Key Insights 🌟 "Heaven is not the default destination of every person, only the man or woman who has put their faith in Christ." 🎺 The rapture is described as a future event where Jesus...
View PostKey Insights ⚔️ The Antichrist will make war with and kill Christians, relentlessly hunting them down. 💀 The second beast has the power to give birth to an image of the Beast that can speak...
View PostKey Insights 📖 Praying is an amazing privilege that allows us to come into God's presence and speak to Him as children speak to a father. 🙏 Prayer is not about changing God's mind, but...
View PostKey Insights 😄 "Despite what all these people tell us, according to the bible you can be happy, according to the bible you should be happy and you just need to look for it in...
View PostKey Insights 🖐️ Worry is a common problem that many individuals struggle with, as indicated by the number of people who raised their hands when asked if they have a problem with worry. 😰 Worry...
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