Keys Insights "Grace is the truth and Jesus is the source of grace." Grace teaches us how to live a godly life, relieving us from the burden of trying to achieve it on our own....
View PostKey Insights It is important for Christians to understand what the Bible says about God speaking through dreams and visions. God's response to Solomon's request not only granted him wisdom, but also bestowed upon him...
View PostKey Insights Our righteousness is not based on our own faith, but on the faith of the son of God, allowing us to believe in what Jesus believes about us. "I can rest now because...
View PostKey Insights Our personal experiences with God become powerful testimonies of His mercy and grace, transforming our lives and giving us a new song to sing. When you walk into a place, it's not just...
View PostKey Insights The most important thing a Christian can do is renew their mind, exchanging worldly thinking for a biblical perspective, in order to align with the will of God. Taking control of our thought...
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