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Our Anchor In Times of Storm: Charles Stanley


The Anchor of God’s Word

⚓️ The anchor in the life of a believer is the Word of God, providing stability and security in times of storms.

🙏 God, if these are the purposes, are You trying to get my attention? God you’ve got it. Is there sin in my life? Show me exactly what it is.

⚓️ The anchor of God’s Word brings comfort in times of brokenness and overwhelming circumstances.

⚓️ The Word of God serves as an anchor in our storms because God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.

💪 The anchor of God’s promises provides peace in the midst of life’s storms.

🌩️ The promises of God’s presence, power, and provision cover every storm in our lives, giving us comfort and assurance.

🌊 The anchor of the Bible works every single time when we actively engage with it through reading, meditation, belief, application, and obedience.

The Impact of Storms on Personal Growth

🌊 Reflecting on his own storms, Dr. Stanley emphasizes that the worst storms in life are not physical, but rather the emotional and spiritual battles we face.

⛈️ The worst storm of all lasted the longest, tested my faith, tested my endurance, and I would have to say it was the worst storm of my life.

🌩️ Storms can either destroy us or develop us, depending on our perspective and response – they can either keep us stagnant or equip us to become powerful servants of God.

🙏 The death of Jesus on the cross made it possible for every person who believes in Him to be forgiven of their sin forever and eternally become a child of God.

Types of Storms in Life

🌪️ Storms come in different forms and seasons of life, affecting individuals in various ways such as losing their home, job, or experiencing separation and divorce.

🌍 Storms in life originate from various sources, highlighting the reality of living in a fallen world.

⚓️ Without Jesus as our anchor, we are sailing in dangerous waters, vulnerable to shipwreck in the currents that lead us away from God.


TLDR: The Word of God serves as an anchor in the storms of life, providing guidance, comfort, and assurance.

  1. 🌊 The speaker reflects on the storms he has faced in his life and emphasizes the importance of enduring and relying on the Word of God as an anchor in difficult times.

1.1 Dr. Charles Stanley has experienced various storms in his life, including one where he had to pack his bags to disembark, another where he couldn’t stand up to preach, and a particularly rough one where he had to look for a life vest, but he believes that the worst storms in his life have not been on the sea.

1.2 The speaker reflects on the various storms he has faced in his life, including opposition in his career and the loss of his mother, and discusses the importance of enduring and fighting through these storms rather than giving up.

1.3 The Word of God is an anchor in times of storm, and we must learn how to handle and ride out these storms in our lives.

  1. 🌩️ The anchor in a believer’s life is the Word of God, helping them navigate through inevitable storms that come from various sources, allowing God to reveal sin, equip for His purpose, and conform to His image.

2.1 The anchor in the life of a believer is the Word of God, which helps them navigate through the storms of life.

2.2 Different forms of storms, such as financial trouble, ill health, and family issues, can occur in different seasons of life, and people often suffer silently regardless of whether they share their struggles or not.

2.3 Storms in life are inevitable and can come from various sources, so it is important to know how to navigate through them.

2.4 God allows storms in our lives for a purpose, such as getting our attention, and nothing can touch us without His permission.

2.5 God allows storms in our lives to get our attention and to reveal and remove sin, and the longer we hold on to it, the stronger the storm becomes.

2.6 God sends storms in our lives to make us acknowledge His plans, surrender what we hold onto tightly, recognize sin, conform to His image, and equip us for His purpose.

  1. 🌊 Trust in God’s plan, surrender to Him, and serve Him in the storms of life, as they can either destroy or develop us depending on our response, and the Word of God serves as our immovable anchor in times of difficulty.

3.1 Identify the storms in your life, seek God’s purpose in them, surrender to Him, and be willing to serve Him, as there is always a reason for the difficulties we face.

3.2 Storms in life can either destroy or develop us, depending on how we respond, and it is important to trust in God’s plan and allow Him to work in our lives.

3.3 Our response to storms is determined by our view of God, whether we see Him as strict and angry or as a loving and compassionate God who knows what is best for us.

3.4 We need an anchor in our lives because we naturally drift, and the Word of God serves as our immovable anchor in times of storms.

