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Modern Day Events Connect to Biblical Prophecy: Jonathan Cahn


The Restoration of Israel and the Significance of the Jubilee

🗝️ “The Jubilee Mysteries reveal that in the end times, God will bring the Jewish people back to their ancestral land, which is the central key of the end times.”

📜 The mystery of the Jubilee is being used in the restoration of Israel, with prophetic events happening on exact set times.

🌍 The gathering of Jewish people back to Israel is a sign of the end times, and this was set in motion about 150 years ago when a stranger from far away came to the desolate land and bore witness to its condition.

📜 The Balfour Declaration issued by the British Empire in 1917 declared that the land is for the Jewish people, marking a significant step towards the restoration of their ancestral land.

📅 The date of September 3rd holds significant biblical importance, as it aligns with the Jubilee and the prophecy of Israel’s return in 1948.

🌍 The resurrection of Israel on May 14th, 1948, aligns with biblical prophecy and shows the amazing power of God.

🌍 The survival of the Jewish people after 2000 years of persecution is seen as a miracle in fulfilling biblical prophecy.

Divine Intervention and the Hand of God in World Events

🛡️ The correlation between biblical prophecies and modern-day events, such as Israel entering the gates on June 7th, 1967, highlights the divine intervention and significance of these occurrences.

🏰 The connection between the commanders standing on the Mount of Olives and the biblical prophecy of the Lord’s return adds a fascinating layer to the events surrounding the capture of Jerusalem.

🚪 The Lion’s Gate in Jerusalem holds significance in biblical prophecy, as it is believed to be the gate through which the Lord will enter during his second coming.

🙌 The fulfillment of this prophecy through Donald Trump’s actions highlights the hand of God at work, emphasizing that it is not about Trump himself, but about God’s sovereignty over world events.

🌍 The ultimate mystery and culmination of biblical prophecy is the return of the owner, Jesus, to his possession in Jerusalem, signaling the final Jubilee.

Biblical Prophecy and Modern-Day Events

🌍 The events happening in the world today are connected to biblical prophecy, showing that God is still in control.

🤔 The connection between biblical prophecy and modern-day events, such as the appearance of the number 1335, raises intriguing questions about the significance of these occurrences.

🌍 The Bible predicts that in the end times, the whole world will focus on Jerusalem, which is happening now after 2000 years.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that biblical prophecies have been fulfilled through significant events, such as the restoration of Israel and the recognition of Jerusalem as its capital, demonstrating the power and presence of God in the world.

  1. 📚 God is in control and the author’s books deliver prophetic messages through narratives; the speaker discusses divine inspiration, discovering the date of 9/11, speaking truth on Capitol Hill, and a special book release.

1.1 God is alive and in control of everything, and the author’s books use narratives and stories as a delivery system for prophetic messages.

1.2 The speaker discusses the delivery of prophetic information through an Oracle, which is like a prophet, and the process of condensing 3,000 pages of notes into a book.

1.3 The speaker discusses how they received inspiration for their book, “The Paradigm and the Oracle,” and how they would often have ideas come to them in a rapid succession, leading them to research and verify their validity.

1.4 The speaker discusses how he discovered the exact date of 9/11 through biblical research, and how he has experienced divine guidance and coincidences while writing his books.

1.5 Jonathan Cahn discusses his experiences speaking truth on Capitol Hill and emphasizes the importance of being bold and not afraid in these times.

1.6 The speaker discusses a special book that took two years to write and is available for purchase on September 3rd.

  1. 🔮 The speaker discusses the connection between biblical prophecy and modern events, focusing on the restoration of Israel and the significance of the Jubilee cycle and parashah mystery.

2.1 The Oracle is a revelation or prophecy, both real and fake, mentioned in the Bible, representing the amazingness and reality of God in the world.

2.2 The speaker discusses the largest spanning mystery connecting past, present, and future events, specifically focusing on the Jubilee Mysteries and the return of Israel as a central key in the end times.

