Insights 😢 Crying out to God is more than just praying, it is a deeper expression of desperation and neediness in difficult situations. 🙏 Crying out to God is a spontaneous response to an urgent...
View PostInsights 🤔 "When you and I walking in the will of God, whatever he allows is for our good." - Dr. Charles Stanley 🙏 The peace of God brings an overwhelming sense of affirmation and...
View PostInsights Importance of Trusting God's Timing ⏳ Waiting upon God's timing is crucial because what He wants to accomplish is usually more than what we have in mind. ⏳ "I've just been waiting for God...
View PostInsights God's Guidance and Protection 💪 God has equipped us to fulfill His calling and purpose for our lives, beyond just attending church and hearing sermons. 🙏 Impatience arises when we insist on having something...
View PostInsights 🦁 Denying the existence of Satan is like being in a ring with lions and saying you don't believe in animals. 💭 The flesh refers to the drive within us that opposes God, and...
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