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How a Biblical Miracle Works: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights

Significance and Impact of the Miracle

  • 🍞 The story of the loaves and fish is the only miracle performed by Jesus that is mentioned in all four gospels, highlighting its significance and impact.
  • 🎁 Jimmy’s small offering of a few loaves and fish ended up being used by God to perform a miracle and feed 5,000 people, highlighting the power of even the smallest acts of generosity.
  • 🏔️ “Every miracle begins with a problem.”
  • 😮 God’s decision to use imperfect humans in his plans is humbling and shows the value he places on us.
  • 💰 “When I think of your Legacy Offering, Chris, I’m so excited about this… literally thousands and thousands of people are going to be blessed, because you’re about to give up your lunch, and it’s a beautiful thing.”
  • 🐟 The biblical miracle of feeding 5,000 people with a few loaves and fish left the crowd amazed and questioning the power of Jesus.
  • 📚 “When you give your fish and chips to Jesus, he takes it, and he blesses it, and he multiplies it, and he gives it to others.”

Power of Faith and Belief in Experiencing Miracles

📜 “When there’s a need sensed by you, and each individual understands his or her responsibility, and gives his all, gives her all, regardless of the odds–in other words, even if it doesn’t make sense, regardless of the odds, then and only then does Jesus work a miracle.”

⚡️ Preaching on miracles for 18 months raised the congregation’s expectancy and led to some amazing things happening, emphasizing the power of faith and belief in experiencing miracles.

😇 When it comes to miracles, we often try to tell God what to do, but sometimes we need to trust in His plan and let Him work in His own way.


God can use ordinary people and their offerings to perform miracles that are beyond our imagination, and He wants to involve us in miracles and use us despite our flaws.

📚 John Maxwell is a leadership guru dedicated to reaching people for Jesus, emphasizing the importance of worship and discussing the process of opening a nation for transformation work, while also explaining how a biblical miracle works using the story of the loaves and fish.

🔮 God can use ordinary people and their offerings to perform miracles that are beyond our imagination.

🔮 Jesus performs a biblical miracle by feeding a crowd of over five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish, leaving twelve baskets of leftovers.

🌟 Miracles in the Bible happen when there is a problem or need, and having a problem means you are a candidate for a miracle from God.

📖 Jesus is interrupted while teaching by his disciples who inform him of the hungry crowd, emphasizing the importance of a few people acknowledging their need for a miracle, as Jesus challenges his disciples to feed the crowd instead of relying on him.

🙏 God wants to involve us in miracles and use us despite our flaws, so we should take responsibility and do our part, even in impossible situations, to partner with Him.

🌟 When people sacrifice their personal comfort and contribute to the Legacy Offering, their resources are multiplied to meet the needs of many, as seen in the miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with a small lunch.

🙏 Prioritizing obedience to God’s instructions leads to life-changing experiences and blessings, with plans to prioritize First Wednesday experiences in 2023 for longer worship and prayer sessions to receive God’s blessings.

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