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How to Recognize When You’re in a Spiritual Battle: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights

  •  God sees and understands our troubles, and we should never doubt His awareness and care for us.
  •  The Bible provides guidance on how to fight this battle, encouraging us to give our burdens to the Lord and trust that He will take care of us.
  •  “I want to finish my assignment. I want to accomplish what I was put here to accomplish come hell or high water.”
  •  The power of prayer and the Holy Ghost can lead to miraculous healing and spiritual transformation.
  •  “Through sufferings, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.”
  •  “I don’t look like what I’ve been through…the pain should have knocked me out, but look at me, look at the grace of God, look at the glory of God.”
  •  “Everything gonna be all right if you don’t give up if you don’t cave in and if you don’t quit my God through the Holy Ghost is gonna come up in your situation and he’s gonna do what he specializes in doing and he specializes him taking care of his children.”
  •  The power of God’s blessings has the ability to transform lives and bring about positive change.

Spiritual Warfare Tactics and Strategies

  •  We’re not just fighting against physical enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities in the Unseen World, including demonic forces in Heavenly places.
  •  “Hold up the shield of Faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil, the suggestions he makes to your mind to try to get you to believe it so he can take you down.”
  •  Suggestion is the most powerful weapon used by spiritual forces, whispering things that sound true but are not, leading to confusion, despair, and wrong choices.
  •  Spiritual battles involve unseen forces discussing and strategizing how to tempt and bring us down, aiming to render us ineffective for God’s purposes.
  •  “Thanks be to God that God would not allow me to be tempted above my ability to handle it.”
  •  “Anytime you sense them around just say Satan I rebuke you in Jesus name. You have no authority over me and I’m not going to yield to you.”

Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Spiritual Attacks

  •  “You don’t fight thoughts with thoughts, you fight thoughts with the word of God.” – Emphasizing the importance of using the word of God to combat negative thoughts and spiritual attacks.
  •  The battlefield of spiritual warfare starts in our minds, where the enemy suggests negative thoughts, but we have the power to cast them down with the words of God.


  •  Be aware of the devil’s attempts to harm and deceive, but remember that you have the power to overcome through God’s grace and by equipping yourself with the truth.
  •  Recognize that life is a spiritual battle against unseen evil forces, but by depending on God and wearing His armor, we can overcome challenges and stand firm against Satan’s tactics.
  •  Release your burdens to God, resist negative thoughts, and don’t let others’ drama consume you in a spiritual battle.
  •  Surround yourself with joy and happy people to combat stress, as constant stress is a sign of a spiritual battle; Satan tempts us but God provides a way to escape, and demonic influences can be overcome by recognizing and having authority over them, so don’t give up in the face of challenges.
  •  Recognize the distinction between personal issues and spiritual battles, cast out fear, and focus on the word of God to overcome deception and find peace.
  •  Let go of fear and trust in God, as despair is a sign of a spiritual attack, but by embracing weaknesses and relying on God’s power, you can overcome battles and reach your full potential.
  •  Don’t give up, God will take care of you and everything will be alright; expect a shift in your circumstances, rebuke the devil, and embrace the goodness coming your way; seek Jesus, let go of burdens, receive blessings, and be protected by God’s angels; recognize the spiritual battle and overcome with the words of God; support the ministry by giving through various methods.
  • Prepare for a blessed week and walk in the favor and anointing of God, knowing that you have power and authority to overcome the devil; attend the Mentality Men’s Conference on September 8th and 9th or the Free Conference with Creflo Dollar for life-changing sessions on Grace and inspirational stories.


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