Insights Embracing Change and Transformation 😌 "Jesus said my peace give unto me not the Peace of the world but the peace which passive all understanding this is the peace that you stand under you...
View PostInsights 🕰️ "God has a watch and it never loses time and he knows exactly when to raise you and exactly when to bring you out." 💔 God allows us to go through crushing experiences...
View PostInsights 🌟 "He chooses fragile broken limited people so you won't be confused where the ointment comes from, knowing that the glory we have is not of ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord." 🎨 God...
View PostInsights 😇 The anointing is made out of a mixture of suffering and joy, showing that God's purpose can be found even in difficult times. 🔍 Searching for God and seeking Him in times of...
View PostInsights 💒 Building something extraordinary requires faith and perseverance, even when faced with challenges and obstacles along the way. 🙏 Despite going through personal hardships, T.D. Jakes continued to serve and support others, showing resilience...
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