Key Insights 💫 "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." - Peter's bold declaration of faith...
View PostKey Insights 🙏 Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes the importance of addressing trauma, triggers, and triumph in our lives. 🏥 Psychologists use the word trauma to describe the degree to which an event or incident has...
View PostKey Insights 🙏 Honor God in such a way that He breaks the curse over your life and prepares you for what He is about to do. 🌪️ "You cannot live out of your feelings...
View PostKey Insights 💡 The courage to be yourself sets you in conflict with your environment because your environment is predescribed and predisposed for you to function in predictable ways. 💔 Many people contort and distort...
View PostKey Insights 💪 "Hurdles were made to be leaped over, hurdles were made to be overcome, hurdles were made so that you can catapult yourself into the next dimension." 💥 Jesus confronted problems head-on and...
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