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The Terrifying Role of A.I. in the End Times: Jimmy Evans

by RowenaNovember 7, 2023

Key insights 🤖 "They're a machine, they're a program, and we're human." - AI blurs the line between humans and machines, raising ethical and existential questions. 🤖 AI's role in the end times is a...

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3 Undeniable Reasons the Rapture is Pre-Trib: Jimmy Evans

by RowenaNovember 6, 2023

Key insights 💡 "A pre-tribulation Rapture of the church can be found in the Bible, and it can be proven using only Biblical sources." 💡 "I could no longer defend a post-tribulation Rapture... pastors teach...

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1290 Days Until the 2nd Rapture: Jimmy Evans

by RowenaNovember 5, 2023

Insights 📅 According to Revelation 11, during the tribulation, everyone will witness significant events like the abomination of desolation and the Antichrist's actions simultaneously, eliminating the element of eminency. 🌩ī¸ The presence of wars, famines,...

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Israel’s End Times Blessing: Jimmy Evans

by RowenaNovember 4, 2023

Insights Blessing of Abraham and the Bloodline Blessing 🌍 The Jews have been exceptionally blessed throughout history, with significant contributions in fields such as science, technology, mathematics, entertainment, and finance. 🙏 The bloodline Blessing of...

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The World Stands Against Israel: Jimmy Evans

by RowenaNovember 3, 2023

Insights ⏰ According to Pastor W.A Criswell, watching what's happening with Jerusalem is crucial in understanding the biblical and prophetic significance of current events. đŸ’Ŗ Israel has improved the bunker busting bombs they received, indicating...

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