Insights 🙏 We are helpless without God, and we need Him to guide our steps and bring out the potential that He has placed inside of us. 💫 The concept of God incarnate challenges our...
View PostInsights 💔 The more God breaks you, the more He multiplies you so that you can meet the needs you couldn't meet before because the multiplication is in the breaking, not in the blessing. 💪...
View PostInsights Hearing and Recognizing God's Voice 🐑 "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me." - Jesus' words emphasize the importance of recognizing and obeying God's voice in our lives. 🐑 "The only requirement...
View PostInsights 💭 The challenge lies in discerning whether it is God speaking to us or our own thoughts. 🤔 God's willingness to provide a sign to Gideon shows that even the creator of the universe...
View PostInsights 🐑 The speaker suggests that humans are like sheep and have a natural ability to hear God's voice. 🗣️ "The greatest disservice we could ever do to someone is to tell that person that...
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