Insights 💔 You cannot be given to the world until you've been taken by the master, blessed by God, broken by life, and then given to the world. 💪 God chooses fragile and broken individuals...
View PostInsights 💭 "You shall have whatever you say so says the word of God." - Our words have power and can shape our reality. 🗣️ The way you talk to yourself can either feed your...
View PostInsights 💡 The process of crushing can lead to gaining wisdom that cannot be acquired through any other means. 💔 The process of growth and transformation often requires disruption and pain, even though it may...
View PostInsights 🕊️ "Trouble has an expiration date, but trauma can last for 30 years." 🧠 God is more interested in our obedience than our intellect, as obedience is proven best when we don't fully comprehend...
View PostInsights 💎 "The real crushing started when God became man, as He stripped Himself of His glory and humbled Himself down to His soft parts." 🌟 "God incarnate, the staggering amazing reality that God would...
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