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He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights

God’s Control and Hope in Difficult Times

πŸ™ Daniel’s hope in the midst of despair and chaos is evident, highlighting the power of faith in difficult times.

πŸ’‘ Daniel’s ability to interpret the king’s dream shows that God can bring wisdom and insight into our lives as we interact with the people around us.

πŸ’Ž Daniel’s vision in the Book of Daniel accurately predicts the rise and fall of different empires, including the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, and Roman empires, with Jesus Christ being the kingdom that cannot be destroyed.

πŸ™ “God is still in control, everybody, and he has a kingdom that is never going to end.”

πŸ’ͺ Having the confidence that God has the whole world in His hands helps us endure and navigate through difficult times with hope and joy.

πŸ™ The power of faith and community support in overcoming addiction: “In less than a year, he was completely off drugs. I’m happy to tell you, 21 years later, he’s still free.”

🌍 Despite the presence of bad things, the gospel is advancing at a high level and the number of Christians has almost grown by a billion in the last 23 years.

Living with Faith and Influence in a Shifting Culture

🎯 The book of Daniel shows how to live in a shifting culture without compromising your standards and still have influence.

🌟 “We are called to be the light in the darkness, stepping into spaces where God has placed us to bring solutions.”

πŸ’ͺ Despite knowing that God is in control, we should still actively fight for what is right and do everything we can to make a positive impact in the world.

🌟 Embrace the times and seasons, don’t curse the darkness, bring the light – see every situation as an opportunity for growth and change.


The key idea of the video is that despite living in a godless culture, believers should have faith in God’s power, actively engage in society, and endure trials while spreading the gospel and choosing holiness.

πŸ“… Join the Growth Track at Highlands Church to use your gifts and passions, connect with staff and team members, and attend the upcoming Motion Student Conference; also, don’t miss Men’s Night at Highlands church featuring a low country boil, worship, and a powerful message from God’s Word.

πŸ“š The book of Daniel teaches how to live faithfully in a godless culture, with Nebuchadnezzar desecrating holy items and young men being indoctrinated, highlighting the importance of belief in God’s power.

πŸ“š The book of Daniel shows that in a godless world, God is actively involved in chaos and despair, giving wisdom and power to bring clarity and order to society.

🌍 God is in control of the world and will use nations for his purposes, even if America is not chosen, and wants us to have faith and confidence in the midst of trials.

πŸ™ Have faith and endure culture, knowing that God has control over the world, but still continue to fight for what is right by speaking life into the confusion and chaos of the world with the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

πŸ™ Embrace the seasons we’re in, seek help and find opportunity in disorder, and surrender to God’s plan even when troubled.

πŸ”‘ Jesus encourages believers to change their negative self-talk, find joy in difficult moments, embrace their role in culture, and have an eternal perspective to endure and overcome in times of hostility, as he describes the signs of the end times and assures believers that their redemption is near.

🌍 Despite the increase in bad events, the gospel is spreading rapidly, with the number of Christians worldwide growing by almost a billion in the last 23 years, emphasizing the importance of missions giving and choosing holiness to follow Jesus.

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