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Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!: Lisa Harper


The Love and Accessibility of Jesus

πŸ’” The speaker shares a heartbreaking story of losing her husband and son, highlighting the pain of a parent outliving their child.

🌍 All Christians are called to show devotion and passion, regardless of their personality type or external factors.

🌍 The Hebrews’ situation reflects the challenge of navigating a pluralistic and polytheistic society while staying true to their monotheistic beliefs in Jesus.

πŸ’ͺ Jesus is not only supreme, but also accessible, allowing us to confidently draw near to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.

🌍 Jesus willingly came down to Earth out of love for us, making himself accessible to all, but he is not just a human or a life coach, he is the Lord of all Lords.

🌊 “Drifting away from Jesus is not innocuous, it’s an active verb that requires intentional effort to stay connected.”

πŸ™Œ Recognizing how much Jesus loves us should lead to a transformation in our lives, not to earn His affection, but as a response to His love.

πŸ’­ “I want to be as close to Jesus as I possibly can.”

πŸ‘€ “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the founder and the Perfecter of our faith… We are worth it to him.”

Embracing New Experiences and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

🌍 The unexpected journey of Miss Agnes reminds us to embrace new experiences and step out of our comfort zones, regardless of age.

🌍 Age is not a barrier to making a difference in the world and sharing the message of Jesus with others.

🌊 Lisa Harper shares a harrowing experience of a difficult rescue in an undertow, highlighting the importance of relying on Jesus for strength in challenging situations.

Miracles and Transformations in the Church

πŸ’’ Lisa Harper shares the miracles they witnessed in their church, including people coming to know Jesus, restored marriages, and physical healing.

πŸ’« The act of laying hands on someone and praying for them is seen as a meaningful and impactful gesture.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus is both empathetic and holy, and believers should strive to honor Him and draw near to Him for mercy and grace.

  1. 😊 Our high priest is empathetic and allows us to come close to him, but he is also holy and supreme, and even though life can be exhausting, we should still strive to honor the Lord.
  2. πŸ‘€ The speaker shares a personal experience of finding comfort in reading during travel and realizing the importance of helping others.

2.1 The speaker shares a personal experience of being tired and frustrated while traveling on a small plane with uncomfortable seats.

2.2 The speaker finds comfort in reading a magazine when feeling down or anxious during travel.

2.3 The speaker helps an elderly lady find her seat on a plane and assists her with her bags.

2.4 The speaker initially avoids making eye contact with a woman on a flight, but later realizes that she was trying to help by putting her fallen phone back in place.

  1. πŸ‘΅ An elderly woman surprises the speaker by sharing her excitement about traveling to Mumbai, India, while various individuals share stories of faith, love, loss, and overcoming challenges.

3.1 An elderly woman named Agnes excitedly tells the speaker that she is traveling to Mumbai, India, which surprises and intrigues the speaker.

3.2 A woman in India shares her story of falling in love, getting married, and praying for her sick twin baby with her neighbor.

3.3 The speaker’s friend found Jesus and shared her faith with her husband, who initially rejected religion but eventually became a Christian, leading both of them to find their faith in Jesus Christ.

3.4 A couple started a church in their 30s and experienced miraculous transformations in people’s lives, but as they reached their 40s, their ministry faced challenges.

3.5 A woman shares her heartbreaking story of losing her husband and son, and the deep emotional struggle she faced in trying to overcome the darkness.

  1. πŸ™ A woman shares her experience of finding hope in God and going on mission trips, while the speaker emphasizes the importance of devotion and being a visible representation of Jesus, and discusses the challenges faced by Jewish Christians in a pluralistic society.

4.1 A woman shares her experience of being in a pit for a year until she realized that God is her life and hope, leading her to go on 51 international mission trips in the last 40 years.

4.2 A woman named Agnes asked Lisa to pray for her as she was unsure of where she would be staying in Mumbai, but knew that God had called her there, and Lisa offered to pray for her and lay hands on her.

