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Loving God Through Grace vs. Works: Joseph Prince


🍎 “The fruit of the spirit is the result of life, not the result of works.”

🌊 The miracles performed by God during the journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai were different from those at Mount Sinai, indicating a change in approach.

😮 “The moment men presume on his strength…God says you want me to bless you based on your performance. All right, don’t come near me unless you die.”

💔 “So now which do you want to be under the law under grace yeah you know and for 1500 years they were under under law and and the lesson is not taught.” – Joseph Prince highlights the choice between living under the law or living under grace, and the lack of understanding about this lesson.

🌿 “If you are under grace, the fruit of the spirit’s love, joy, peace.” – Prince highlights that being under grace leads to the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit, emphasizing the transformative power of God’s grace.

🌳 The fruit of grace includes love, joy, and peace in the body of Christ.

🤔 Many people focus on sexual issues but fail to recognize the pride in trying to serve God in their own strength.

🙏 “Praying from victory” under grace means having the confidence and influence with God to ask for help and intervention in difficult situations.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that believers should choose to be under grace rather than under the law, as God blesses based on His grace and undeserved favor, not on our performance or obedience.

  1. 🍎 Works are the result of effort, while fruit is the result of life; laws were not given when God brought the people out of Egypt or to the Red Sea, but they were given at Mount Sinai.
  2. 💡 God changed his tone and commandments from the miracles and deliverance in Egypt to the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
  3. 👉 God blesses us based on His grace and undeserved favor, not on our performance or obedience.
  4. 👉 Believers should choose to be under grace rather than under the law, as the consequences of breaking one law are the same as breaking all, and the lesson of grace was not taught for 1500 years.
  5. 🍎 Works are the result of effort, while fruit is the result of life; if you are under law, you produce works, but if you are under grace, you bear the fruit of the spirit.
  6. 🍎 Preaching grace produces self-control, love, joy, and peace in the body of Christ.
  7. 😊 Pride is not just about arrogance or being loud, but also about trusting in one’s own efforts, even if it is done quietly or subtly.
  8. 👉 Praying and doing religious activities should be motivated by a sense of closeness to God and the belief that we have influence with Him, rather than a legalistic mindset, in order to experience joy and victory in our faith.

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