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How to Love People, Forgive, and Stop Comparing: Joyce Meyer


The Power of Love and Forgiveness

😊 The biggest spiritual secret in the Bible is to overcome evil with good and love people who are mean or not so good to you.

πŸ™ Believers have the responsibility to show love to others because God works through them.

πŸ’– “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners can love those who love them back.” – Joyce Meyer emphasizes the importance of loving those who are difficult to love.

🍎 Patience is a key aspect of love, and continuously forgiving someone for the same mistake is a testament to true forgiveness.

πŸ’” “You don’t know what love is until you go through some things with people and you put up with some stuff and you forgive them over and over and over and you learn how the two can become one.”

πŸ’” The love that God requires us to have for others is not based on what they deserve, but on the divine love that God has for us.

πŸ’ͺ Overcoming evil with good is a powerful spiritual secret that can transform our relationships and bring healing, even towards those who have hurt us.

God’s Promises and Divine Guidance


🌈 The rainbow symbolizes God’s promise to never destroy the Earth with water again, and it can bring hope and joy to those who need it.

🌍 God’s call to Abraham to leave everything behind and embark on a journey to an unknown land highlights the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones for personal growth and fulfillment.

πŸ’« God promises to bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to love difficult people, trust in God’s plan, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. πŸ’– It is important to love difficult people and show love to those who are hurting, as the world is full of mean people who need love, and Jesus could come back at any time.

1.1 To truly understand the love God speaks of, we must love those who are mean or not good to us, and by overcoming evil with good, we are not hurting them but ourselves, so it is important to learn how to love difficult people.

1.2 Love is important and we need to show it to others, especially those who are hurting, because the world is full of mean people who need love.

1.3 Jesus could come back at any time, and one of the signs of the last days is that many people will be offended.

  1. πŸ”‘ Be cautious of deception and gossip, as false information can easily ruin someone’s reputation, so it’s important to verify accusations with reliable sources before believing or spreading them.

2.1 Church people will betray and hate each other, as demonstrated by a woman in a doctor’s office expressing her hatred towards a politician.

2.2 Be cautious of deception and gossip, as false information can easily ruin someone’s reputation, so it’s important to verify accusations with reliable sources before believing or spreading them.

2.3 People often spread false information and make up lies about others, so it’s important not to believe everything you hear and to avoid spreading rumors.

  1. πŸ“š To walk in love, we should speak positively about others, protect each other, and focus on God and helping people instead of dwelling on trouble, even when it’s difficult.

3.1 To walk in love, we should speak positively about others, protect each other, and focus on God and helping people instead of dwelling on trouble.

3.2 Sometimes we need reminders to walk in love and be reminded of our belonging to Jesus, as tattoos can serve as a reminder of our faith and God’s love for us.

3.3 Love everyone, including those who are mean to you, because God commands it and it is not too hard to do.

3.4 There are different types of love in the Bible, and even when we don’t feel like it, we can still choose to do the right thing and obey God.

  1. πŸ’– Love others with agape love, even when it’s difficult, because God’s love is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit and He will bring justice and blessings.

4.1 God’s love for us is unconditional, but we show our love for Him by being obedient and doing the right thing, even when it’s difficult, which leads to spiritual growth and maturity.

4.2 I was in a hurry and didn’t listen to someone’s warning, realizing later that my attitude was wrong.

4.3 Apologize and make things right when you know you’ve done something wrong, practice humility, and be patient in relationships.

4.4 There are different types of love, such as romantic love (Eros), deep love that comes from going through challenges and forgiving (unspecified), and family love (storage and Phileo).

4.5 The love that we are called to have for others is agape, which is the Divine love that God has for us, and although it may seem impossible, we can give this love to others because it is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and while people may temporarily mistreat or take advantage of us, God will ultimately bring justice and blessings to us.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in the Lord, do good, and overcome evil with good; don’t waste time on those who don’t care, be a blessing to others and trust in God’s unique plan for each person.

5.1 Trust in the Lord and do good by being obedient to God, being good to people, and overcoming evil with good.

5.2 Don’t waste your time being angry at someone who doesn’t care about your feelings; instead, trust in God, do good, and be a blessing to others, as God’s plan for each person is unique and their rewards or responses from God may differ.

  1. 🌈 Even if we don’t receive visible signs or understand God’s plans, we should obey Him, trust Him, and make sacrifices, knowing that He has a greater purpose for each of us.

6.1 Noah obeyed God, built the ark, and after coming out, God gave him a rainbow as a sign of a New Covenant, which reminds us that even if we don’t receive a rainbow, like Abraham, we should still obey God and make sacrifices.

6.2 God called Abraham to leave everything behind and trust Him completely, and after Abraham obeyed, God promised to show him a new land.

6.3 God asks us to do hard things for our own good, promising blessings and favor in return, and the opportunity to be a blessing to others, with the added promise of cursing those who curse us and bringing blessings to all families on earth.

6.4 God made a covenant with Abraham, requiring circumcision as a sign, and the speaker questions why Noah received a rainbow while Abraham received circumcision.

6.5 God’s plans may not seem fair, but He has a greater purpose for each individual, just like how Abraham had to let go of some things in order to fulfill God’s plan for him.

6.6 God told Joyce Meyer that she had asked Him for a lot, but she needed to understand that she could be different and make a difference in the world.

  1. 🧩 Start with the easy pieces first, as the speaker discusses the challenges of fulfilling God’s will, including criticism, jealousy, disappointment, and unfairness, but emphasizes the importance of perseverance and readiness.

7.1 Buy a puzzle based on the picture on the box, start with the easy pieces first.

7.2 The speaker discusses the challenges and sacrifices involved in fulfilling God’s will, including facing criticism, jealousy, disappointment, and unfairness, but emphasizes the importance of perseverance and readiness.

  1. πŸ™ Be patient and wait for others to help you, as not everyone is ready, but together we can spread the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

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