Insights 💔 We give God our hurt and He gives us His healing. 😇 "I can remember one time that this young lady got saved and she went home she was living with a guy...
View PostInsights 💡 "Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path" - The Bible can serve as a guiding light in determining the right path to take in life. 🔦 When...
View PostInsights 💡 "God's word is a light to my path." 📖 Just like flipping a switch in a dark room, when we open up God's word, the darkness in our hearts dissipates immediately as God...
View PostInsights 🗣️ "My greatest memories as a believer are not what god's done for me but what god said to me." 📖 The Holy Spirit is described as walking alongside us, indicating that He is...
View PostInsights 💑 "God's number one reason for communicating with us is friendship and relationship." 📚 God's communication with us is not just about dropping off books for us to read, but about personal interaction and...
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