Key insights
- “I believe that the presence of God is not to be trained by us, but we’re to be trained by Him because God can show up and do something in the life of a person and it only takes three seconds of what they’ve been trying to do for a whole lifetime.”
- “God’s presence is completely transformational, something’s happened in me that I can’t explain but it’s transformed me.”
- The presence of God satisfies the weary, brings light to darkness, and pours out refreshing rain of love on the driest parts of our soul.
- “The more you come to know him, the more you’re going to find yourself experiencing things that you didn’t deserve.”
- 🤯 God can answer prayers before we even pray them, just to show us that He is still in control and knows more than we can comprehend.
- I sense healing going over this place, right now, as the hand of God moves through the room.
- When you open the Bible and study it, you are in the presence of the Word, which brings peace and multiplied grace.
- “Most of the issues of our lives would be resolved if we knew Him.”
- “I’ve been touched by the hand of god…I sense his presence on my tip of my fingers right now.”
- “All you have to do is welcome the presence of God into your life, and everything around you will be impacted by where you’ve been spending your time.”
- The devil will do everything to rob you of your peace, but the peace that comes from God is the security you need in the midst of turmoil.
- Jesus prioritized prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit every morning, emphasizing the importance of starting the day with spiritual connection.
- “The key proof of whether or not you carry God is how you treat people.”
- God’s presence is always near and can be experienced daily by inviting Him into your life, surrendering to the Holy Spirit, exalting Him regardless of circumstances, and staying focused in the face of distractions.
- Developing an intimate knowledge and understanding of God leads to multiplied grace and peace, resulting in undeserved favor and blessings in one’s life, so it’s crucial to encounter the presence of God daily and trust Him in impossible situations to grow in grace and knowledge.
- Experience the presence of God daily by being aware of demonic attacks, walking closely with God, and not judging others for their different expressions of connection to God.
- Focus on the presence of the Holy Spirit, express gratitude, and prioritize the word of God to experience the manifestation of His glory and enjoy fellowship with Him and others.
- Ask yourself why you want the presence of God in your life, focus on fulfilling your purpose as directed by God, be a carrier of God’s flame and fire, and have a correct understanding of God’s character to receive from Him.
- Knowing and carrying the presence of God eliminates worry and fear, develops trust, and resolves life’s issues, requiring maturity, perseverance, and true knowledge of God.
- Don’t let worldly thoughts distract you from seeking God’s purpose, surrender completely to His will, stay focused on doing His will, and trust in His presence and power to overcome challenges.
- Trust in God, receive His presence, and let Him guide you; experience healing and praise Him, for knowing Him is the ultimate goal.