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How to Know If You REALLY Love Jesus: Greg Lauri

Key Insights

  • πŸ’° “When God asks us to invest financially in His kingdom, it’s not because He needs our money, but because it’s about our need to demonstrate our faith in a tangible way.”
  • 🍞 “God can do a lot with a little if you don’t believe me ask the little boy with the loaves and [fishes].”
  • πŸ’” “Don’t ever boast of your commitment to Christ at the expense of someone else.”
  • πŸ’• A person who truly loves the Lord will long for personal communion with God, just like how we want to spend time with someone we love.
  • πŸ™ If you truly love the Lord, you will long for communion and fellowship with Him, eagerly looking forward to praying and opening your heart to Him.
  • πŸ’— Loving the unlovable and those who are different from us is a true sign of being a disciple of Jesus.
  • πŸ’’ “Don’t you dare come to God and say, ‘I love you Lord, but I don’t love your church’ – if you love the Lord, you’ll love the church and be an active part of it despite its flaws.”
  • πŸ’” If you claim to love God but don’t follow His commandments, one has to question how much you really love Him.
  • 🀝 “I choose to follow you Jesus from this night forward as savior and lord as god and friend as master and king.”

Demonstrations of Jesus’ Love and Care

  • 🍳 Jesus personally made and served breakfast to his disciples after rising from the dead, showing his love and care for them.
  • πŸ’§ Jesus’ intense stress in the garden of Gethsemane may have caused a medical condition called haematidrosis, where a person sweats blood, emphasizing the immense physical and emotional burden he carried.
  • 🐟 Jesus’s miraculous provision of an abundance of fish highlights his power and ability to provide for our needs.
  • 🍳 Jesus, as the creator of the universe, humbly takes the time to make breakfast for his disciples, highlighting his love and care for them.

The Transformative Power of the Resurrection

  • πŸ™ The resurrection of Christ transformed Peter from a disillusioned follower into a bold and courageous disciple who changed the world.


The key idea of the video is that to truly love Jesus, one must remember their initial love for Him, repent for any shortcomings, and return to their original devotion, while also living in readiness for His return and following His commandments.

  • πŸ“– Jesus demonstrated his love for others by sharing meals with them, emphasizing the importance of a relationship with God, and creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • πŸ“š Jesus’ disciples went from praising him to calling for his crucifixion, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times but was forgiven and unsure of what to do next, and after Jesus’ resurrection, Peter went back to fishing but caught nothing.
  • 🐟 To truly love Jesus, one must remember their initial love for Him, repent for any shortcomings, and return to their original devotion, just as the disciples did when they went back to fishing and encountered Jesus on the shore.
  • πŸ“š Admit your failures, listen to God’s instructions, and be willing to do His work in order to truly love Jesus, maintaining personal integrity and being honest, even if it means not compromising or watering down the message to make it more appealing to others.
  • πŸ“š Entering relationships with non-believers can lead to believers falling away from Christ, Jesus shows his love and care by making breakfast for his disciples, God wants us to invest financially in his kingdom to demonstrate our faith and prioritize our focus on God, bring everything you have to God including your wallet, Jesus multiplied a little boy’s lunch to feed 5,000 people to illustrate partnering with God in miracles, God chooses to reach people through people.
  • πŸ“š Don’t boast about loving Jesus more than others, acknowledge your love for Him, trust in God’s strength, and consider what it truly means to love the Lord.
  • πŸ“š If you truly love Jesus, you will desire personal communion with God, love other Christians, hate evil, and long for the return of Jesus Christ.
  • πŸ™ If you truly love Jesus, live in readiness for His return, keep His commandments, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, invite Him into your life, and commit to following Him as your savior and lord.


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