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How to Be Sure of God’s Will: Charles Stanley


πŸ€” “When you and I walking in the will of God, whatever he allows is for our good.” – Dr. Charles Stanley

πŸ™ The peace of God brings an overwhelming sense of affirmation and gratitude, where there is no need to seek validation from others.

πŸ™ “God’s not going to keep a secret from you when you want to do the right thing. He’s going to show you what to do every time.”

πŸ™ “The greatest hindrance to the Christian life is Christians acting other than who they say they are, affecting their testimony, witness, and influence.”

πŸ€” “You and I have to answer the question for ourselves is where we are is what God has led us so far and my purpose and plan is to be obedient to God through the last moment of my life and you can’t ever go wrong with that.”

πŸ€” God wants us to trust Him with our daily decisions just as we trust Him with our eternal salvation.

πŸ™ “Lord, I want your best plan for my life whatever that is and I’m willing to surrender whatever needs to be surrendered.” – Dr. Charles Stanley

πŸ’° “You may do really well as far as the world is concerned but does the pay they come in and you will have to give an account for life and disobedience and rebellion that paid off for you that made you rich made you famous you name it but all out of the will of God all in opposition to God’s purpose and plan for your life.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that seeking and aligning our decisions with God’s will, as revealed in His Word, brings peace, guidance, and the best life possible.

  1. πŸ“œ We can be sure of God’s will, which includes his sovereign control, moral will, desired will, circumstantial will, and immediate will.

1.1 The will of God refers to God’s plan, purpose, and desire for all individuals, including a personal interest in each person’s life.

1.2 Can we be sure of God’s will and purpose for our lives, and do we take the time to consider where we are in His plan and what He wants to accomplish through us?

1.3 We can be sure of God’s will, which includes his sovereign control, moral will, desired will, circumstantial will, and immediate will.

  1. πŸ” Every aspect of our lives is under God’s scrutiny, so we must align our decisions with His Word and make wise choices, considering the consequences that depend on our motive and relationship with Him.

2.1 Every aspect of our lives will be scrutinized by God’s will, including decisions about our job, morals, and how we relate to money.

2.2 Confirming God’s will involves considering if a decision aligns with the Word of God and if it is a wise choice.

2.3 Consider the consequences of your decisions, as there are always unavoidable consequences that depend on your motive and relationship with God, whether you are living in or out of His will.

  1. πŸ™ Seek God’s direction and timing in decision-making for lasting consequences and genuine peace in your spirit.

3.1 Consider the circumstances and consequences of your decisions, and ask God for help in achieving them.

3.2 The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s direction and timing in making decisions, as they have long-lasting consequences and genuine peace is a key indicator of being in God’s will.

3.3 When you are sure of God’s will, you will have a sense of peace and quietness in your spirit, without doubts or irritation.

  1. πŸ™ Seek God’s will through prayer, listen to Him, and align your decisions with His Word to find peace and guidance in life.

4.1 Ask God what He wants you to do, listen to Him, and learn to rely on prayer, as God will not keep His will a secret and will show you the right path in life, bringing peace and guidance.

4.2 If a decision is consistent with the will of God, it will align with the Word of God, and anyone who genuinely seeks God’s will for their life will be shown the right path.

  1. πŸ“– Align your actions with the Word of God to be sure of His will, considering if they fit your identity as a follower of Jesus and His plan for your life.

5.1 To be sure of God’s will, one must turn to the Word of God and see if their actions align with what is explicitly stated, as the Bible will expose and guide one’s life based on their obedience or disobedience.

5.2 Does this action fit who I am as a follower of Jesus Christ and does it fit God’s overall plan for my life?

  1. πŸ™ Make decisions in accordance with God’s Word to have peace and avoid sleepless nights, as God loves us and has the best plan for our lives.

6.1 If you are walking in God’s will, everything will fit and be consistent with who you claim to be, and the greatest hindrance to the Christian life is acting contrary to one’s beliefs.

6.2 Make decisions in accordance with God’s Word to have peace and avoid sleepless nights, as God brings things to our minds to protect and care for us because he loves us and has the best plan for our lives.

6.3 People turn to drugs and alcohol to cover up something in their hearts, but the speaker does not have the answer to why they do so.

  1. πŸ™ Trust God’s plan, surrender to His will, and make wise decisions to live the best life possible.

7.1 Ensure that your decisions align with God’s will to avoid a lifetime of unrest, regret, and suffering, as God always has your best interests at heart.

7.2 Can I expect God to reward me for the decisions I make and the way I treat others, considering that God has a plan and desires what’s best for me?

7.3 Trust God with your daily decisions just as you trusted Him with your eternal salvation, knowing that He is willing to step into your life at any moment and help you when you ask Him to.

7.4 Surrendering to God’s will and accepting Jesus as your Savior is the key to making wise decisions and living the best life possible.

  1. πŸ’” No amount of worldly success can make up for a life lived in disobedience to God’s will, but through the blood of Jesus, we can be cleansed of our sins and become children of God.

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