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LAST DAYS Part 2 Catching Away 2/6: Robert Breaker


The Rapture and End Times

⛪️ The falling away in the last days includes a departure from the gospel, the Bible, and the Blessed hope of the coming of Jesus Christ.

🤔 The speaker questions why anyone would want to go through the tribulation, suggesting that the rapture is meant for Jesus to come back for his bride, rather than subjecting her to the Antichrist.

😮 The connection between the books of the Bible and the concept of the rapture is fascinating and thought-provoking.

📖 The speaker believes that the rapture must occur before the Tribulation Period, as it is referred to as “Jacob’s trouble” and is meant for Israel, not the church.

🌤️ The concept of the rapture is seen as a comfort because it means believers won’t have to go through the tribulation.

💥 Imagine the impact of the rapture with all the dirt exploding from graveyards around the world, leaving behind blood and empty chairs – it would be a truly terrifying sight.

Spiritual Transformation and Resurrection

⚰️ The concept of a resurrection of the dead is a controversial topic that sparks curiosity and questions about the afterlife.

💫 “We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump.” – The concept of a sudden transformation and resurrection is discussed, raising questions about the nature of life and death.

😔 As Christians, every time we sin, we should feel horrible because we are grieving the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

🌟 Jesus’s glorified body had extraordinary abilities, such as changing from visible to invisible, appearing suddenly in front of people, and traveling faster than light.

🌟 “There should be nothing in your life that you want more than the return of Jesus Christ.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Christians should eagerly anticipate and prepare for the pre-tribulation rapture, actively sharing the gospel and living a sinless life to avoid shame and loss of rewards in heaven.

  1. 📖 In the last days, scoffers will mock the Bible and question Jesus’ return, but the speaker eagerly awaits it as an opportunity to bring others to Christ amidst a falling away from truth.
  2. 📖 The speaker argues for a pre-tribulation rapture, stating that the church should not go through the tribulation period and supports this belief with historical Christian references.
  3. 📚 The order of the books in the Bible aligns with events in the church and Israel, with the last days involving apostasy and the removal of believers during the Tribulation Period.
  4. 📚 The book of Acts transitions from Israel to the church, leading to Paul’s writings, while other books like Titus, Hebrews, James, Peter, John, Jude, and Revelation have relevance to the tribulation period and mention the rapture, emphasizing the importance of understanding the order of the books in relation to the last days.
  5. 📖 The Bible teaches a pre-tribulation rapture, where Jesus will come to take up believers, resurrecting their bodies and bringing their souls to inhabit their glorified bodies, giving Christians a blessed hope of receiving incorruptible and immortal bodies.
  6. 📖 Christians are called to live in the spirit and battle against their sinful flesh, eagerly anticipating the future coming of the Lord and actively sharing the gospel to win people to Jesus.
  7. 🔥 Jesus will soon transform our bodies to be like his, we should prioritize saving souls and eagerly await the rapture, as Jesus will appear twice in the future to establish his kingdom.
  8. 🎺 Christians will be called by name and caught up to heaven at the rapture, leaving behind their corrupt blood, and it is important to preach the truth and live a sinless life to avoid shame and loss of rewards in heaven.

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