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Hebrews 9:1 to 10: Robert Breaker


The cleansing power and access to God through the blood of Jesus

β›ͺ️ Jesus Christ entered into heaven itself, not the holy places made with hands, highlighting his divine presence and role as our mediator with God.

πŸ’‰ The blood of Jesus Christ is considered to have cleansing power, as believers are washed in that blood when they get saved.

πŸ’” The tearing of the temple veil symbolized the end of the law and the opening of direct access to God, removing the need for intermediaries.

πŸ™Œ Jesus is the ultimate priest who replaced the need for earthly priests, allowing us to come to God directly through him.

πŸ’‰ “Not without blood” is one of the most important words in the King James Bible, emphasizing the significance of sacrifice for forgiveness of sins.

πŸ™ Today, you can’t get saved without blood; you must come through the blood of Christ by faith in the blood.

πŸ™ The forgiveness through the blood of Christ extends not only to past sins but also to future sins, but it should not be an excuse to continue sinning, rather it should inspire gratitude and devotion to God.

πŸ’§ The blood of Jesus is the only thing that can cleanse our soul, emphasizing the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

πŸ’‰ “You can come directly to me God through my blood that I shed on the cross.”

The role and purpose of the sanctuary/tabernacle in the relationship between God and His people

πŸ›οΈ The earthly tabernacle built by Moses in the desert was a sanctuary for the people of God to meet with Him, while the heavenly tabernacle exists outside of the timeline and has always been in heaven.

🏰 The purpose of the sanctuary/tabernacle was for God to dwell among his people, emphasizing the intimate relationship between God and the children of Israel.

πŸ›οΈ The high priest was the only one allowed into the holiest place, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, and he would offer blood on the mercy seat.

πŸ€” The speaker acknowledges that there is something meaningful about the design of God’s house on earth, even if the exact reason is unknown.

πŸ€” The high priest was the only person allowed into the holiest of Holies, highlighting the strict order and reverence required for forgiveness and access to God.

The significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and the establishment of the New Testament

πŸ’‘ The death of Jesus is seen as the cause for the establishment of the New Testament, emphasizing the significance of his sacrifice in the context of the covenant with God.

πŸ€” The yearly sacrifice in Hebrews 9 is a topic rarely preached about, sparking curiosity and interest.

🌍 The concept of nationwide forgiveness once a year shows the unique and compassionate nature of God’s salvation throughout the Bible.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross abolished the Old Testament law and allowed for salvation through faith in his blood.

  1. πŸ“– The speaker discusses the Old Testament Tabernacle in Hebrews 9, explaining its connection to the New Covenant and emphasizing the importance of understanding who Jesus is.

1.1 The speaker begins a verse-by-verse Bible study in Hebrews, emphasizing the importance of understanding who Jesus is and discussing the authorship of the book.

1.2 The speaker discusses the Old Testament Tabernacle in Hebrews chapter 9, describing its components and explaining its connection to the New Covenant.

1.3 The first covenant, referring to the Old Testament law, had ordinances of divine service in a worldly sanctuary.

1.4 The earthly tabernacle built by Moses was a sanctuary for the people of God to meet with Him, while the heavenly tabernacle, not part of the timeline, has always existed and the first covenant of the Old Testament had divine service ordinances.

1.5 The Levitical priests worked for God in the earthly tabernacle, which was a pattern of the heavenly sanctuary, as mandated by God, and the details of its construction can be found in Exodus chapter 25.

1.6 God wanted a sanctuary built so that he could dwell among his people, and this sanctuary is where he would come down and dwell upon earth with the children of Israel.

  1. πŸ“œ The earthly tabernacle was built according to specific instructions from God, matching the tabernacle in heaven, and Jesus entered into heaven itself with his blood to wash us when we get saved.

2.1 God gave specific instructions to Moses on how to build the Tabernacle, including the dimensions and size, with the speaker suggesting that a cubit is 18 inches based on biblical references.

2.2 God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle according to specific specifications, emphasizing the importance of following the given pattern.

2.3 The earthly tabernacle is built to match the tabernacle in heaven, and according to Hebrews 9:23-24, Christ has entered into heaven itself to appear in the presence of God for us.

2.4 Jesus rose from the dead and went up to the tabernacle in heaven, taking his blood with him, which is still present in heaven and washes us when we get saved.

2.5 The speaker discusses the different holy places in the Bible, specifically focusing on the Tabernacle and the restrictions on who could enter each area, as well as the items and rituals associated with them.

  1. πŸ“œ The earthly house was designed to resemble the heavenly house, with the Ark of the Covenant, table of showbread, and incense altar representing important aspects of worship and devotion in the Old Testament.

3.1 God wanted the earthly house to resemble his heavenly house, as seen in Hebrews 9:1-10.

3.2 The speaker explains that the instructions given in Exodus 40 align with what the Apostle Paul discusses in Hebrews 9.

3.3 The speaker discusses the Ark of the Covenant and its significance in the Bible.

3.4 The table of showbread represents the Word of God, which is compared to bread and light, emphasizing the importance of studying and consuming it daily.

3.5 The incense altar is located inside the holy place of the Old Testament Tabernacle, which is divided into three parts: the outer court, the next part for priests only, and the innermost part for the high priest.

3.6 In the Old Testament, priests had to wash and offer sacrifices on the brazen altar, burning the animals to a crisp, in order to be clean and please God.

  1. πŸ›οΈ The tabernacle in the wilderness was where the Old Covenant with Israel began, but Jesus’ death symbolized the end of the law and allowed access to God for all, making the earthly tabernacle and Levitical priests unnecessary.