4.3 The speaker shares a story about praying for a woman on a plane, experiencing a moment of revival, and rushing to catch her flight back to Nashville.

4.4 As Christians, we are called to show devotion and passion, regardless of our personality type or others’ opinions, and to be ambassadors of the New Covenant, ministers of the Gospel, and a visible representation of Jesus to others.

4.5 The Hebrews, a group of Jewish Christians living in a pluralistic society, faced opposition when they proclaimed that Jesus was the only way to God.

4.6 Believers faced persecution and death for their faith in Jesus, leading some to consider hiding their beliefs and reverting back to Judaism.

  1. πŸ‘€ Jesus is the supreme and accessible God who sympathizes with our weaknesses and allows us to draw near to him for mercy and grace, going against the modern culture’s belief that they can be little gods and have access to a deity.

5.1 At a Women’s Conference, the speaker, who was the least well-known person on the platform, received feedback from the event organizer that was a mix of criticism and encouragement.

5.2 The speaker discusses a request she received to say “God” instead of “Jesus” in her messages, but she explains that for her, the name Jesus is essential because it represents the true God.

5.3 The pastor in the book of Hebrews gathers struggling believers together and preaches a message about how God spoke to our fathers through prophets in the past, but now speaks to us through his son.

5.4 Jesus is the supreme and accessible God who sympathizes with our weaknesses and allows us to draw near to him for mercy and grace.

5.5 Jesus is both fully God and fully accessible to sinners, which goes against the modern culture’s belief that they can be little gods and have access to a deity.

  1. πŸ‘€ Jesus is both empathetic and holy, making himself accessible to us out of love, but believers must pay close attention to what they have heard and avoid drifting away.

6.1 Jesus is both empathetic and holy, and while he allows us to come close to him, he is not human and is supreme.

6.2 Jesus willingly came to Earth out of love for us, making himself accessible to us, but he is not human or a life coach; the speaker warns believers to pay close attention to what they have heard.

6.3 Drifting away may sound harmless, but in Greek, it is an active verb that should be avoided.

  1. 🌊 The speaker recounts a harrowing beach rescue, emphasizing the importance of actively pursuing Jesus and recognizing his love for us.

7.1 The speaker went to a quiet beach by herself to relax and recharge, but one afternoon while reading a magazine, she noticed something over the top of it.

7.2 The speaker recounts a story of rescuing a woman in distress at the beach, using her lifeguard training to save her from drowning.

7.3 The speaker recounts a harrowing experience at the beach where she struggled to rescue a woman caught in an undertow, calling on Jesus for help.

7.4 A woman fell on the beach and got sick, so the speaker helped her and then went to a hotel where the front desk guy asked about the situation.

7.5 If we don’t actively pursue Jesus and resist the pull of Satan, we are in danger of drifting away and must not compromise our faith.

7.6 Christ’s love for us sustains us and we have a responsibility to recognize and respond to his affection, not earning salvation through works but acknowledging his superiority.

  1. πŸ‘€ Keep your eyes on Jesus, live differently, avoid negative influences, and strive to be close to Him, as exemplified by the speaker’s experience working with recovering addicts at a faith-based rehab shelter.

8.1 Live your life differently than those around you, avoiding negative influences and striving to be close to Jesus, as exemplified by the speaker’s experience working with recovering addicts at a faith-based rehab shelter.

8.2 Melissa hasn’t had communion in six years due to being in solitary confinement for fighting, but the speaker assures her that they can have communion tonight.

8.3 You don’t need a preacher or grape juice to have communion, as the Bible says that if we put our hope in Jesus, we are all ambassadors of the Covenant and can use any liquid, like soda, as a symbolic representation of Jesus’ blood.

8.4 A woman named Lisa Harper shares a story about giving a Pepsi bottle and Ricola cough drops to two women as symbols of Jesus’ love and sacrifice.

8.5 Fix your eyes on Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, because we are worth it to him and let’s seek to live lives worthy of our calling.

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