Key Insights 🐴 Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes that miracles are within our reach, using examples like a donkey's jawbone or two fish and five loaves of bread. 🙌 God is ready to deliver us from...
View PostKey Insights 🐴 Bishop T.D. Jakes emphasizes that miracles are within our reach, using examples like a donkey's jawbone or two fish and five loaves of bread. 🙌 God is ready to deliver us from...
View PostKey Insights 🙏 The patriarchal blessing held great significance in determining one's birthright and destiny in the culture of that time. 💡 There is such a thing as a second chance at a blessing, even...
View PostKey Insights 💪 "Sometimes God allows you to go through things so that you can model for someone else how to go through because we don't always grow up in homes where we had models."...
View PostKey Insights 💪 "I hear God saying I'll serve you according to the level of your expectation... I'm expecting great things, powerful breakthrough." 💪 "I'm anointed for the breakthrough start over start over start over."...
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