4.1 The tabernacle was made in the wilderness by Moses and it was the first one where the Old Covenant with Israel began.

4.2 The speaker discusses the different parts of the Tabernacle, including the candlestick, table of showbread, and the holiest of all, which is referred to as the sanctuary.

4.3 The temple veil in the holiest of Holies was a barrier that only the high priest could enter once a year, and anyone else who entered would be killed by God, but when Jesus died, the veil was ripped, symbolizing the end of the law and allowing access to God for all.

4.4 In the Old Testament, the tabernacle was where God dwelt on earth and where he met with man, and it contained the Ark of the Covenant and a golden censer used to produce fragrant smoke during worship.

4.5 The speaker explains the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and emphasizes that the book of Hebrews is a reminder to Jews of their religious practices.

4.6 Jesus is now the priest in the heavenly tabernacle, so we no longer need the Levitical priests or the earthly tabernacle to connect with God.

  1. πŸ“œ The speaker discusses the significance of the mercy seat and the Ark of the Covenant, the rebuilding of the temple by the Jews, the coming of the Antichrist, and the devil’s desire to sit on the mercy seat in heaven.

5.1 In Hebrews 9, the speaker discusses the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat and the Ark of the Covenant, which were built with cherubs having four wings.

5.2 The speaker discusses the significance of the mercy seat in Hebrews 9:1-10 and defends the translation of the King James Bible.

5.3 During the Tribulation Period, the Jews will rebuild their temple and potentially use the Ark of the Covenant, but the Antichrist will come and kick them out, as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4.

5.4 The speaker discusses the rapture, the apostasy in the last days, and the coming of the Antichrist who will sit in the temple of God, but one thing not mentioned in the Bible is what is in this temple or tabernacle.

5.5 The Antichrist will sit in the temple’s holiest place, the mercy seat, claiming to be God, but if there’s no chair, where will he sit?

5.6 God sits on the mercy seat among the cherubims in heaven, while the devil wants to sit there and be God, but his time is limited.

  1. πŸ“– The speaker discusses the importance of the King James Bible and its connection to Paul’s writings, specifically focusing on Hebrews 9:1-10 and the differences between salvation in the Old and New Testaments.

6.1 The speaker discusses the importance of the King James Bible and why it is the correct version, specifically mentioning the book of Hebrews and its connection to Paul’s writings in Thessalonians.

6.2 Paul may have seen the tabernacle in heaven and asked God if he could talk about it, gradually being allowed to mention more in his epistles, but the one thing he couldn’t tell us remains a mystery.

6.3 In Hebrews 9:1-10, the author discusses the role of the Levitical priests in the Old Testament and how salvation was different during that time compared to the New Testament.

6.4 In the Old Testament, forgiveness of sins required a priest to offer blood on behalf of the people, but in the New Testament, there are no priests and salvation is different.

6.5 In the Old Testament, God provided a way for individuals to receive forgiveness for their sins through sacrifices, but for those who couldn’t afford it, there was a yearly sacrifice by the priest that covered the sins of the entire nation, showing God’s grace and mercy.

6.6 Once a year, the high priest would make a sacrifice for the entire nation in the most holy place, while during the rest of the year, individuals had to seek forgiveness individually.

  1. πŸ“– It is important to read and understand the Bible, as it explains that in the Old Testament, the high priest would make a yearly sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, but now salvation is easier through Jesus’ blood.

7.1 Many preachers do not read the Bible and spread false information, but it is important to actually read and understand the Bible.

7.2 Leviticus 16:30 states that the priests must make an atonement once a year for the sins of the people, as commanded by the Lord.

7.3 In the Old Testament, there was a yearly national sacrifice for the forgiveness of the entire nation’s sins, while individuals had to bring their own sacrifices for their personal sins throughout the year.

7.4 In the book of Hebrews, the speaker explains that the high priest would make a yearly sacrifice with blood for the forgiveness of sins, but now we can go directly to Jesus for salvation and be forgiven of all sins past, present, and future.

7.5 In the Old Testament, the high priest would enter the holy of holies once a year to offer blood for the sins of the nation, but now salvation is easier through Christ’s blood.

7.6 The high priest and only the high priest was allowed into the holiest of Holies, and anyone else who tried to enter would be killed because there is an order of salvation.

  1. πŸ’‰ Salvation can only be obtained through faith in the blood of Christ, as he abolished the Old Testament law and its ordinances, allowing us to come directly to God for forgiveness.

8.1 You cannot come to God and receive forgiveness without the shedding of blood, as shown in the Old Testament, and today salvation can only be obtained through faith in the blood of Christ.

8.2 The Old Testament symbolized salvation through blood atonement, but now we have Jesus Christ as our high priest and mediator, allowing us to come to God through his shed blood, forgiving not only past sins but also future ones, leading us to gratitude and a desire to serve God.

8.3 The Old Testament law, with its various rituals and ordinances, was imposed on the people until the time of the Messiah, Jesus, who came to bring a new covenant and forgiveness of sins through his blood.

8.4 The Bible talks about Old Testament ordinances and laws that required works, but it is a misconception to believe that we are still under the Old Testament law today, as Jesus Christ came to abolish it.

8.5 Jesus paid for our salvation and forgiveness, abolishing the law and its ordinances, so we are no longer under the Old Testament and are saved through faith in him.

8.6 You can now come directly to God through the blood of Jesus Christ, without needing to go through another mortal man.

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