in Hebrews 9:11.

2.3 Jesus Christ, as the mediator of the New Testament, offered his blood on the mercy seat in the heavenly tabernacle, fulfilling the pattern of the earthly tabernacle and purging our conscience from dead works to serve the Living God.

2.4 Jesus Christ rose from the dead, went to the Tabernacle in heaven, and put his own blood on the mercy seat as an atonement for the sins of the world, and this literal blood is still in heaven today.

2.5 The tabernacle on earth was an exact replica of the one in heaven, and God instructed Moses to build it so that Jesus could offer his own blood for our sins in the heavenly tabernacle, which was the holy of holies.

2.6 We cannot be saved through the Old Testament today because there is no tabernacle on earth to keep the Old Testament law.

  1. πŸ“œ Jesus established a new covenant, making the Old Testament obsolete, salvation is through faith in Jesus, believers have a better country and resurrection, Jesus is the only mediator, the Catholic Church’s elevation of Mary is not biblical, the first covenant was not faultless, Jesus left us his will and testament in the Bible.

3.1 Jesus established a new and better covenant with better promises, making the Old Testament obsolete, and salvation is now found through faith in Jesus rather than the works of the law.

3.2 Believers in Jesus Christ have a better country, heaven, where they will receive a better resurrection and go to a mansion of gold in New Jerusalem, contrasting with the difficulties of the Old Testament where even those who followed the law would not go to heaven but to Abraham’s bosom.

3.3 The Bible is a book of changes and different time periods, and in Hebrews 8:7-13, it is explained that Jesus is the mediator, as mentioned by the Apostle Paul in his other books.

3.4 The speaker emphasizes that according to the Bible, Jesus is the only mediator between God and man, and criticizes the Catholic Church for elevating Mary to the same level as Jesus, stating that this is not a biblical doctrine.

3.5 The first covenant in the Old Testament was not faultless, leading to the need for a second covenant, which is referred to as the New Testament, with Jesus Christ as the mediator, and it is explained that a testament only comes into effect after the death of a testator.

3.6 When someone dies, they leave behind a will that should be obeyed, and Jesus Christ left us his will and testament in the Bible.

  1. πŸ’‘ The New Testament supersedes the Old Testament law, as Jesus’ sacrifice fulfilled the law and brought about a new covenant, allowing believers to be redeemed from the curse and experience the blessings of Abraham through faith in Christ.

4.1 The New Testament supersedes the Old Testament, and believers are no longer under the Old Testament law, as Jesus’ sacrifice fulfilled the law and brought about a new covenant.

4.2 The Old Testament law was a curse, but Jesus redeemed us from that curse and brought the blessing of Abraham to the Gentiles through faith.

4.3 Under the Old Testament law, people were kept under the law as a schoolmaster, but now, through faith in Christ Jesus, we are no longer under the law and are all children of God.

4.4 The Old Testament law required a lot of effort and work, but it couldn’t save you; salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for the remission of sins.

4.5 The Old Testament foreshadowed Jesus, and now we are under the new covenant, as explained through a quote from Jeremiah 31:31-34.

4.6 The speaker discusses the concept of the new covenant in Hebrews 8:7-13, explaining that it is a covenant made with Israel but is currently on hold due to their rejection of the Messiah, allowing the Gentiles to experience its benefits first.

  1. πŸ“œ Paul quotes Jeremiah 31 to explain the new covenant with Israel, where God will put His laws in their minds and hearts, making the old covenant obsolete, and now individuals, both Jews and Gentiles, are saved in the body of Christ.

5.1 Paul is the author of the book of Hebrews and he quotes Old Testament verses, specifically Jeremiah 31, to address the Hebrews.

5.2 God will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah, different from the one made with their fathers, where He will put His laws in their minds and hearts, be their God, and they will be His people, and they will all know Him, with the old covenant becoming obsolete.

5.3 Under the Old Testament law, the emphasis was on the nation of Israel as a whole, but in the New Testament, individuals were saved and now the body of Christ is made up of both Jews and Gentiles.

