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Making Wise Decisions: Charles Stanley


πŸ™ The most important decision we can make is to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, confessing and repenting of our sins.

πŸ™ Depending on God for everything is the key to making wise decisions.

πŸ™ Clear your heart of any known sin to eliminate confusion and hinderances in making wise decisions.

πŸ˜‡ Clearing the heart of sin is the first step in making wise decisions, as sin clouds and confuses the mind.

πŸ™ Trusting in God’s actions on our behalf brings confidence and courage in decision-making.

πŸ’­ Prayer is the greatest gift God has given us, and it is essential to seek His direction before moving forward.

πŸ“– The Bible is the most valuable resource we have in making decisions because it’s full of wisdom and what it is.

πŸ™ The most important decision you will ever make is to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to seek guidance from God, trust in His wisdom, and make wise choices by clearing your heart and mind of sin, being patient and alert to pressure, and relying on His promises.

  1. πŸ™ Seek guidance from God, make Jesus your Savior, have a plan, and make wise choices.

1.1 Seek guidance from God, who always makes wise decisions and is willing to provide direction, even if his answer may not align with your expectations or desired timing.

1.2 The most important decision is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and when making decisions, it is crucial to have a plan in order to make wise choices.

  1. πŸ€” Clear your heart of sin, rely on the Lord for guidance, and let the Holy Spirit reveal and address anything that hinders your ability to make wise decisions.

2.1 To make wise decisions, one must fear the Lord and depend on Him for guidance rather than relying on people.

2.2 Clear your heart of any known sin in order to make wise decisions and ask the Lord to reveal anything that may hinder your ability to hear the truth.

2.3 The Holy Spirit will reveal and help you address anything in your life that is not aligned with God’s will, such as relationships, habits, or thought patterns.

  1. πŸ€” Clear your mind of sin, seek God’s will, trust His wisdom, and be patient in making decisions.

3.1 Deal with sin by confessing and repenting, clearing your mind of sin is the first step in making wise decisions, followed by bringing your desires to a neutral position.

3.2 To make wise decisions, one must be willing to seek God’s will and ask for guidance, acknowledging that their own desires may not align with what is best for their life.

3.3 Listen to God, trust His wisdom, and be patient in making decisions.

  1. πŸ™ Waiting upon God and having confident expectation in His actions, being patient and alert to pressure, are key to making wise decisions.

4.1 Waiting upon God means exercising patience and being willing to wait for His answer, as His pauses and timing are important in our lives.

4.2 To make wise decisions, it is important to have confident expectation in God’s actions, be patient, and wait for His answer.

4.3 God knows when we are not ready for the answer to our prayers and understands that there may be changes we need to make before we are ready, so it is important to be patient, wait upon God, and be alert to pressure.

  1. πŸ€” Be cautious of the pressure you receive from friends and learn to trust God above all, as even well-meaning friends can make mistakes.
  2. πŸ”‘ Be cautious of pressures and fears when discerning God’s will; trust in Him, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and persistently pray without ceasing.

6.1 Be cautious of external and internal pressures when trying to discern the will of God, as personal experiences and fears can influence decision-making.

6.2 The speaker faced a decision and prayed for guidance, but despite not having a sermon prepared, he trusted in God and delivered a message without any scripture or text.

6.3 God can shut you down and open you up, so trust in Him, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and persistently pray without ceasing.

  1. πŸ™ Trust God, pray constantly, and rely on His promises, even when there is no evidence; the Bible is a valuable resource for making wise decisions, filtering our thoughts and desires, and building our faith in God’s promises.

7.1 God doesn’t promise to give us answers or direction at a specific time, but takes delight in watching us respond to him and trust him, even when he doesn’t answer prayer in the way we expect.

7.2 Trust God even when there is no evidence, pray without ceasing, and rely on His promises.

7.3 The Bible is a valuable resource for making wise decisions as it contains the wisdom and mind of God, serving as a filter for our thoughts and desires, building our faith in God’s promises.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God, wait for His peace, and let it guide your decisions; accepting Jesus as your Savior is crucial for your eternal destiny, so pray for others and let God’s word impact your life.

8.1 Trust in God’s promises, wait patiently for His peace, and let His peace rule in your heart when making decisions.

8.2 Trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior is the most important decision you can make, and following him daily is crucial for your eternal destiny.

8.3 Pray for those who need to be saved and trust in God’s word, and may this message impact everyone’s life.

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