Key Insights π "When you have forgiven seven times seventy, when you have done all those things that I have commanded you, say we are unprofitable servants. We have done that which is our duty...
View PostKey Insights πͺ Bishop Jake's has a special message for anyone who's frustrated with things not going their way, encouraging them to keep fighting instead of giving up. πͺ Moses faced numerous challenges and hardships...
View PostKey Insights π "We won't see wind and we won't see rain and yet there will be water that miraculously comes out of nowhere in our dry place." - Bishop T.D. Jakes reminds us to...
View PostKey Insights π God values and protects you, even when it may not seem like it, and he has a plan for your life, as shown through Jesus' surprising actions and deeper meaning behind his...
View PostKey Insights π "I don't want to go anywhere and come back the same if it's not going to add to me if it's not going to do something for me." π "Jesus survived the...
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