5.4 When the nation as a whole rejected their Messiah, God allowed Gentiles to start getting saved and the covenant He made with the Jews was to save the entire nation, forgiving their sins, just like the high priest’s sacrifice for atonement in the Old Testament, but it was dependent on their acceptance of Jesus Christ.

5.5 The forgiveness of the entire nation of Israel does not come to life until after the Jews go through the time of Jacob’s trouble, so the Covenant of the New Testament is not applied to Jews today as a nation, but individual Jews can be saved today by trusting Jesus.

5.6 Paul quotes Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 8, discussing the new covenant with the house of Judah and how Israel broke the covenant of the Old Testament.

  1. πŸ”‘ Jesus came during a time of apostasy in Israel, and when he returns, he will forgive the nation of Israel and establish his Millennial Kingdom, fulfilling God’s promise to them.

6.1 Jesus came during a time of apostasy in Israel, where the corrupt priests had broken the Covenant by not following the law, and when he comes again at the rapture, it will also be a time of apostasy, but in the future, during the church age, God will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel.

6.2 The Jewish nation will go through the Tribulation Period to seek after Jesus, as they currently do not believe in him, but in the tribulation they will accept Jesus as their Messiah and come to God as a nation.

6.3 Jesus will forgive the iniquity of Israel as a nation when he returns at Armageddon and sets up his Millennial Kingdom, and the nation of Israel will worship God for a thousand years.

6.4 God will never forget Israel, as the size of heaven cannot be measured and God’s promise to them will be kept.

6.5 The city of Jerusalem will be built for the Lord, and the eastern gate, which Jesus passed through before his crucifixion, has been bricked up for almost 2,000 years, but Jesus will break through it when he returns at the Battle of Armageddon.

6.6 The new covenant is based on grace through faith, where individuals, whether Jew or Gentile, are saved by trusting in the blood atonement of Christ, but when Jesus returns, he will forgive the nation of Israel and the covenant will apply to them as well.

  1. πŸ“œ The context of Hebrews 8:13 is that David’s grief in Psalm 6:7 prophesies God’s anger on Israel until the end of the tribulation, and the speaker discusses the obsolescence of the Old Testament, the destruction of evil nations against Israel, and the establishment of a new covenant.

7.1 The context of Hebrews 8:13, where something “waxes old,” can be found in Psalm 6:7, where David’s grief causes him to grow old.

7.2 David wrote many songs in the Old Testament book of Psalms, which were prophetic and inspired by the Holy Spirit, and in Psalm chapter 6, it is prophesied that God’s anger and displeasure will be upon Israel from the time they reject him as a nation until the end of the tribulation.

7.3 For almost 2,000 years, the Jewish nation has been dispersed throughout the world, longing for God to return and rule over Israel again, and although they have returned to their land, God has not yet forgiven them and they still have to go through Jacob’s trouble.

7.4 The speaker discusses the concept of the Old Testament becoming obsolete and the eventual destruction of evil nations against Israel, as God establishes a new covenant.

7.5 Paul, the most knowledgeable Apostle, is believed to be the author of the book of Hebrews because he extensively quotes from the Old Testament, specifically Isaiah chapter 51, which mentions the term “vanish away.”

  1. πŸ“œ God promises a new covenant in Hebrews 8:7-13, where his laws will be written on the hearts of his people, leading to salvation for both Israel and the Gentiles, with the speaker emphasizing the importance of praying for Israel to recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

8.1 The Lord will comfort and bless Zion, transforming her wastelands into a joyful and abundant place.

8.2 In Hebrews 8:7-13, God promises a new covenant where he will write his laws on the hearts of his people, and both Israel and the Gentiles will be saved, with salvation lasting forever.

8.3 The Old Testament discusses the tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom, and God’s salvation of the nation of Israel, while the book of Hebrews will be continued in the next video.

8.4 The speaker discusses the new covenant in Hebrews 8:7-13 and mentions that in the next video, they will go into detail about the Old Testament and the things inside the tabernacle, emphasizing the importance of praying for the nation of Israel to recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

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