Key Insights 😡 The devil works hard to keep us upset and make us mad at someone, but we have the power to keep our peace. 😇 "Nothing that God tells us to do is...
View PostKey Insights 🤔 Jesus' question to his disciples about who they say he is challenges us to personally reflect on our own beliefs and understanding of who Jesus is. 💎 Jesus tells Peter, "Upon this...
View PostKey Insights 💡 Real holiness is not legalism, it's about dedicating every area of your life to God and making choices that lead to a victorious life. 💡 "The anointing oil was never put on...
View PostKey Insights 💪 Faith is not just about believing in Jesus, but also about learning to live by faith in all aspects of life. 💗 Your faith cannot grow without love, as the more you...
View PostKey Insights 🌟 Relationships can change over time, and it's common for friendships to evolve or fade away, but it's important to cherish the memories and accept the changes. 🤔 Understanding and adapting to each...
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