2.3 God’s prophetic nature is evident in the restoration of Israel through the use of the Jubilee cycle and the parashah mystery, where appointed words in synagogues worldwide speak of events happening at the time they are read.

2.4 A man seeks visions from The Oracle on a mountain, which reveals the mysteries of God through seven doors of Revelation, with each door containing increasingly larger mysteries.

2.5 About 150 years ago, a stranger came from far away to the desolate land of Israel, bearing witness and writing a book, which was a sign that God would gather the Jewish people back and bring about the end times.

2.6 Mark Twain’s journey to Jerusalem aligns with biblical prophecy, as his words and actions mirror those of Moses, and his real name, Samuel Clemens, reflects the Jewish people’s prayers for mercy and return to Jerusalem.

  1. 🔮 In 1917, significant events aligned with biblical prophecy, including the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Balfour Declaration, and the liberation of Jerusalem, with planes playing a crucial role and the number 1335 appearing on coins indicating the occupier had to leave the land.

3.1 In 1917, during the Jubilee year, significant events occurred including the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire issuing the Balfour Declaration, and the liberation of Jerusalem, all aligning with biblical prophecy.

3.2 Planes played a crucial role in the restoration of Jerusalem, as prophesied in the English book of common prayer, where the Squadron’s motto was “I spread my wings and I keep my promise.”

3.3 In the year 1917, the number 1335 started appearing on coins in Israel, indicating that the occupier had to leave the land, as it aligned with the year of the Jubilee on the Muslim calendar.

3.4 The Ottoman Empire leaves the land by the hand of God, and the speaker discusses the father of modern Israel, Herzl.

  1. 🔮 The speaker discusses how biblical prophecies have been fulfilled through significant events such as the return of Israel to their ancestral land and the restoration of Jerusalem, demonstrating the power and presence of God in the world.

4.1 The speaker discusses how Theodore Herzl had a dream of the Messiah as a child, and later led the Jewish people back to Israel, with the prophecy he wrote in 1897 coming true in 1947 when Israel was voted back into the world on September 3rd.

4.2 On September 3rd, the date Herzl wrote The Prophecy, which was exactly 50 years to the day of the Jubilee, there is a code called The Jubilee code embedded in the Oracle that was given through Moses, and it states that Israel shall return to their ancestral land, with the numerical value of the Hebrew word for “you shall return” being 1948, the year Israel returned to the world.

4.3 On May 14th, 1948, Israel’s resurrection as a nation was prophesied and fulfilled, demonstrating the power and presence of God in the world.

4.4 The speaker discusses the significance of the years 1867, 1917, and 1967 in relation to biblical prophecy, specifically regarding the restoration of Israel and Jerusalem, and the survival of the Jewish people.

4.5 The Jewish people had to return to Jerusalem as part of biblical prophecy, and despite the absence of Jerusalem when they first returned, the Six Day War, initiated by the anti-god Soviet Union, ended up fulfilling biblical prophecy.

4.6 Israeli soldiers entering Jerusalem for the first time in 2000 years, uncovering the ancient grave of Masada and finding a prophecy from Ezekiel, indicating the resurrection of Israel, and a prophetic time clock pointing to their return to Jerusalem.

  1. 🦁 Israel fulfills a prophecy about God fighting for Jerusalem as a lion, with key figures and events symbolizing the Lion and the Young Lion entering Jerusalem through the Lion’s Gate, representing the second coming of Jesus, while a child born in 1917 plays a key part in the Jubilee.

5.1 On June 7th, 1967, Israel entered the gates, fulfilling a prophecy about God fighting for Jerusalem as a lion.

5.2 Israel secures the mountains around Jerusalem, led by Colonel Ben Ari, whose name means lion, and the head of the war, Arik Regev, also known as the lion, gives the command to take Jerusalem, with the plan devised by Ark Akman, whose name means lions, and the commander of the power troops, Mata Gore, whose name means young lion, leads the first two people through the gates and onto the Temple Mount.

