Insights 🙏 "What we haven't done is to really depend on God." 🏭 The community's faith in U.S. Steel as a stable employer was shattered when the company failed and left, revealing that it was...
View PostInsights 🌍 The pilgrims who voyaged to America in search of religious freedom faced wars, oppositions, and hardships, highlighting the challenges they encountered in their pursuit of a new life. 💔 Imprisonment for religious beliefs...
View PostInsights 🔥 God has a plan to use undocumented migrant farm workers as catalysts for revival, igniting a spiritual awakening in the nation. 🙏 Despite being kicked out of Ventura, the church carried a cross...
View PostInsights 🙏 The Great Awakening unified the colonies and turned them to God just before the American Revolution, with many clergymen leading colonial fighting units and urging their men to fight for the glory of...
View PostInsights 🙏 "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." 🙏 Christians in Russia experienced systematic persecution from the communist government, yet their faith and resilience produced wonderful results....
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