Key Insights Overcoming Unfairness and Finding Success 🌈 Life's unfair moments can be the stepping stones to your success. 😇 It's not our fault if we get knocked down, but it's our responsibility to get...
View PostKey insights 🌟 "The things we see are subject to change. That sickness may look permanent, but the truth is it's subject to change." 🌧️ Elijah's declaration of rain in the midst of drought teaches...
View PostKey Insights Handling persecution and criticism with the blessing 🌟 The blessing comes with opposition, jealousy, and criticism - can you handle it? 🌟 If you can handle the persecution, then God can trust you...
View PostKey insights 🌟 God had the solution before you had the problem, so trust in Him even when you don't see how it could happen. 🙏 It's okay to say "I don't know how it's...
View PostKey insights 🛡️ Forces that should have stopped you, enemies that should have defeated you, trouble that should have caused you great heartache, didn't have any effect on you because you were invisible to the...
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