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NEW FROM PERRY STONE – A Vision of America’s Empty Cities


🌆 Perry Stone shares a vision of America’s empty cities, hinting at a possible future scenario that could be controversial and thought-provoking.

🔮 In a vision from 1998, Perry Stone saw the Trade Centers shrouded in black with tornadoes spinning off the building, symbolizing destruction and chaos.

🚶‍♂️ The vision showed an empty US city with no one on the streets, indicating a complete shutdown of normal activities.

📜 The significance of silver trumpets in Scripture, representing redemption, highlights the need for spiritual renewal and restoration in the nation.

🙏 The speaker hopes for God’s mercy and intervention to stop the virus and protect the nation.

🙏 “We need to ask God to forgive us as a nation for shedding innocent blood and from mocking traditional marriage and taking prayer out of school and Bible reading out of school and not loudly allowing God Himself who created us to even be a part of our life.”

😷 The people turned to God and cried out for help when the plague came, showing that sometimes it takes a crisis for individuals to seek spiritual guidance.

🙏 “This is the time for all of us to turn to God and say God we need your help.”


TLDR: The speaker predicts and discusses a vision of empty cities in the United States and urges people to turn to God and pray for help during uncertain times.

  1. 👁️ A vision the speaker had 15 years ago may be coming true now, as some people have witnessed his past visions come to pass years later.
  2. 🔮 The speaker accurately predicted the events of 9/11 and the Gulf of Louisiana oil explosion in a vision, which included the collapse of the Trade Center and a tornado of black oil.

2.1 In a vision in 1998, the speaker saw the Trade Centers covered in black with five tornadoes carrying papers and computer papers, and sparks indicating a fire, but did not understand the meaning at the time.

2.2 The speaker accurately predicted the events of 9/11 and the Gulf of Louisiana oil explosion in a vision, which included the collapse of the Trade Center and a tornado of black oil.

  1. 👁️ The speaker predicts and discusses a vision of empty cities in the United States, where there are no people on the streets and everything is completely shut down.

3.1 The speaker discusses two notable incidents that he had predicted before they happened, and mentions that he has talked about this particular incident for many years.

3.2 The speaker describes a vision of empty cities in the United States, where there were no people on the streets and everything seemed completely shut down.

  1. 👤 The speaker tried to transport cases to the city for a gospel meeting, but they were unable to move, and despite finding silver trumpets symbolizing redemption and the calling of the camp, there was no movement or sound when they attempted to blow them towards the city.

4.1 The speaker recalls trying to transport cases to the city for a gospel meeting, but they were unable to move.

4.2 The speaker recalls finding silver trumpets in cases, symbolizing redemption and the calling of the camp, but despite attempting to blow them towards the city, there was no movement or sound.

  1. 🚫 There will be no church meetings in the city due to disruptions in oil and transportation, as the United States starts to see the shutting down of events and gatherings because of the coronavirus, and the speaker prays for God’s intervention.

5.1 There will be no church meetings in this city due to disruptions in oil and transportation, despite high prices.

5.2 China shut down an entire city due to the coronavirus, and now the United States is beginning to see the shutting down of various events and gatherings, and the speaker prays for God’s mercy and intervention to stop the virus.

  1. 🔮 The speaker believes that if certain actions are not taken, there could be widespread closures and lockdowns in cities, disrupting life as we know it, but the duration and outcome are uncertain.
  2. 🔮 God became angry with the rebellious people, but when a plague came, they cried out to God, and Moses, as an intercessor, stood between the living and the dead, stopping the plague.
  3. 🙏 Now is the time to turn to God and pray for help, with the hope that President Trump will call for a national day of fasting and prayer, as believers should not fear but have authority over the enemy, and the speaker will provide updates and resources for deeper study on the future of America for those interested, thanking supporters and urging them to pray for the nation.

8.1 Now is not the time for politics or fear, but for everyone to turn to God and pray for help, with the hope that President Trump will call for a national day of fasting and prayer.

8.2 Believers should not fear because they are in covenant with God and have authority over the enemy, and the speaker will provide updates and resources for deeper study on the future of America for those interested, thanking supporters and urging them to pray for the nation.

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