Insights Personal Revival and Growth 🙌 It's more important to have a personal revival than just attending a revival meeting. 💬 "Blessed is the man who finds skillful and godly wisdom and the man who...
View PostInsights Our Heavenly Identity and Mission 🌟 There is a Heaven and a hell, and it's crucial to recognize the eternal consequences of our choices and beliefs. 🌍 "Earth is a colony, and we are...
View PostInsights 🌍 We are meant to be given to the world and make a difference, but first, we must go through a process of being taken, blessed, and broken by God. 🌟 "Before I formed...
View PostInsights 💀 Death was defeated at the cross when Jesus died for us, so Christians don't have to be afraid of death. 🤔 Greg Laurie's transformation from mocking Christians to becoming a believer highlights the...
View PostInsights The Power of God's Love and Restoration 💕 The overarching metanarrative is that there is a perfect holy God who is absolutely smitten with Sinners Like Us. 😮 God's intention is to restore the...
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