Insights Spiritual Warfare and Standing Firm in Our Calling 🎯 God has chosen and intended for us to fulfill a unique purpose, and we should expect to go to places beyond our imagination. 💪 Even...
View PostInsights 🙏 Having faith means trusting in God's plan, even when we don't understand why we have to go through certain challenges and struggles. 😢 It's okay to feel abandoned by God during difficult times,...
View PostInsights 🌟 Heaven is full of unreleased vision that God is eagerly waiting to invest on Earth. 🙌 "I'm not talking about something for marketing. I'm talking about something for a miracle. I'm not talking...
View PostInsights 🙏 Jesus reassures us that we are worth more than sparrows and encourages us to trust in Him, reminding us not to be troubled or afraid. ⛈️ The description of the disciples being tossed...
View PostInsights 🙏 "If you'll empty out the worry, God will fill you with peace." 😌 Emptying out negativity and forgiving others allows room for God to fill us with good things and bring healing into...
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