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I Didn’t Know I Was Me: T.D.Jakes

Key Insights

  • 💡 Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes the transformative power of God’s calling, stating that it doesn’t matter what one’s past may be, but when God calls, it changes everything.
  • 💔 God uses your enemies to break your heart and bring you to your knees, so you will discover Him and submit.
  • 💔 God puts us in uncomfortable situations to sift through what truly matters in our lives and strip away what is not essential.
  • 😮 Gideon’s perception of himself as just a farmer is disrupted when the angel calls him a “mighty man of Valor,” highlighting the potential within him that he may not have recognized.
  • 🙌 Your praise is not about your current circumstances, but about the expectation of a happy ending on the other side of your trials.
  • 💪 “God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. God didn’t take you to everything you’ve been through for you to get here and die in the winepress.”
  • 💡 “I woke up and realized I’m bigger than my job, my church, and my second chance.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes the need to recognize one’s own worth and not define oneself solely by external factors.
  • 🐶 Surround yourself with people who are willing to get down on their knees and fight alongside you, regardless of how they may look.
  • 💥 A change is coming in your life, embrace it and fight for victory, as Bishop T.D. Jakes encourages his audience to believe in the power of change and to receive it with open hearts.

The Power and Presence of God

  • 💪 God orchestrates every aspect of our lives, from our heartbeat to the rhythm of our blood, showing his power and presence.
  • ⏳ God lives in eternity, transcending time and existing before the creation of days, calendars, and celestial bodies.
  • ⏳ Understanding that God lives in eternity helps to deepen our prayer life and grasp the concept of being ageless and eternal.
  • 🌌 “God lives in eternity…He can say something now that heals something that happened 20 years ago.”

Recognizing and Following God’s Voice

  • 🙏 The Lord’s response to Gideon’s doubt was to encourage him to go in the strength he already had, emphasizing the importance of relying on one’s own abilities and faith.
  • 🐑 “My sheep know my voice, a stranger they will not follow.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes the importance of recognizing and following the voice of God.
  • 🙏 God is always looking for us, even when we’re complaining and searching for Him.


The key idea of the video is that God is with us in difficult times, guiding us towards our purpose and helping us overcome challenges.

  • 🙏 God is with us in difficult times, helping us overcome challenges, and we should seek spiritual strength and guidance to understand and appreciate the details of our lives.
  • 🙏 God has absolute control and power over everything, exists in eternity beyond time, and when we pray, we should pray to Him rather than to the universe He created, as everything is already settled in eternity.
  • 🙏 God created time for us to appreciate life, understand our uniqueness, and have the courage to speak up, while He can heal and change outcomes regardless of time; before we were born, God knew us, called us, and our true identity is revealed through pain and rejection.
  • 📚 Israel strays from God’s teachings and faces chaos and destruction as their enemies humble them, Gideon hides his harvest in fear, and the speaker emphasizes taking responsibility for one’s choices in a transition.
  • 🙏 God puts us in uncomfortable situations to strip away the superficial and focus on our core values, reminding us that we are not alone and that He is still present.
  • 🔑 We often create stories to justify our limitations, but by praising God and having expectations, we can overcome them and achieve our purpose, embracing our unique individuality.
  • 🌟 Don’t let age or circumstances define you; discover your true potential and purpose, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and live in the middle of your life.
  • 🙏 Embrace your own potential and identity, seek validation from within, and trust that God is guiding you towards something amazing in your life.

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