Key Insights 🙏 The assurance that nothing, not even tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword, can separate us from the love of God in Christ brings immense comfort. 🤔 Jesus challenges the young...
View PostKey Insights 💔 Public school teacher Jessica Tapia lost her job for her faith, highlighting the issue of religious discrimination in the education system. 💔 Jessica Tapia shares her personal experience of being fired for...
View PostKey Insights ⏰ Luke 21 discusses future events that are starting to align, emphasizing the importance of being prepared to meet Jesus. 😱 The tribulation period will bring great distress and wrath upon the unbelieving...
View PostKey Insights 🤯 AI's ability to determine who lives and who dies raises ethical concerns and blurs the line between technology and religion. 🌍 The preaching of the 144,000 male Jews will lead to a...
View PostKey Insights 🌍 There is a dark and sinister side to the masked or veiled agenda that is becoming increasingly evident in the world today. 😱 The times are going to get grueling for believers...
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