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Judicial And Parental Forgiveness—Are There Two Types Of Forgiveness In The Bible?: Joseph Prince

Key insights

📚 Martin Luther taught that the Greek word for repentance, “Metanoia,” means “change of mind” and not “do penance,” emphasizing the importance of a change in mindset rather than performing works for forgiveness.

🤔 “We are forgiven of all our sins when Christ died, amen. We are forgiven of all our sins, that is judicial forgiveness.” – Joseph Prince discusses the concept of judicial forgiveness and its implications for the forgiveness of all sins.

🙏 “The more we preach full forgiveness, people are willing to confess their sins, but they don’t confess in order to be forgiven. They confess because they are forgiven.”

😮 The father’s forgiveness towards the son was immediate and unconditional, even before the son confessed his sins.

🏠 “The moment you hit the horizon, the father is running towards you.”

📖 The forgiveness mentioned in 1 John 2:12 is a family term, indicating that we are forgiven once and for all.

🌍 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.

😮 Jesus loves and forgives us even before we confess our sins, just like the prodigal son’s father loved him before he could say “I’ve sinned against heaven and earth.”


The key idea of the video is that forgiveness from God is unconditional and does not require confessing sins, and true repentance involves changing our minds towards God and realizing His love for us.

📚 Martin Luther and the speaker both believed in confessing sins and self-oppression, but the speaker questions the belief that God has not forgiven unless sins are confessed, and discusses how studying the New Testament in Greek changed a scholar’s perspective on repentance.

📚 Confessing sins for forgiveness is not necessary as forgiveness is already given through Christ, and the father’s forgiveness in the parable was not dependent on the son’s acknowledgement of his wrongdoings.

📜 God’s love is unconditional and even when we are in rebellion, He still runs towards us, and true repentance involves changing our minds towards God and realizing that He is for us, not against us.

📖 There is no distinction between judicial and parental forgiveness in the Bible, and forgiveness is essential in Christianity as all sins are forgiven through faith.

📜 Sinners should confess and seek forgiveness for fear and unbelief, as Jesus showed kindness and forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery, and repentance is an ongoing process linked to a fresh revelation of Jesus.

📺 Jesus showed love and forgiveness to his imperfect church after his resurrection, emphasizing that there is no such thing as being out of fellowship with him, offering peace and joy even to those who are fearful or hiding.

📺 Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he physically saw and touched Jesus, but Jesus invited him to touch his wounds and believe, emphasizing the importance of faith over doubt.

💖 God’s love for you is not dependent on your perfection, lack of fear, or unbelief; He loves you as you are and calls you by name, leading to true repentance.


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