Key Insights 😊 You can change your whole life by simply changing your attitude. 😊 Your attitude is your thought life turned inside out, so choose to have a positive attitude towards whatever is happening...
View PostKey Insights 💭 If we continue to only do what we want, think, or feel, we will ultimately reap the consequences and may not like the outcome. 💫 The power of appreciation: When we appreciate...
View PostKey Insights 💪 "You are stronger than you think you are." 💪 "I can do whatever I need to do through Christ who is my strength and I am stronger than I think I am."...
View PostKey Insights 🙏 "Faith is really the only antidote for fear." 🙏 Grace is not just undeserved favor, but also the power and presence of God that helps us do what we could never do...
View PostKey Insights 💫 Grace is not only God's undeserved favor, but also His power that enables us to do what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle and effort. 🙏...
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