5.3 The prophecy states that the Lord will fight for the mountain like a lion and a young lion, symbolizing the Lion and the Young Lion entering Jerusalem through the Lion’s Gate, representing God fighting as a lion and the second coming of Jesus as the Lion of Judah.

5.4 A rabbi named Rabbi Goran sounds the trumpet on the Temple Mount at the exact moment Israel returns to their ancestral land, symbolizing the land going back to its original owner, King David, who bought the threshing floor.

5.5 God is in charge of everything and in the year 1917, a child was born who plays a key part in the Jubilee, as his name means “threshing floor” and “horn” which sets the stage for current events.

  1. 🔮 President Trump’s declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital in 2017 fulfilled biblical prophecy, with the speaker highlighting the significance of the word “trumpet” and the number 70 in relation to Israel’s establishment and Trump’s presidency.

6.1 In 2017, the Jubilee year, President Donald Trump’s declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital fulfilled biblical prophecy.

6.2 The speaker discusses a mystery linking modern events to an ancient King, specifically focusing on the significance of the word “trumpet” and its connection to President Trump.

6.3 God elected the speaker in 2016 to start the Year of Jubilee in 2017, and when the trumpet sounds, the land returns to its original owner.

6.4 God’s scripture prophesied the birth of Donald Trump, who was born on a Sabbath, and his presidency is seen as the fulfillment of the scripture’s prophecy of the Trumpet being brought forth into the world.

6.5 The speaker suggests that there is a connection between biblical prophecy and modern-day events, specifically highlighting the significance of the number 70 and its relation to the establishment of Israel and Donald Trump’s presidency.

6.6 Israel was voted into the world on a Hebrew date, and 70 years later, on December 6th, 2017, which was the exact day that Donald Trump issued the Declaration, marking the end of the 70 years.

  1. 🔮 The speaker discusses the significance of biblical prophecy and modern events, highlighting the connection between Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem and biblical prophecy, as well as the return of the Jewish people to Israel and the shift towards a pagan and anti-Christian culture.

7.1 The speaker discusses the significance of the trumpet as a vessel in biblical prophecy and shares their personal journey of researching and discovering connections between modern events and biblical dates.

7.2 The speaker discusses the future and states that the sixth door is where things are heading, describing it as a master blueprint or mystery of the end times.

7.3 70 years after Israel’s establishment in 1947, a man (Trump) came to power and issued a declaration concerning Jerusalem, aligning with biblical prophecy.

7.4 The Jewish people will return to Israel and to the Messiah in the end times, and this also signifies that the world will return to its previous state where mainstream culture was not Christian but rather pagan and anti-Christian.

  1. 🙏 The return of Jewish people to Jerusalem signifies a jubilee for the church, calling for a return to the power and radicalism of the book of Acts, as the ultimate mystery of biblical prophecy is the return of the owner, the king, to Jerusalem.

8.1 The return of Jewish people to Jerusalem signifies a jubilee for the church, calling for a return to the power and radicalism of the book of Acts, as the ultimate mystery of biblical prophecy is the return of the owner, the king, to Jerusalem.

8.2 The speaker discusses how the entire Bible is a story of Jubilee, where humanity lost their home in paradise but will ultimately return through salvation, and emphasizes that our whole lives are about rising to this restoration and becoming who God has intended us to be.

8.3 God is the one who restores, rebuilds, heals, and plants, and just as he did it for Israel, he can do it for your life too, so be strong and courageous because he is working all things for good and restoration, and ultimately, our ultimate possession is God.

8.4 God is real, loves you, and wants to restore your life, so accept Jesus as your savior now because tomorrow may be too late.

8.5 Pray a simple prayer to invite God into your life, ask for forgiveness, and receive His love, power, and presence.

8.6 I am now free, new, blessed, a child and disciple of God, with eternal life, saved, born again, and have blessings ahead of me as I follow Jesus as my disciple, praying in the name of my Jubilee and the Messiah Jesus.


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