3.5 The Bible is the written record of God’s revelation of Himself through nature, history, and Jesus Christ, and it is a book of truth that cannot mislead, despite claims of errors.

3.6 God reveals Himself through His spoken Word, nature, history, and ultimately through Jesus Christ.

  1. 📖 Understanding who God is and His role in writing the Bible is essential for it to have any meaning or impact in our lives, as it is the eternal Word of God without error, and studying it helps us understand how God works and how He has worked in the lives of people.

4.1 Understanding who God is and His role in writing the Bible is essential for it to have any meaning or impact in our lives.

4.2 Understand how God works by studying the Old and New Testaments to see how He spoke, acted, responded, moved, changed things, and worked in the lives of people.

4.3 The Bible is the eternal Word of God, given to us as a guidebook to understand and worship Him, and it is without error.

4.4 What is it about Jesus and God that some people don’t like, when they are loving, just, merciful, and holy, and the Bible cannot be full of errors if God is holy?

  1. 🌊 Find comfort and solace in God’s Word during personal turmoil and distress, as it serves as an anchor in times of storm, providing promises of His presence, power, and provision.

5.1 The anchor of God’s Word provides comfort and solace during times of personal turmoil and distress.

5.2 Find refuge in God during times of destruction and storms by reading and meditating on the Psalms.

5.3 David faced numerous storms in his life, including being pursued by Saul for twenty years, dealing with the consequences of his affair with Bathsheba, and his son’s betrayal, which is reflected in the honest and despairing Psalms he wrote.

5.4 The Word of God is our anchor in times of storm because it is comforting and because God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, which allows Him to know our location in the storm, be with us, and bring us through it.

5.5 God’s promises provide comfort and peace in the midst of storms, as He assures us to not let our troubled hearts be troubled and offers rest to those who are burdened.

5.6 No matter what storms you’re going through, the Word of God covers all of them and provides promises of His presence, power, and provision, so it is foolish to live without opening the Word of God.

  1. 🌟 Start your day with God, seek His guidance, and trust in Him as your anchor and compass in times of storm for success and reassurance in life.

6.1 Being dressed, having fuel in your car, and eating breakfast are all essential, but there is something even more essential.

6.2 Start your day with God, meditate on His Word, and seek His guidance in order to find success and prosperity in life.

6.3 Trust in the Lord, for He is our anchor and compass in times of storm, guiding us step by step and keeping us on the right path.

6.4 Reading about how God worked in the lives of biblical figures in the Old Testament provides guidance and reassurance in making wise decisions and facing life’s storms.

  1. 🌊 Difficult circumstances in our lives are not accidents, but rather a part of God’s guidance and governance, teaching us discipline and reliance on Him for our good.

7.1 The experiences of biblical figures like Daniel, David, and Moses serve as examples for us to learn from and avoid making the same mistakes and suffering the same consequences.

7.2 An anchor helps us see God’s viewpoint on the storms in our lives and understand that they are not just accidents, but rather a part of His guidance and governance, even though we may have some responsibility ourselves.

7.3 Losing his father at a young age drove the speaker to seek God and rely on Him, leading to a deep trust and dependence on Him.

7.4 God uses difficult circumstances in our lives to teach us discipline and reliance on Him, and even though it may seem like a storm, He is always working for our good if we trust Him.

  1. 🚢 Trusting in God and His teachings, acknowledging sinfulness, and believing in Jesus Christ as Savior is the anchor that brings forgiveness, salvation, assurance, confidence, and comfort in times of storm.

8.1 Possessing an anchor, such as the Bible, is not enough; to make it work, one must read, meditate, believe, apply, and obey its teachings.

8.2 No matter who you are or what you’re going through, if you acknowledge your sinfulness and believe in Jesus Christ, you can be forgiven and become a child of God.

8.3 Without trusting in God as your Savior, you are sailing in dangerous waters without a compass or anchor, and the current of today will lead you away from God.

8.4 Pray that the message of Christ’s need in times of storm reaches and brings salvation, assurance, confidence, and comfort to people worldwide.

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